Woke up to that my blog was deregistered again now 4 time on bloggportalen.se

Woke up to that my blog was deregistered again now 4 time on bloggportalen.se It happens as soon as I have good placement. I think it is sad that there are those people who can’t take it goes well for anyone else and who must sabotage. The picture is taken a few days ago. Now I’m not even on the leaderboard, but I may start again now.

It is here that my blog is a big part of me and I have been blogging since 2012. This makes it become a bit boring when I don’t get to be left alone, however, so I will not stop blogging for it  😛 

I will not stop making music. I will never stop be be me. Will post each thing and event to be a little stronger and a little better. I have good confidence and I’m happy. Just think that such events are boring then I basically do this all with my business for it to be built a good foundation for my son and me. 

In spite of this happened today so it has been a very good day. So warm and wonderful. Tonight we’ll eat seafood. Yesterday, we ate fish and really good food. Really so wonderful in the summer. So wonderful and we could not wished for a better summer  😛 

Think it would not do anything if it came rain it is really needed !

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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