The training will be tough :)

Now it is time to tighten the screws on my exercise machine. I was ready before I pulled it, and twisted the screws. Then I was really tired and ate food. I’m now not hungry. I slept only 3 hours last night so I will workout when I have slept better. Now is the in order in all cases, hihi  😛 


Important that I tighten the screws sometimes on my exercise machine then it will be both better and safer workout. Now I have had a break and feel that it is time to kick off again soon. Before this winter so I decided to not freeze so I have eaten a lot of food and I have gone up  of weight that I now want to get rid of again. I want to get back my muscles, but most of my physics as I had before. Did as many of you already know about a medical test to get a better health which unfortunately did not work. Will probably take at least half a year before I am back to how my health was before I tried the new medicine. The training will be tough and it will help my body to feel better again, in all cases as it was before. It is, therefore I exercise because it feels absolutely fantastic to be up and running and to help the body and mind to feel better.

Plans for fully how and when my next album is going to be released it feels the top. Timing is everything in order. What I do now is to try and at the same time get started my body again and also to get good rest. It comes to fit. Tonight, I will soon crawl down in the bed that I have, despite the few hours I was sleeping the night before, been awake all day. So it is time now hihi  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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4 kommentarer

  1. Skönt att sakta komma igång med träningen igen. Jag har som mål att komma igång med mina dagliga promisar igen. Så spännande med din nya musik. Sov gott.

  2. Snälla jag ber dig innerligen! Ta dig tid att läsa och sedan bilda en egen uppfattning genom att göra en research. Tänk på dina nära och kära och läs det jag har skrivit. Jag är inte ute efter att tjäna pengar eller efter att tjäna en agenda, utan efter att väcka folket med faktabaserad sanning.

    1. Hej 🙂 tyckte det var väldigt intressant läsning du hade som tips. Tack så mycket. Tyckte det var är bra artikel. Hoppas att du får en bra dag Kramiz MinikeGirl

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