Soccer world CUP 2018 :)

It has been 2 fantastic weeks already this summer. I and my son are on an adventure. Shall start to plan a bit what we’ll continue to do over the summer. There have been so many hours in the sun, I also feel that it is nice to be a bit indoor  😛 

I follow the Soccer world CUP 2018 and thinks that Sweden is absolutely fantastic. Big well played by the Swedish world CUP team. It is so exciting now.

Thanks to everyone who listened to my new music it feels really nice : 

You who have not had time to listen than you are more than welcome of course. I have received such nice words about my music over the years and it warms my heart. It will be interesting on hearing what song you like most of the ones that is on my new album STOP ?

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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