The Right SIZE :)

In the weekend that has been so had my son football which he thinks is big fun. I played myself football as a younger and it is a sport that I like very much even though I don’t play for yourself today. It will be a little football in the summer with friends.

Last few weeks I have been working with my blog and with my music. It’s really fun and today I’ll arrange it so that it will be good with the cover to my album. So now it is not so far left it feels like until I can drop my album. Everything goes according to plan. It has been very much work with everything at the same time I need structure so that everyday life becomes as planned. Some days, everything has worked really well and of late there has been days when my focus has not been on top. It is just to run the I plan of course to rest in my schedule, I’ll have to adjust everything because. 

I will also make a trip this year to be able to get away a little bit from everything and to be able to gather some new energy. Get that extra sun that I need. So now I have planned the whole year, which feels so lovely.I find it difficult to only do things from one day to the other now-a-days. When I was younger so it felt like no problem and I was able to do impulsive things. Today I feel better when it is a good planning, and that I hold me to it as I have decided and is there anyone who will change something as it is me. 

I will also work with my blog and with my music more full time now come. I will be off in the summer from other jobs so I can work with what I have created. It will be a good year.

Now I have been drinking my coffee here so now I’m going to see if it is the right size in my album cover lol  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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4 kommentarer

  1. Fotboll ärr jag värdelös på – är boll rädd vilket inte är en bra kombo när det handlar om bollsport.

    Spännande att du snart ska släppa ditt album.

    Ha en bra onsdag

    1. 💜🎶Hej ja det kan vara klurigt med fotboll ⚽
      Tack ja det kommer bli härligt att släppa mitt album särskilt detta då det är mycket bearbetning av vad jag varit med om och djupa känslor. All musik som jag gör är ju bearbetning å djupa texter men detta album blir som ett vägskäl för mig 💜
      Trevlig Onsdag du med Finaste Kamilla Kramizar Minike 🎶

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