Today I fill in the year and will of course be really happy and touched by all the happy greetings I get. You’re Wonderful! my finest listeners, and readers. I have thanks to you been able to got this blog to reach new heights and I have thanks to you listeners been able to express myself in my music exactly how I want. I do as I want anyway but I have really gotten your full support in my creativity.
I have never expected of someone to like my blog or my music, so everything feels so wonderfully surreal. This is really a good bonus regarding my creativity. Because I can’t work full-time so this gives also an extra pound a month. This peng I use frequently to make more music and continue exactly as I do.
There are people who think that I get stuck in my creativity and that it is not a safe bet to get somewhere. But I’ve already taken me all the way here and when I sit at the computer so I am thinking very long term. Everything I think of is that I promised my son a real big gift in the future. It is the biggest goal with all of this. The future of my son.
Here is Danny Saucedo’s interview in Swedish :
Have the Best of it My Good Readers Love You 🙂
Many Hugs from MinikeGirl :)….