I write my own songs as a singer/songwriter :)

It has been a Lovely weekend att work and today I am free. Had intended to sleep late but woke up relatively early and got up when I woke up. So I have had time for much this morning. Sure, I’m free but I like to go and clean up and get some order. You may take it as you want and can cope with. Think it feels okay.

_20170706_071513 (1)Soon to be released one of my next songs it can be today or in a few days. It is always fun to have new songs on the way to be released  😛 .

Soon I have 13 own songs out, which feels absolutely amazing. I am a singer/songwriter and love to have the ability to be able to write my own songs. It feels wonderful that I have found my way where I can get out my feelings.

My music is based on a lot of emotions and I do my thing. I have a good creativity when it comes to the very and there is an art to be able to allocate the creativity right. Creativity is something that I can not order on the record exactly, but it must come from within. I find it difficult to churn out creativity and it is something that I do not.

Here are my 12 songs that I made and which you can listen to :

Take care of you my dear listeners and readers

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 


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Lifting Weights :)

Today I have had time to be a part of the sun, which has been wonderful. It does so much with the sunlight and the heat. It is handy that I can work from my mobile phone if I want to. But of course, it is wonderful to just lie down and take it easy in the sun. Now freezes, I a little as usual when it has been warm so now I’ve got me a warmer shirt. I really want to have it warm. 20170527_152325.jpgOften get darker arms than legs for I freezes often on the legs haha 😛 

Have received some questions about how it goes with my training. It is here that I have had so much else for me also it has been good for the body. But any workout on my machines, it has not been now for a while which I personally think is a shame. I do not like to have a break but like I said I have done things that have been good for my health anyway on the latest. Walking I do on an almost daily basis and I sing much which is a workout in itself. I sit even and wobbles when I type on the data so I are almost always in motion 😛 


Now I have really started to eat more food so it will be good when I start lifting weights again. But first, there will be some training heating and then, I mean that I started to calm so clear. It is easier to have the energy to carry things when you have a little bit of muscle that I had here Weeeeiiiiiii hihihihi 😛 

I like to be able to wear what I want to be with me and I am so stubborn. It should be handy and I like the muscles and to be strong. Small but strong in every way haha 😛 

Have the best my lovely listeners and readers.

Take Care Of Each Other.
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
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I surround myself with loving people and Friends :)

Today, I have begun to get more into how I think regarding one of my rooms. Have a few things in the room to be away for me to be able to do what I want in there. But it may take a little bit at a time.  As usual, when I agree with something so it will all the time come out  new ideas 🙂  I also have the task to sort all of these papers that I have collected on me. Those who you thought you once would have. I have definitely not at all needed haha 🙂 !


Because I’m in a fresh pasta period so I did another pasta right today. With pesto as an accessory which was very good . The same kind of pasta that I ate the other day but now mixed I the varieties and use the pesto instead of creme fraiche. Used shrimp and marinated garlic cloves. Of course, I made so that I have tomorrow. It is just as good when you make the food, I think 😛 

I take this opportunity to celebrate my successes in life every day and I am so grateful that I have arrived where I have arrived today. My journey through this mortal life and my teachings about how it is to be medial. As I mentioned earlier, my soul is very old and has been living millions of different lives. This is one of them and it has been very instructive and interesting. In many other lives so I have been fighting in order to survive and in this life, it has been the same but more modernized. But it is the same survival instincts that gather in difficult times. I have also struggeled a lot with myself in this life and it has taught me a lot about myself. It has made me even stronger. In this life, it is so much and so many emotions that one can feel, but also during some periods of time so I have not felt anything. I was given the ability to be medial, but even on the good and evil to feel so much, and during some periods, the inability to feel anything. It is no wonder that it can do so in terrible pain, some times emotional and other times not feel it at all. I is perceived as a social and quite emotional person. But I am so much more that many people don’t know anything about. But I feel so good that I can for I know who I am and what I can do. Where my boundaries go.

I surround myself with loving people  and friends who love and respect me for who I am. I am happy but I am also very sad at the same time. I’m bothered much, but I’m bothered at the same time very little. I’m stubborn in a good way but also in a bad way at the same time. Everything that I feel strongly that is positive I also feel just as strongly when it is sad and sad. As strongly as I can feel love I can feel the hatred. As happy as I can feel me just as sad, I can feel me the same day at the same time. It does not need to be one or the other. In my case, it can be many emotions involved, and some days I feel barely any emotions at all if I don’t break the pattern. Therefore, I choose my life with care so that all the time I need to use my emotions in a good way in everyday life. Balance is also important here. I know a lot about how to feel because I have gone through a lot . I’m glad I know who I am today and what I’m capable of and where my limits go 🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 🙂 


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Very good seafood sandwiches :)

I now have 12 of my songs out on Spotify and it is soon to be one of my next song  _20170706_071513 (1)to be released 🙂 . A thousand thanks to  you  all my listeners  🙂 

Been a wonderful day at my work and now I am free 2 days. I have planned to rest and work with my own business. Have just eaten two very good seafood sandwiches. I am a real seafood enthusiast 😛 20170711_174438.JPG

Big good to eat properly now when I’m going to sleep soon. I tend to think that there is a day tomorrow, and I distribute it as I want to do good. It is not good to work when you are too tired, but it is important to know when it is time to shut down the computer.

Have the best my lovely listeners and readers

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 


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My New Song Will Be Released Soon :)

Yesterday I sat up late and worked on my computer. I have sent out one of my new songs to be released soon. Feels absolutely wonderful and there is a song in Swedish called the:   Änglarna Beundrar    (Angels Admire )      _20170706_071513 (1)

I like to be able to be free in my music making and to be able to make songs in both Swedish and English.


During this day, there have been some continued work with my own business. There is much to do, so I try to distribute it as good as I can. But since it was late yesterday so it took some time for me to wake up to today. I did everything that I had planned to do yesterday in all the cases, so it is exactly as I want it.
It always feels really nice when I is in phase with everything I want to do and it feels good now when it is according to my plans. I am even a little ahead of my plans regarding some stuff but I have other things that I can do.
Since I have been working a part with manual labor today, so it felt like it was time to make a good supper. It got to be fresh pasta with seafood. Think it was really good and I love the fine colors in which food consisted of. It was simple and easy to prepare for it is almost only to stir everything together 😛 20170709_185540.JPG
Hope you have the best all my lovely listeners and readers
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  🙂 
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Slept 14 Hours :)

Then I slept 14 hours and still trying to wake up here. Yesterday when I would go to my car after my work so I was forced to put me down for a while because I was so sensitive to light. It was overcast outside, but I acted like it was bright sunlight straight into my eyes as I tried to hide myself for the sunlight. So, it is to be me then it could be such this stuff that will both appear slowely and also acute. I had not pain in the head and I was not stressed. Felt really good for the other. When I finally taken me to my car so it was her sunglasses on and it was so liberating. This also happened a week late but then it was not as awkward as this was. This was so that I could barely walk to my car. Now I’m free today and I slept 14 hours. It feels good. 2 weeks ago I started to take some extra vitamins, and it is the only thing that I have added to the body extra, and it is then that the light sensitivity started. I’m pretty sure that I have reached a good level. I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes in the afternoon but it is not so often. It is also the coffee that I drank around lunch time that also asked for it yesterday. It remains to check now is if this would occur then I do not eat vitamins and when I go back to not drinking coffee at lunch time but that just drink coffee in the morning. I am always sure to have a good eye when I bring something new 😛 screenshot_2017-07-02-11-00-11.jpg

Today I am going to work a little bit with the computer, and I will rest. The day becomes as it gets and it will be good so clear 😀

Have a new song at the time as I am soon to send off to be released and here is my existing songs :

Take care of each other and yourselves
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛
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