PAPPA fyller 70 År idag :) GRATTIS !

Min Fantastiska PAPPA fyller idag 70 år ! STORT GRATTIS TILL DIG !   

The presents to my FATHER 🙂 

My Amazing DAD fills today 70 years ! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ! 


Today I have a rest day and tomorrow I’m going to run with my training again. I feel like I’m so ready to get started on my body again. The goal is to get back to the elite level that my training in the past has achieved. As I’ve written in the past so I am very motivated for the summer and to soon to be able to release my new music. 
It is so lovely weather today, so I’ll drink up my coffee and then capture this day  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other  Wish you all a GREAT DAY  🙂 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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