I´m No Supermodel :)


I’m no supermodel and I have an inner being who does not want to be in the cards. So it is always difficult, but it is so fun to improvise 😆 

Yesterday I took while in training again and it was 45 minutes. I can run on the heaviest but I have still been training for so many years so it just have to do it where the passengers again to get started. It was lovely and it is better to try to wait for the right moment so it will be good training. Because my stepmachine do I get heated when I exercise so it is good to now after the break that I’m not running on the big machine every day. So today it may be something else and I’m considering if maybe I should take the rowing machine a little quiet. All just to run through the entire body. So it knows what is to come 😀

As I sat yesterday and tinkered with the computer so I did a new song at the same time. Haha it just fell down and behaved like that I really have no other songs that will be done first. No, all at once 😀 . It is a great gift and I am so grateful that I have it. Even though I experienced in my gifts and it jumps you to the sometimes things happen when you least expect it. It is really wonderful feelings. Requires, however, that you always have a pen and paper. I play even in my mobile phone when needed which is really smooth.


Today on the blog, so we will arrange with a link that failed yesterday. It seemed to had a life of its own. Nothing that is not possible to arrange during the day so clear, and there is nothing that you readers will notice. I notice it statistically for a while but it’s nothing to rush up for. Because the work is really well done so now it is just to run. Previous times we have done lot of work and hired companies who are professionals in SEO. This is very expensive but I have learned a lot along the way. Most importantly is to get a good grip with their blog and activities on the web. You want it to get stuck in the right places. So the work I now do is to see how well everything is stuck and where. I have deliberately held back on my own regular blog work to see where I ended up. This is a work that I will not need doing again if it turns out to keep themselves well. 

I will constantly revise because the work so that it stays strong. Think it may be necessary for the next step of approximately 1 year. Finally, I have a year bet it feels absolutely brilliant. It will be good and fun to be able to build now the next step.


Will be blogging a lot and make my music. I’m also focused on work in the summer which is a great honor and joy for me. I long for the summer because I get to work it is a wonderful feeling, even in the midst of the darkest winter. Book like me a few summers ahead. It is one of the biggest highlights of the year. I have been able to work in the winter is not so bad to be me. So my latest outage is nothing to feel bad about. I am humble and this is all bonus for me and nothing that I had ever been able to expect of myself, but something that works. 


I presses me to see what I can and can’t and I get to do it at my own pace that is when it works best. It is when I don’t get the time to mess and process it myself as it will not be good. When the other puts in too much how I handle myself. Not that I listen for I know what is best for me, but it takes energy that I need to have to just restrain myself.


Take Care Of Each Other 😀 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 


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Excited In Relation

10552561_550030445120042_904882889023518198_nNow I run a little workout that I longed to be able to do. Took it relatively easy on my rowing machine yesterday. But intend to run on a bit today so it will be more and more because. Need to get my adrenaline to rush and work on the right way again and it makes it through my workout. It becomes wrong when it is used to unhealthy stress and skyrockets. So, this is about to change back to normal when it has become imbalance because of many different external circumstances. 

I have learned to influence it as I can myself as much as possible for it to be as good as possible and the external stress is hard to avoid especially when it comes from several different sources. It will be great to work with then all of a sudden.
That is why I usually try to accept the situation and do what I can to ease the situations that have arisen.


I am very excited in relation to my next song is about to be released shortly. There was a campaign recently, where I usually let my songs through and it was free for a time to release the songs. So that is why it takes longer time with this let drop, as many made use of this offer. Usually it goes very quickly to get out of their songs so it does not matter that it takes a little longer this time.

Now it is the weekend and I am going to continue exactly as I do with everything right now.


Nice Weekend all my Best Listeners and Readers 😀 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 


My Songs On Spotify :


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IMG_4190Yesterday me  and my Webmaster arranged with my blog. I think it was really good. It’s fun to be able to do a little extra stuff on the blog so it will be as you want it. You may test simply and will be ready to figure out a lot about how to do. I have many different proposals and it is good to be able to talk to someone who can. So you see that there are some new things here on the blog. But we continuously keep on working for some good features. That is what’s so great working with my Webmaster as today was in the time before I myself had started to come.

Then it will be much made and you get good energy from each other. 

 Today there are a lot of preparation because I have my next song to be released soon. I am already inside of it that I’ll be working with next, so it floats on as it should. It is very different contrasts on all of my songs and I love it. The one that will be released soon, will be different from the songs that come afterwards. So it is perfectly in order and as usual.


 Usually nice for the first time with new links on a blogportal for the honeymoon. This is for that then you have a new tasty links to work with. Then one may study how to work with them and correct what needed to be corrected. I like to clear the decks and focus on what is relevant to focus on.


I love to blog but also my music, which I love tinkering with. Therefore, it feels extra fun now to get on the blog that I have been given.


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 


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Happy For Others

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H

First, it is very emotional to feel that one has somehow been replaced by other people. But the time is changing and it is not possible to keep a fixed in what was once. The day has 24 hours so it is not possible to change 😀 . Things like this happends all the time thats what life is about. Dont forget that when you feel replaced its often not as bad as it feels. You dont own other peoples time and they dont own yours. So dont feel sad. Sometimes the time dont fit your own style and what you want 😀 . So dont be selfish. Everything needs to have its own time.

I, for one, understand it. Therefore, it is good as it is though it is new to me. It’s more important that everyone involved feel good. There sometimes arises a situation which is not feels so big fun and you stand in the middle of this situation and feel hurt and not at all comfortable in how things have become. At the same time that you are happy for others ’ happiness. Accept the situation and go out of the entire situation for yourself feel better is not a bad choice. It is a very good choice for you to do what you yourself are doing well out in the long run. Especially when all who are in the situation, that everyone should feel good in the end. Then there is nothing to hesitate of, I think.

There is so much that I have in front of me now and today I released a little of my habitual life. How does it feel ? I am terrified but that is what you should be when you challenge yourself when it comes to these challenges. It is also triggering in a good way and that is how I become stronger. When I talk about being strong, it’s much more about being  physically strong. It is about being strong in its entire existence. It is about a sense of security and freedom. It is about emotions and acceptance. It’s all about love.

Sometimes it feels like that is more dependent on other people than what you really are. Clearly you are addicted, but in what way are you depending? During the later time so I have been thinking a lot and felt much like I always do. Hello ! My brain 😀 link together and take apart things that many other people’s brains do not do. Both advantages and disadvantages in that I works so. But for the attentive person so it has been more feelings and musings of me here on the blog. I feel strong and I am intense when I feel. It is I who cries to action movies because it would be so awesome. It is I who cries to horror movies because I often feel sorry about and sympathy for the spirits and creatures that go again and scares people. There is such sadness behind a lot. As I often feel with people who have sought help and been sent home and then commit horrible crimes. But then it has gone too far, I can find also. You want to be able to capture young people before it goes so far.

The benefits are nothing without the disadvantages because there is so much in between that many people forget. I am happy and I am glad that I have my intense think that I with a lot of practice is in order. Often, it was like I was that girl who had not so much an eye on things. In spite of my outward behaviour, I was very introverted and a real dreamer. I was very fuzzy and wanted a lot of it never got anything done. I was really not into how it would be or behave in different situations. In any case, I felt so it does not need to be as it was. But in my world it was so and it was all the time so important how you looked in front of other people and how they perceived me. It shaped me to feel that I never fit in. It has nothing to with that I am allowed to do at all. I fit in but it felt not so.

To be a girl and have my drivers in selfrealize myself has not been easy. Guys are often praised if they want to conquer the world, but as a girl, it’s so wrong inculcated her to be quiet and calm. But as I said I am terribly stubborn, and even the impossible is possible to make almost possible, it need not be either or.With my blog and with my music so I want to prove that you should never give up on their dreams. Putting the other people time and effort in to all the time think that what you are doing is fuzzy and not worth anything. It is when you have nothing and it is more fuzzy to carp down on others dreams and goals and visions in life. They are often afraid to live out.

You are unique and valuable, everybody never forget it 😀 


Many hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 


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Continue To Dare



Now I have finally sent my next song on the release. I wanted just that this song could be on the way at the right time. The right time is now when I had a slump last month and is on his way out of it. It is precisely what the song’s content is about, which makes all much easier today.

It is a fact that I have had it very good in recent time and it has not at all been the many puddles at all. I know that I was very frustrated at first when I ended up in my downswing and I took a day at a time and it worked just as well as it usually do. So I thought not much of it. The one week I was more sensitive and the second week I was not so sensitive. Then it became more and more contrasts on the whole.


My thyroid values were ”normal” but the one value was high and I don’t think I have had as high as before. So compare it with how it’s been in the past on my host so end up it’s probably not in the context of what is ”normal” for me. It remains to find out. But as I know so everything will be better when I get started with my training and work again. One day at a time. Life was simpler then the I from to not bother me at all if things to become a so-called FREAK to want to be in control of everything that happens. The contrast is very big there but it is how I feel best. I have had zero control many times in my life and everything I have done has been wrong. Therefore, it is important for me that I do things that I’m capable of. There may be failures that I also understand but it may not be too much for then I become passive for the most part. It is important to get to feel that everyday life works. Therefore, snowing, many who are like me in on what they are good at just because they are safe there. It becomes even comfort zone. I also have these strong forces must have the ability to just stop time to catch up with myself.

 I can’t work to support people in their daily lives, if I myself do not dare to process myself when it pops up different kinds of problems. You always learn something, and that is what is so wonderful to know. I have learned to speak up and to say stop to myself and other people. I have learned that it is often people who respect your choice when you say that you need to take care of yourself. It is the people you keep closest to heart, no matter who it is. But it is also the people you should listen to when they want to get you out for that walk that you can not take that you don’t really feel good.


 Continue to dare to process it as you have in you for it gets better. It’s okay to be afraid of it, which you can find on the road. But for every step that you take regardless of whether it feels good or is hard so that always counts as a success. To carry things within itself, eating away at the soul. 


Have the Best My Lovely Readers


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😀


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Have structured up my blog a bit with some minor adjustments. When I still keep trying to get on the blog more in depth. It’s funny now when I have this new theme to work in.

It is very due to the work needed to be done and it takes a long time. I may try to take some every day now. Must buy one to cover this I feel. But for new bloggers it is just to run. It’s just that I’ve been blogging since the year 2012.

I learn a lot on the way and therefore I try to be constantly in phase with it all the time. But it is moving forward and it feels wonderful.


Will soon send my next song away for it to be released. It is a song that I could not have chosen to release at a better time. It is a song that I really needed to get clear right now.

My next song is about what came to be one of my biggest breaks in life.

It is so symbolic and when I press that I’m going to drop it so I will get new forces.


I have fallen in importance is now last month when I was sick so it takes a while to get back my former strength. Think I eat everything I see and at the same time as my son, eat significantly more food now so go there for more food. This is, of course, inevitable, but equally interesting every time I open the fridge and the freezer. Thus, the acting must be considerably more  😀


Take Care Of Each Other


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 


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