My Birthday Today :)

IMG_3522 Today I fill in the year and will of course be really happy and touched by all the happy greetings I get. You’re Wonderful! my finest listeners, and readers. I have thanks to you been able to got this blog to reach new heights and I have thanks to you listeners been able to express myself in my music exactly how I want. I do as I want anyway but I have really gotten your full support in my creativity.

I have never expected of someone to like my blog or my music, so everything feels so wonderfully surreal. This is really a good bonus regarding my creativity. Because I can’t work full-time so this gives also an extra pound a month. This peng I use frequently to make more music and continue exactly as I do.

There are people who think that I get stuck in my creativity and that it is not a safe bet to get somewhere. But I’ve already taken me all the way here and when I sit at the computer so I am thinking very long term. Everything I think of is that I promised my son a real big gift in the future. It is the biggest goal with all of this. The future of my son. 

I am always on the road and I’m never still not even when I sleep. Like that Danny Saucedo described everything so well in a tv interview the other day. He put really word that very much, I find it difficult to describe. Was really interested in a nice way, and I really admire his courage to be able to sit and tell you about such deep things in the tv. I admire the many who have the strength to be able to do it. So Thank you Danny Saucedo for being so impressive inspiring brave. You will be a great dad in the future and I wish all the best to both you and Finest of the, Molly 🙂 


Here is Danny Saucedo’s interview in Swedish : 

Have the Best of it My Good Readers Love You 🙂

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl :)….

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My 2 New Songs now on Soundcloud :)

Lithium Doctor

Hey now, I have also put out my 2 new releases on Soundcloud. It takes some time when I am sitting and messing around with everything by myself 🙂  ……


Spiritual Tears

My 10 songs on Soundcloud :

It is nice to be able to sit and work from home and it is important to have good order. I have more or less created a small office with some plants. It comes with everything you agree on with, but I think I have fixed it good. 

Now the coming days I will continue with my music making. It will be really interesting to see where I land this time. Regarding the 2 new songs I have also tried to make the covers yourself, and you are really satisfied with the results. I’m also really happy when a friend help me with the design/covers in the past.

I think it is very good for me to be able to make the wrappers yourself also it is important to just be able to make a cover without having the help of others. In my process to create music, and so is the thought from the beginning that I should be able to take care of it most of the time.


Nice Listening To My Best Friends

Many hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂 ………


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2 New Released Songs Listen Here :)

Lithium Doctor Spiritual Tears

Today I celebrate that there are another 2 new songs by myself. I have now released 10 pieces of my own songs. It feels absolutely wonderful to get to be the singer and songwriter who I want to be and who I am.

I have always had music as something that I want to work with because it is one of the few ways for me to get out my feelings and be creative. Writing for me has always been so liberating. I promise you that there will be many more songs from me because I am working more intensively with music and also with my blog today.


About This Professional recording studio I go to and many people ask about  : 

The studio know exactly how I am thinking and want to existing my own songs. When producers abroad want to produce and mix my music so you understand the what the answer is. It is absolutely not appropriate for me to change the studio when I have the best.

It is about much more than just being good at music when you go to a studio. It’s about the studio that you go to the really understand what you want to do for the music. What you want with the audio.

Big Thank You to : 


A thousand Thanks to all of you who listen to my music and read my blog it means so much to me.
Here are the links to my 2 new songs :

Have the Best My Wonderful Listeners, and Readers

Many hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂


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IMG_3522 It has been an absolutely wonderful day at my work despite the fact that there was not much sleep for me last night. Just when I need several hours sometimes to unwind and able to sleep were disturbed by the fire alarm which howled so loudly that I was more than wide awake. It is really important with fire, and it’s good that they alert you when they have a bad battery.This was very high just and about 100 times higher than usual. This then makes it a Little hard to sleep after that and I went up and ate pasta and cheese to be tired 🙂 ….

 Has 2 new songs on the way out right now to be released and it is really fun 🙂 ….With these 2 new songs and with my other so I will have 10 pieces of my songs out there. It feels absolutely incredible while I am very goal-oriented force in to accelerate in good pac 🙂  ……

 Many people wonder how I get all of my songs and how I will on all the blog posts I write. It is not for me to take any role that you want to read about or hear music from. The point is that it is me that you see and hear. I can stand for everything you read and hear through my music. I think it will be so fun to release my 2 new songs soon, so keep your eyes open 🙂  ……


 Now I’m going to take and continue to work on several of my songs, but first it will be a good sleep in the night. So I drive again tomorrow.


Have the Best My Wonderful Best Listeners and Readers 🙂


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂  …


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New Look On The Blog


I really love to sit in the window it is so peaceful. It is also symbolic that I am chosen to have this image as the main focus on my blog. I live very differently than what I have done in the past, and the picture symbolizes is that I somehow have found my purpose. Was looking for years for who I was and I tried to escape from myself many times. This picture shows what I discovered and found on my trip. My internal forces.
The photographer who took the card is a wonderful woman with a very big heart. A childhood friend of mine that has a private photo studio. She is doing an excellent work with their abilities. She is very relaxed and quiet which makes it easier for me who is so frisky and can have a hard time to focus me. I am not used to stand in front of the camera at all when it comes to both music recordings and photo. It was a real successful photo shoot and I have never in my life liked to take so many photos that are taken of me. So it feels very historically.
I can really recommend my Friend Photographer Malin Thorbjörn :
It was really fun to change a little bit here on my blog it feels new and fresh. Hope you guys like it.
Have the best my wonderful listeners, and readers …….
Many Hugs from MinikeGirl IMG_3522  😛 ……..


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Soon Back To Reality


I really need to get started now with my workout but I have to wait a couple of days before I
give me on it again because I have been ill recently. It usually feels much better in body and soul
when I made that first training session after I have been sick. It has a lot with getting the body
again. Now it feels like I’m in a kind of daze and tiredness is much more significant. It is just like


I’ll be running with the training and myself again in all the cases and it feels absolutely
wonderful to give me just one more week so I am back. I need time to get to do a minor reboot.
When I get sick, even the psyche of affected part so it takes longer for me to recover myself.
Luckily I know about this because it makes everything much easier. Give me just TIME 🙂  
Feel me that it will be a good week to come. Soon as I’m off on a little adventure to be able to broaden my horizons in my blogging and in my music making. On Tuesday,  adventure which also has my music and blog to do. Now when I intend to add more time to all of this so I think it is fun to expand and build on it as I have today. I also need to buy a computer eventually.
One day at a time is it when one strives to achieve its both short-term and long-term goals. I have the most long-term goals that I am very focused on achieving. At the same time as I reach the short term goals that I strive for. In this way, it becomes a good circle of all things, and I developed in my personal development as well as in my creativity.
Have a Nice Sunday to All My Wonderful Listeners 🙂 …
Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂     
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