Today when I opened Facebook so I read that one of my friends died :(


When people die, so I know what happens because I is medial. It is something that I have always known and experienced on my way. It is so sad when young people die. Today when I opened Facebook so I read that one of my friends died. I remember that I interviewed him for the long time no see here on my blog then he is a good Rapper and made music. So good at music and the whole life in front of him. A kind nice person so young and a real fighter. I am thinking of all his family and send all my love to you. I lost one of my best friends when I was younger and I think of him every day. It is still extremely emotional and there is so very missed but I know he is proud of the person that I am today. It gives me strength even in the most difficult moments. Sometimes we’ll talk in our way, but even so, it feels heavy. 

LOVE From MinikeGirl 

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