Beautiful Sky

IMG_20170107_152737 I`m in love with the sky when it is so Beautiful here. Can stand and just Watch it forever. How it Changes in all different colours and the movement of Clouds.

The importance of learning how to stop occasionally and not have such a hurry feels Amazing. It gives you new Tools and strengthen the Tools you already have. It can also help you to cope better in your own personal development.

To make al those restarts that I made in life requires a lot of strengt. Now I am very experienced in making these reboots large and small. The smaller reboots is to prevent me to get to do the larger ones.

You can never predict your fate entirely, but you can do what you can to try to live a healthy life.

Happy holidays all my wonderful readers 🙂



My Music on Soundcloud :

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Nice Weekend

_20170106_111447Lovely to have such a Nice Weekend as I have here with my Son 🙂 ….

Away from the reallity for a couple of days 🙂 ….

I am a Lonely Wolf so this is Great to just rest and take the days as they come 🙂 ….

Have been traning 3 days before we arrived here so now its time to recover 🙂 ……

Wish you all a Nice day 🙂 ….

Thank you 🙂 …

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New Year 2017

New Year 2017 🙂 …..

it will be a good year 🙂 ….

More Music to come and on its way 🙂 ……

Thanks for all Support 🙂 …

Now I have some Holiday and are going to rest for a couple of Days 🙂 ….

See You 🙂 ….

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Really Good Year :)

Hope you all had a Great Christmas , and that you will have a Happy New Year  🙂

It has been a really good year for me regarding the time. It feels great that I also have been able to work with my Music. Next year it will come more songs from me 🙂

It will also be more musicvideos from me 🙂 …


Here is my Soundcloud please stop by listen and leave a comment or 2 🙂    :

Love from me to you ALL See YA 🙂  


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Never To Late

Everything is from my heart and I Love you so much all my Followers 🙂 ….

I hope you all understand that cause you are so Lovely all of you …

Iam going to try to write in English cause many of you cant únderstand my Swedish 🙂 My English is not the best Hihi but I hope that its good enough to understand 🙂

I Love to Challenge myself everyday so thats  why i started to write Music in English at the first time and I love the English language 🙂 …. 

Iam not just doing all this for myself because all I do I do for My SON 🙂 … He is the only reason why I do what I do. He told me yesterday  that he is so HAPPY and that he trust himself. He has a Big Heart and he cares about other people.

You can do right and you can do wrong things in LIFE. Its never to late to do the right things in Life. I can forgive and move on. I can save myself and I did but I cant save other people if they dont want to be saved in their hearts. So forgive me In my heartless ways to get on my road but I had to save my own Blood. My ways can feel so hard but that was the only way.

I wish HEALTY LIFE so it can be right. Its never to late to save yourself start make things more right than wrong.

I have struggle with myself in so many years and things dont change for a day . I have learn to give myself time thats so Important. Its easier to fight with other people but the only one I fight with everyday is myself. Thats my biggest challenge In LIFE.


I hope that you all understands that you are Lovely People and never ever loose :  To TRUST IN YOU , you you 🙂 ……

/ MinikeGirl

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