You can’t even stand for who you are behind your anonymous accounts on the net :) ???



Have had a great weekend, and yesterday came a wonderful friend past. Really lovely to sleep out now in the morning it is important to do it. I notice that the whole day will be better if you get the sleep you need. I tinkered with a few things that I wanted to get done yesterday and it feels like it was good. I have left to do of course but I like to have it so. Always have something that is ongoing but messing around with when you want to and can. Now I sit and drink my coffee and waiting for it to work as it should  😛 

Bought a pair of curtains the other day and had thought that they would be great for my bedroom because they would not let in so much light. It looked promising from the start when they still lay wrapped in the package. Bought a pair of curtains the other day and had thought that they would be great for my bedroom because they would not let in so much light. It looked promising from the start when they still lay wrapped in the package. Very nice and they have cost several hundred and I got them for 100 SEK. So it was good. Was not quite as I had planned, but it was really nice. The curtain let in light in a very nice way, and it is a beautiful curtain that fits in my room. Now we don’t hope for much here, I’m not a star just when it comes to interiors but I do what I can  😛 


All you can do so much without being the best. I’m good at creative things it’s my thing simply. But I mastered so much and right now I’m trying to sing the difficult songs without having to stand up. It is a challenge just in itself haha  😛 



Now it is also here that I write my songs myself and it is just now 13 songs that are on Spotify : 

I get many comments on my music, and there are many who write that it is good. Some of my songs better than other songs that I have done. It is entirely up to each one to think what you think. Everyone gets to have an opinion. But, for those who write only negative comments to you want me to be sad and take me. When the comments are not at all relevant and you write them only for that you are disappointed in yourself and your life situation. I selfrealize myself and you don’t have the ability to do it themselves. Instead of you to be jealous of me and feel that you have the need to carp down on it as I do so making something of your life instead. I wrote my songs for you for that you would have something exciting in your life to do as to write that what I do is bad. For the actually play no major role for me how many negative comments I get regarding my music.I am a reminder for those of you who write these negative comments that you are not happy with your life. It is here that I get very many nice comments, both in terms of me as a person and about my music. I have a really good self-confidence and self-esteem because all the time I selfrealize myself every day. It may have worked to get me to feel a little bit bad with the negative comments when I was younger, but don’t forget that I am older today. This is not about that you should go on someone who takes but does this mean that you should do something about your life instead. You seem to not even have something that people can even think about. You can’t even stand for who you are behind your anonymous accounts on the net, or is it that you don’t have the ability to be able to even put up a profile picture of yourself haha  😛 ???

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl  😛  

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