Nya bilder Välkomna in å kika :)

Det finns mer bilder nu på min  Instagram så välkomna in och följ mig där och kolla på de senaste bilderna /


Jag håller på med lite olika projekt alltid. Det snöar jätte mycket nu och jag var ute och skottade snö i ca 2 timmar härom dagen. Idag får jag ge mig ut igen ser jag. Tycker att det är härligt med snö men tycker om när det inte är för mycket där man ska gå. Det blir även en stund som jag får lägga på att borsta av bilen. Det märks att den är kall och lite seg startad.

Tack till er som lyssnar på min musik det betyder mer än Guld 🙂 

Ta hand om varandra 

Många Kramizar MinikeGirl 🙂 

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ADHD Tankar och Funderingar 7 videos lyssna här

Hej 🙂 

Jag har gjort några små korta videos om mina tankar och funderingar när jag gick på gymnasiet. På den tiden visste jag inte att jag hade Adhd. Detta är taget av det lilla som jag hann skriva ner under ca 2 dagar i skolan. Som person var jag mycket mer inåtvänd än vad jag är idag trots mina mer spralliga sidor. Det fanns ett mycket större behov för mig att ta fler av dessa tillfällen i akt att stänga ute omgivningen för att vila hjärnan från alla intryck. Därför satt jag ofta och skrev vad jag tänkte på. Jag brydde mig inte om vart jag var och var det lektion så kunde det hända att jag satt och skrev vad jag tänkte på. Många gånger på rasterna så gick jag undan för att skriva. Jag satte mig där det var lugnt men alltid där det kunde gå förbi andra elever. Detta för att jag skulle kunna få både lugnet och även kunna vara i närheten av något som var mer i rörelse. 

Ta Hand Om Varandra  😉 

Många Kramizar Från MinikeGirl 

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So instead of being passive then there are those who want me to be there so I’m going to do even more things :)

I had planned so much for this year, and I had already started to prepare me, as you know, since long time back. It was not at all as I had imagined. Of course, it feels as it always boring. The good thing is that I have written some new songs that I will record as soon as I get the time. So there will always something positive out of it is negative. I have learned to manage it well. It is now I am going to manage even better than what I have done before.

The most important thing for me is to never give up and it has taken me here where I am today. My journey and my personal development is something I’m very proud of.

It heats up in the soul when I see you listening to my music and read my blog. I have many new ways of thinking that arose when it as I planned not become of as I wanted to. So now I’m going to take and start work with my new ideas and they are many  🙂 

So instead of being passive then there are those who want me to be there so I’m going to do even more things. Something that will be a real losing game for those who are sabotaging me and want me to stop doing what I’m doing. The one that will go into this with a competitive I am and that will be even more unbreakable I’m. Don’t take the fights with me if you don’t want to lose hard and for always. Do not spend time trying to destroy me but to make any sense of your own life instead.

Now I’m going to continue to be the strong person that I am. I will not allow the loser to win that they themselves did not take hold of their own problems. As I said before, I work daily to I’ll be the best that I can be.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I will buy a new mobile next week, so it is not as long as I am without mobile :)


It was a big cozy on new year’s eve with friends and good food.

It has been a very calm transition, as usual for me when there is new years  😛 

Feels wonderful that there is new year despite the fact that my own network is fighting and my mobile phone is broken. So before I got a new mobile so it gets a bit awkward with it all.

I will buy a new mobile next week, so it is not as long as I am without mobile. 

Hope you have had a good start to the new year   🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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Sometimes I need to let my common sense instead of my curiosity to be the major overall factor :)

I got this lovely beautiful necklace of my son for christmas. 

It has been a fantastic christmas with much love. Fun to meet family and friends.  As I wrote earlier so I’m going to continue with music in the year 2019 which will be big fun.

I have certainly gained many new perspectives on life over the past year and it has taken on my energy. It has also given me energy. I’ve got a bit of a different note which I like and it will be good for me. 

Sometimes I need to let my common sense instead of my curiosity to be the major overall factor  😛 

Hope you have a lovely christmas holiday  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Meet lovely friends and close acquaintances :)

Woke up relatively early today here in the morning. It has come a little more snow here in Sweden. Hope that may be left now over christmas. It is a part that should be here before christmas, however, not so much because I have arranged with most of the time.

 I will enjoy the holiday season and really eat good food and meet lovely friends and close acquaintances.

Will be great now with little else happening now over both christmas and new year.

Thank you for listening to my music 🙂 : 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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