My Microsoft System Developer

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H

For that I’ll keep up with it that I need and want to catch up with so I have hired a personal WEBMASTER he has a real good education and I could not have chosen any better person. It is important that it is someone that you really trust and who also are online almost 24/7.

I know that this person does not get the free games and are starting to change things but he will always check with me what we should do. Really good at wordpress so this will be good I feel. 


Welcome WEBMASTER/ Microsoft System Developer to MinikeGirl Music I hope that you will Enjoy this Journey 🙂


It will be fun to learn more about how wordpress works with all of its settings. I have become very much more interested in stuff like this in recent years. But since I have so much on the net so do I need to unload.


I am excited and have much to learn from how to work online. But I have also learned a lot. It takes very much time and you need to have good patience. It is also about surrounding yourself with the right people. The people who actual understand how important this is for me. It’s like having a company this with my music and with my blog. Everything that I do online. Then I write my own music and need the time.


There has been a lot now on the latest with the most and yesterday, a person close to the family died 🙁 . This friend has always been there as long as I can remember.   Always Missed never forgotten Rest in Peace …


Today, I’m structuring it as not been done properly now when there has been a lot. So it’s a bit of cleaning and laundry that is already running. It is also a part that I have to structure up in my binders. Then I’ll sort the clothes. Tend to use the weekends to do all of this for it is much nicer to live in and come home to a structured home when you have worked.


So now it is time for me to continue this    ..

Have the Best My Wonderful Listeners  😀


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl  😀 ….


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Sveriges Casino Online Guide

Hur ska man välja bland alla dessa online casino som finns?

Det finns ju så otroligt många online casino på nätet med alla deras spelautomater. Många människor har ju
säkerligen visioner och  drömmar om att någon gång kunna vinna hem den där jackpotten eller få en vinst som ger en bra slant i plånboken.  En del människor gillar kanske att spela lite för att ha chansen att vinna lite extra pengar  och ser deras spelande mer som ett tidsfördriv och som en rolig grej.

Oavsett för den nya spelaren och för den rutinerade spelaren så finns det otroligt många spelsajter idag som har online casino. Det kommer även nya sajter hela tiden med alla dessa olika erbjudande om insättnings bonusar. Det finns sidor som jämför och skriver om nya spel där man även kan få testa att spela.

Vill ni ha en bra casino guide på nätet och läsa mera om spel om pengar riktigt läsvärt. 

Vilka spel har jag testat lite snabbt när det gäller online casino ?

Jag har testat några stycken men de som jag gillar mest om jag ska skriva 3 stycken så är det :


Dessa 3 spel jag räknat upp går att spela hos  det Svenska casinot Insta Casino där finns även många andra spel att välja mellan.


Har jag någon av mina läsare som vunnit riktigt mycket pengar någon gång?

Ha det Bäst Mina Bästa Läsare 😀 ..

Många Kramar från MinikeGirl    😀 ..



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Which one of my songs do you think is the best ?


It worked for the full regarding my music right now. Despite the fact that I’m not really healthy, and deliberately pulled it down a little bit on the tempo regarding Everything. Iam still working on my music and my blog is something that I can work with now when I’m waiting on blood test response regarding my thyroid and that I purposely rushes down a bit.


The fact is not  really what it is that makes that you are sick, you have to slow down a bit and wait for yourself. But I have to be active in my creativity because that is what keeps me alive. But before I got back my blood tests answers so awaiting I both with regular work and to train. You may solve it in the best way simply.


Also have some new exciting projects going on within the music which will be fun to let you take part of when the songs are ready. I also work very diligently on to get a really good person in his genre to begin blogging here at the trying trying 🙂 . But all do as they wish, but I would think that it would be so much fun. So we’ll see and hope so clearly.


Here are my 10 songs total that are available to listen on Spotify, and a thousand thanks to all who listen. I have more songs at the time, they will also be up on spotify when they are ready :

Which of my songs do you think is the best ?


Please comment which on it is and why you like it 🙂 …..


See you soon again 🙂

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂

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Facing Karma With New Teaser For The New Song : Not So Tough

Facing Karma

Now pull it together! 17:th of March, they release their second single ”not So Tough” on all the streaming services available.

Start tagging now by checking out their little teaservideo for the hell! Rock on !


Facing Karma with their previous song, Fake It :


It is in this popular studio that I play in my music. So it is really exciting and fun to know that Facing the Karma has an additional song at the time. I think they make really good music. Follow them on Spotify to hear some of their music.

You can also join Facing Karma on Facebook :

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂

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My Birthday Today :)

IMG_3522 Today I fill in the year and will of course be really happy and touched by all the happy greetings I get. You’re Wonderful! my finest listeners, and readers. I have thanks to you been able to got this blog to reach new heights and I have thanks to you listeners been able to express myself in my music exactly how I want. I do as I want anyway but I have really gotten your full support in my creativity.

I have never expected of someone to like my blog or my music, so everything feels so wonderfully surreal. This is really a good bonus regarding my creativity. Because I can’t work full-time so this gives also an extra pound a month. This peng I use frequently to make more music and continue exactly as I do.

There are people who think that I get stuck in my creativity and that it is not a safe bet to get somewhere. But I’ve already taken me all the way here and when I sit at the computer so I am thinking very long term. Everything I think of is that I promised my son a real big gift in the future. It is the biggest goal with all of this. The future of my son. 

I am always on the road and I’m never still not even when I sleep. Like that Danny Saucedo described everything so well in a tv interview the other day. He put really word that very much, I find it difficult to describe. Was really interested in a nice way, and I really admire his courage to be able to sit and tell you about such deep things in the tv. I admire the many who have the strength to be able to do it. So Thank you Danny Saucedo for being so impressive inspiring brave. You will be a great dad in the future and I wish all the best to both you and Finest of the, Molly 🙂 


Here is Danny Saucedo’s interview in Swedish : 

Have the Best of it My Good Readers Love You 🙂

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl :)….

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My 2 New Songs now on Soundcloud :)

Lithium Doctor

Hey now, I have also put out my 2 new releases on Soundcloud. It takes some time when I am sitting and messing around with everything by myself 🙂  ……


Spiritual Tears

My 10 songs on Soundcloud :

It is nice to be able to sit and work from home and it is important to have good order. I have more or less created a small office with some plants. It comes with everything you agree on with, but I think I have fixed it good. 

Now the coming days I will continue with my music making. It will be really interesting to see where I land this time. Regarding the 2 new songs I have also tried to make the covers yourself, and you are really satisfied with the results. I’m also really happy when a friend help me with the design/covers in the past.

I think it is very good for me to be able to make the wrappers yourself also it is important to just be able to make a cover without having the help of others. In my process to create music, and so is the thought from the beginning that I should be able to take care of it most of the time.


Nice Listening To My Best Friends

Many hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂 ………


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