Will be nice to take a shower then and also see how much Zebra I looks like :)

Fantastic weather today with sunshine. I have been out in the sun for many hours now. Went in recently to refresh myself a bit with water and ice cream. Fun and really nice that it is so hot out there now finally  😛 

Will be nice to take a shower then and also see how much Zebra I looks like after all the sun hihi  😀 

I bought fresh potatoes at the store last time as we were and was so it I have eaten today also. Yesterday I ate potatoes and herring. Today it was potatoes and chicken in cream and green curry sauce.

So lovely to have a bit more free day today then I held on and cleaned so much yesterday. 

My son is away and playing with his friend and have a good time. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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2 kommentarer

  1. Ny potatis med dill är verkligen sommar och så gott. Lika gott att äta när de är kalla. Visst har vi fantastiskt väder nu. Kram från mig

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