So instead of being passive then there are those who want me to be there so I’m going to do even more things :)

I had planned so much for this year, and I had already started to prepare me, as you know, since long time back. It was not at all as I had imagined. Of course, it feels as it always boring. The good thing is that I have written some new songs that I will record as soon as I get the time. So there will always something positive out of it is negative. I have learned to manage it well. It is now I am going to manage even better than what I have done before.

The most important thing for me is to never give up and it has taken me here where I am today. My journey and my personal development is something I’m very proud of.

It heats up in the soul when I see you listening to my music and read my blog. I have many new ways of thinking that arose when it as I planned not become of as I wanted to. So now I’m going to take and start work with my new ideas and they are many  🙂 

So instead of being passive then there are those who want me to be there so I’m going to do even more things. Something that will be a real losing game for those who are sabotaging me and want me to stop doing what I’m doing. The one that will go into this with a competitive I am and that will be even more unbreakable I’m. Don’t take the fights with me if you don’t want to lose hard and for always. Do not spend time trying to destroy me but to make any sense of your own life instead.

Now I’m going to continue to be the strong person that I am. I will not allow the loser to win that they themselves did not take hold of their own problems. As I said before, I work daily to I’ll be the best that I can be.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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