Wonderful that I finally made the final decision :)

20170528_093826.jpgMy summer has been really fantastic and I have had time with it as I have had the goal to catch. There has been so much impression has been good and there have also been some other private that has not been so good. But I have a choice, and I’m sitting right now in some thoughts about how I’ll do with this that has been less good. I have the choice to be able to choose a much better behavior than how I’ve felt lately that’s been extremely hard for me. But I have the choice not to feel like this again and I should not hesitate for I am much stronger than this. It is not always as you have thought, with different ideas and thoughts and it is so it always will be.

What would be gains without losses? It is life, not do as I want and it is there that I can not help. It is one of my strongest and greatest strengths to never give up whatever happens. Sometimes, this is not my choice whether to give up but to let go. I do it for the future to be as good as possible. I do it to be able to create a good future. much stronger than this.  There have been so many times that I really thought that these people will always be at my side, and I for them in the rest of my life. But I have many times been hurt and disappointed and then take this step in not having them in my life journey simply.

It is sad at first, but then I see that the future is bright even without these people. Why I didn’t just break the contact with some people, it is enough that I still hope that maybe it can be like before again. Sometimes, it is much better to himself break the contact. I have really been thinking so much all summer and I have made my choice. It goes so well for me right now and I really have the most wonderful friends around me. It is amazing the people that I know and there is so much love.

Yesterday one of my friends came to my home and today I have talked with some of my other friends. Think that the summer has been really good. I am so glad that I am pushing myself in spite of setbacks to take me on. Indeed I have succeeded so many times. I’m doing it again, and it feels good despite the fact that I didn’t put so much emotion in this it has been. Wonderful that I finally made the final decision. Now I can really put it to the side  😛 

I have worked all summer and soon it is time to slow down a little bit. It feels okay and fits me perfectly.. I have had it so great exactly as it use to be  😛 

I will work with my upcoming music and with my blog so clearly. I have my own business to work with, and to fall back to now after the summer. It feels wonderful and I yearn for this. Then when I am working with my own business so I miss my work. This means that I found a way that works for me.

Feels really fun because this is something I fought for so long. It is for my son who I do everything for I have promised him a part of things in the future. My son is proud of me and it makes me so HAPPY  🙂 I was struggling to I should be able to give my son what I have promised. Everything takes time but slowly but surely we will take us closer to our common goal for the future. Everything for you MY BELOVED SON screenshot_2017-05-20-22-16-45.jpg…..







Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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You can’t even stand for who you are behind your anonymous accounts on the net :) ???



Have had a great weekend, and yesterday came a wonderful friend past. Really lovely to sleep out now in the morning it is important to do it. I notice that the whole day will be better if you get the sleep you need. I tinkered with a few things that I wanted to get done yesterday and it feels like it was good. I have left to do of course but I like to have it so. Always have something that is ongoing but messing around with when you want to and can. Now I sit and drink my coffee and waiting for it to work as it should  😛 

Bought a pair of curtains the other day and had thought that they would be great for my bedroom because they would not let in so much light. It looked promising from the start when they still lay wrapped in the package. Bought a pair of curtains the other day and had thought that they would be great for my bedroom because they would not let in so much light. It looked promising from the start when they still lay wrapped in the package. Very nice and they have cost several hundred and I got them for 100 SEK. So it was good. Was not quite as I had planned, but it was really nice. The curtain let in light in a very nice way, and it is a beautiful curtain that fits in my room. Now we don’t hope for much here, I’m not a star just when it comes to interiors but I do what I can  😛 


All you can do so much without being the best. I’m good at creative things it’s my thing simply. But I mastered so much and right now I’m trying to sing the difficult songs without having to stand up. It is a challenge just in itself haha  😛 



Now it is also here that I write my songs myself and it is just now 13 songs that are on Spotify : 

I get many comments on my music, and there are many who write that it is good. Some of my songs better than other songs that I have done. It is entirely up to each one to think what you think. Everyone gets to have an opinion. But, for those who write only negative comments to you want me to be sad and take me. When the comments are not at all relevant and you write them only for that you are disappointed in yourself and your life situation. I selfrealize myself and you don’t have the ability to do it themselves. Instead of you to be jealous of me and feel that you have the need to carp down on it as I do so making something of your life instead. I wrote my songs for you for that you would have something exciting in your life to do as to write that what I do is bad. For the actually play no major role for me how many negative comments I get regarding my music.I am a reminder for those of you who write these negative comments that you are not happy with your life. It is here that I get very many nice comments, both in terms of me as a person and about my music. I have a really good self-confidence and self-esteem because all the time I selfrealize myself every day. It may have worked to get me to feel a little bit bad with the negative comments when I was younger, but don’t forget that I am older today. This is not about that you should go on someone who takes but does this mean that you should do something about your life instead. You seem to not even have something that people can even think about. You can’t even stand for who you are behind your anonymous accounts on the net, or is it that you don’t have the ability to be able to even put up a profile picture of yourself haha  😛 ???


Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl  😛  

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MinikeGirl singer songwriter

17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_nYesterday it was a working day for me and then I get up around 5 o’clock which works fine. It is just in time for when I have time to wake up to before my work. This means that I am very tired in the afternoon when I finish at work, but it works. When I came home yesterday so I got to thinking that there is a day tomorrow because I have some things that I want to get done. It is important to be able to put a stop to yourself sometimes. 

What you want to do is not always what you really need to do. They are often things that you can’t do because of the many different factors that come into play. There is also much that one can do, but I have, as a rule try to prioritize it as I have a feeling for. It needed to be done, but that is not so fun, I try to do when I have a good feeling about it. It is so that I build up better and better motivation for the things that I first thought was boring.

It is about constantly getting better and better emotions regarding that which has first been so boring and where motivation is lacking. It is all the time about working up a good motivational plan that is sustainable in the long run. I like the long-term objective, especially when it comes to various chores in even everyday life.

I am a single mother and I can’t clean my home while I wash the car and shop. But I can make about everyday life, so that it adapts to what I’m bothered and have time. It is all the time about structuring and change dagsplaneringen how much energy I have. This is tricky but it is important to do as I do. It is I who go and rest those extra hours when it may seem like there is much to do. It is I who wakes up rested and sometimes do everything that I have not had time to do in a week for a few hours when I sleep. 

I prefer working a little harder when I have had rest and some ”must-haves” will be a little harder to perform as I have expected. For when I’ve got to rest so I am very strong so even though it that I’m doing become heavier so there is no problem.

It is important to have the ability to be able to understand that the time is not always enough and that it has more power than you think with regard to their well-being. It’s all about having reasonable demands on yourself. Thoughts about all the other makes and is like any other is completely wrong statement according to me all other is not like any other. Then you can see the general similarities so clearly. It’s just so terribly weird for me.

  • But when I get to hear that I’m not like all the others so I would like to have the name and social security number of these Alien -people?
  • Of which designed you really on the and I am I, it should be enough? I am medial and wondering so much about this phenomenon for when you utter that everyone other is doing , thinking, think , have , so I don’t see these people around you?
  • Neither in human beings or Spirits?
  • Not in different energies?
  •  What is it that you see that I’m not seeing?
  • And how can you know what people think of it and have it at home? 

 What you see is different people’s facades as they choose to show on the outside. Then, you feel the some people more than others. But I really find not these Alien-People that has the namn ”All The Others ” .  A definitely a new case for the series X files  😛 


If You will find these ”all the others” so you are welcome to contact me it is very exciting  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl   😛 


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I’ve searched and hunted, and ran afoul of myself in my entire life !


I am very pleased that I have been able to work that I have done up to now in summer. There are 2 weeks left and time has gone quickly as usual. There will be more time to be creative regarding the music and it will be a good time. I have a lot that I want to do and have many plans for the future. It is really interesting and exciting to think of what I should do in the future, but it’s actually wonderful to live in the here and now. I am always on the road somewhere. Have just had one of my food periods when I eat almost everything I see.  Feel heavy in the body but it does nothing. In about a week so I am going again with the workouts and more walking. You need to eat in order to be able to work out and be able to build muscle. I have an imbalance in my thyroid there might be some symptoms even though I eat my medicine. But now, it goes in the right direction again  🙂 

Despite some of the bad things now in the summer with both broken relationships and death and stress, so I think I have coped with me well. It is not possible to influence some things and I have learned many times now in life. Broken relationships and friendship is also something that I learned to deal with. Nothing is broken but that it makes something good out of it. I have recently regained contact with many of my old friends from childhood and many of my friendships have become even stronger. I am surrounded by the finest friends that are. The people who know me and know my whole journey but still is jealous of me and where I have come today are people that I will break off contact with. It is completely unreasonable for me to even have those people in my vicinity. The summer has been wonderful in many ways despite the difficulties, there have been incredibly a lot of love. It shows that life goes on whatever happens. 

I am the person who has changed for the better and I have fought to become who I am today. I’ve searched and hunted, and ran afoul of myself in my entire life. Today, I am proud to be me and I am proud of the person I have become. My journey has been more problematic than what many of you know about but the main thing is where and who I am today. So you either see me and respect me for who I am or you have no place in my friendshipcircle at all. I respect myself and it is the most important  but it is also important to surround yourself with people who respect you as you are. Today I have so many people around me who respect me for who I am and it is exactly as it should be. Love You All My Greatest Friends  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n



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Carl Edmond´s bok om hans Galna Liv/ Jag skrattade, jag grät. Glädjetårar! :)

Wow   😛  Carl Edmond alltså har ni hört talas om honom? Vilken grym bok som han har skrivit. Så inspirerande bok om hans galna liv. Helt otroligt vad han har varit med om i hans mycket spännande liv genom alla äventyr han varit på. Jag läser om sidorna flera gånger för det pirrar i hela kroppen.  😛  Funderar ärligt talat på om Carl Edmond är upptagen? Han är helt fantastisk och jag är oerhört tacksam över att få denna möjlighet att kunna läsa Carl Edmond´s bok.

Jag skrattade, jag grät. Glädjetårar! #CarlEdmondWasHere

2Q2A3696  Nu när jag har så härlig ny inspiration så ska jag fortsätta att göra det som jag gör 😛 

Ha det Bäst Mina Läsare

Puzz å Kramizar MinikeGirl 🙂 

Sponsrat av @carledmondofficial

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My Son Turned 9 Years Old Yesterday :)

Overjoyed Mother

My son turned 9 years old yesterday, which was celebrated with a day on a secret outing. We had it very cozy. I had chosen a good path so that my son could have something to watch during our little trip. It was so much fun he fell asleep after 5 minutes after we had begun to drive. It resulted after when we had eaten at the restaurant so he became more alert and more energetic. We ate chicken and then had coffee in a café. Went and talked about life and people and about ourselves. It was a lovely day 😛 .  I am  

My son has done so much in the summer and been on so many activities. He has been abroad many times in his life and got to do so much. It makes me so happy as a mother that I truly have been able to arrange everything so well for us that my son get to explore the world in this way. My son is my biggest motivation and he is the person who allowed me to do everything that I do today. It is he who makes me feel alive. We have a great relationship and we are a good team. We are  a family that has many deep discussions.

Gave my son a mobile when he was old enough and it is because he is good at technology and I think it is important that he must keep up with developments. I have told him how to deal with the internet and that I should always know what he is doing on the Net before he is older. But it is important that he gets to explore with regarding this for I see that he has good skills already. To let my son develop within the how to use a computer and how to use a mobile is very positive. My son has a lot of knowledge in this that I can’t.

He has me as a mother who has internet as my workplace, and I teach him from the beginning. I teach him that there are people who may not always write so nice things about me on the net. I teach him that I seen and heard a lot on the net. That he should always come to me if there is something he is wondering about. If someone says something about my music that he does not agree with. Someone may have comments about my blog and about me. I teach my son that people will always find a lot of different things on a lot.

The most important thing is that you know deep inside that it is good as it is. My son, when the strong in himself and he has very much empathy when it comes to other people. My son is very smart. It’s that I work with is to strengthen his comprehension when it comes to various limits. I know how it is to live with empathy and how some people have used my kindness through the years. Then how some people disappear and pulls away when they no longer can get things, ex money of you. Empathy is about so much more. Empathy is something else. It is when you have a lot of empathy and want to help other people who are there are the people who make use of your goodness. I promise you that once you stop giving things and money to clear the people of their own accord from your life. It is therefore important to set limits and that is what I teach my son.


I have not always made the smartest choices in my life but I knew that day that it is time to change a thing. Change for the better and it is not to be egoistic, but it is to focus on his own family. Focus and care about the people who care about me as a person. As the friends pay the note every other time and petrol money is sound when it comes to money. You give and take and helping each other in everyday life with everything what it can mean.

It’s not about the money and those who pulls away when you put the limits help only got me to really see where I want to put my energy in the future. In recent times I have helped other people in different everyday events that occurred. Then in the middle of everything, I get back lots of things that I need. It gives and takes in a healthy way, where everything goes around. I get back where I don’t even reflected over that I wanted to have it when I helped other people. It is what it is best to have the right people around you.

 dsc_0017-1386874588.jpgBought a couple of very nice curtains yesterday that I’ll fix that up in the right place. It will be as I have thought, so it will probably up a picture of the result. I’m not a star to put up curtains so haha I promise nothing. It is I who happen to snatch down a curtain rod and everything when I just should correct to an existing curtain that is in Place haha 😛 
In the meantime, now that I write this blog post, I get a message that the accessories for my son’s new mobile phone has arrived. He will be so happy tonight when he can start using his first mobile 😛 
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😛 


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