You are amazing all of you and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH :)

As it is raining now constant here in Sweden so I try to make the best of the day. It’s like I have all the tempest in my brain right now. It gets worse, the low power and sleep it do nothing so it is just a hassle. Will be so lovely when the weather stabilized again and the rain has fallen. I know that it will stay on for a while so it is just to accept the situation  🙂 

A day like this so I slow down my speed sharply and saves on the energy that I have. I am almost always a lot of things about the days and today so I will almost not have to do anything. It is useful to have these days and I feel fast a little prisoner in my own body right when you have the time but not the strength. The desire to do lot of things and that the strength is not enough. The brain can’t keep up. This sounds very sad, it is unfortunately, so many of us have it. I know it’s just temporary so I can deal with this in a healthy way.
I have very much work now with my blog in the future it will be so exciting. I like it when it happens stuff and is very excited regarding everything. New things means big a lot of work from my side as I begin to prepare for it. The time before Christmas is saved  😛 

I will have our hands full with new music and with my blog. A thousand thanks to all of you who read my blog and listen to my music. You are amazing all of you and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH : 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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