Emma Plithammar Made Me Do This :)


Haha 😛  it was so long ago that I did like this face mask and it is seen really for I have not quite the talent to put it nicely. But it is what it is best here you do not need to be anything professional. Think it feels good and it’s the main thing. I have also been using a toothpaste now on the latest which is absolutely superb and magical, for it has removed all the discoloration from my teeth. I drink so much coffee, which has ruined my teeth’s natural shade. The toothpaste I use has saved me. in connection with the fact that I was the second so I bought a lipgloss that is the top. I’m a star in the to use lipgloss because it was always a ”must ” when I was younger. So it is important for me that it is good products. I work a lot in front of the computer and also have a imbalance in my thyroid that I need to constantly take care of my skin. It is also important for me to give myself a day like this then I just may be. 


It was by pure chance that I found this girl that sells these products on my facebook : https://www.facebook.com/emma.pilthammar?fref=ts

I found a group on facebook where I also found all these awesome beauty products: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1405116009524489/?fref=ts        Talk to Emma if you want to get in her group on Facebook  😛


It is time for me to wash away this awesome face mask now and continue to work on

Have the best all my lovely listeners and readers 

Take care of each other  😛 


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Yesterday I worked from 07:30 – 20:30 and it means that I went up at around 05:00 in the morning :)

Yesterday I worked from 07:30 – 20:30 and it means that I went up at around 05:00 in the morning. I was quite tired after the session but I was tired in a good way. So today, I’ve slept well and feel ready for the day. It has been good to work now in the summer and now I go from having worked on the schedule to stand in the encirclement. Now it is important to take a few days off to gather energy. When you are  creative as I am  it can be difficult to not do anything but to rest and take care of your  health is actually among the most important thing you can do. Everything need not happen in a day and all these thoughts that go around in your brain goes with a lot of practice to tame. Right now I’m practicing my singing voice haha it goes a little this and that with it, I sit down and write at the same time. I’m thinking about a lot of things at the same time and drinking coffee.

 I’m going to take and plan in the nearest time in my calendar so that it becomes like I want to. It would be good if I had a calendar haha it do I need to buy, I see this 😛 

I have a regular calendar but I need a larger calendar where I get a good place to be able to write much on each day. I’m extremely picky when it comes to the right to buy the calendar but I know wich one that  I want. 
Hope you have a good day my lovely listeners and readers : 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 

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To record more of my songs that I have written :)

Changed some plans yesterday so this Sunday I got to plan about. Sometimes there will be some changes in my planning. So yesterday I cleaned the I and today so I have done a little bit of food. The idea from the beginning was to continue to clean but I have time to continue now in the week. Did really good food just as I’m sitting and eating now  😛 20170820_125436.JPG20170820_125241.JPG 

Amazing what you have access to to be as creative as I am. Even if  I am  not the best at what I do  it will be often good if I believe in myself.

In the near future which will, it is time for me to work more with my music and to record more of my songs that I have written. Because it works so good for me to work as I do so I will continue with it. There is no reason to change what works. This time, I dont  change to anything but even so I have a lot of challenges left that I will fight for. I have a lot of things that I want to get into the daily routine and I have almost succeeded with it. It will be a challenge and I will have to fight to get where I want but it will be worth it. The funny thing is that I already know now that I will be successful with it as I want to. Is about to give myself time and a day so I am there quite easily  😛 

A thousand Thanks to all of You who Listen to my music. Now I have 13 songs out on Spotify: 

Have the best my listeners and readers 

Many hugs Minike  😛 screenshot_2017-07-02-11-00-11.jpg






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What do you think my readers about this picture that I have taken ?

Wonderful little creature, with its fine green color and cute head. A completely normal day when I was out on a walk so I could save this little friend, and take this nice card. You are welcome to follow me on instagram I post a lot regarding my music but also about other things happening in my everyday life  :-P. There are so many times that I dont have time to get out my camera but this time so did I good. Think about this picture and it was a good meeting.

What do you think my readers about this picture that I have taken ?

Wish you a very lovely weekend  😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n

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When I buy on a large scale so they usually close the cashier that I shop in Haha :)

20170505_123824.jpgToday, I sit and plan what I’m going to shop for food. It is time for me to shop much food now again. It is a project in itself, but I think it feels so good when I have been home it needed. Now in the summer so it has become that I have acted more often. Because my thyroid does not been so good, it has also meant that I had various different symptoms. My hormones have become so much worse now in the last year, and it is approximately 1 week on each month that I feel completely okay. It is a big change for me but it is good anyway. It’s just a bit scary when it shows up symptoms that I had earlier. Now I feel that, despite everything going in the right direction again. It is so important with what I eat. Sometimes I can eat something that knocks out my levaxin and my values and it is then that the symptoms will. I can go from not being hungry to be there in less than a second. So I have to find little tricks applicable to always try to have a good balance  😛 May think healthy and look at the clock when I should eat something when I am not at all hungry and I get to think sometimes that this is a moderate portion. Some days I eat more than a full-grown lumberjack haha and other days I get barely in me any food. But if you spread out my food intake on the number of days in a month, so I’m at a good level. I have good values and a very strong heart and feel good. So I’m good anyway to have a good balance. A good balance of current this requires a lot of discipline and hard work.

So now when I write my long shopping list of everything I should be, so I start from to get home with healthy food. But healthy food to better use if I practice of course. Everything hangs together  😛 img_20170510_085134.jpg

A tip if it is a little difficult to think of what that will be traded is to go to the shop that you intend to shop in and write your shopping list on the spot. Then you go back to the shop. This can be cumbersome and feel like an extra thing for many but it can also facilitate. Do what feels easiest for you. It is the most important. It is easy to also go online and see what the grocery store has for the range if it is difficult to come up with something good. When I buy on a large scale so they usually close the cashier that I shop in because I buy so much. It is also, of course, so that I’m not the best at to put the goods in the right direction. My energy is not so high when I get to the cashier and thinking activity relevant to add the 5 articles the right can take all of the thinking sometimes. Imagine, then, how it will be when I buy on a large scale for the 4-5 thousand bucks haha  😛 

Now, I shall continue to write on my shopping list this wonderful Tuesday. Have some other things I want to do today, so I take each day as it comes, simply.


Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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There are so many of my friends who I want to meet and will meet now in the nearest time :)

20170814_104642.JPGWonderful start on the day with good food like I did last night and wild strawberriecandy  and coffee. It can’t get better for about a couple of hours so I’m off to my work. I have booked into the next time in musicstudio for the next recording of my upcoming song. Feels really fun and exciting as always. I’m probably like this positive and happy today, for I decided one thing yesterday. Sometimes, it is wonderful to wake up and know that you have taken the right decision. Really a decision that will make that I will have so much more energy now in the future. I don’t actually have time and energy for some people. Sometimes as a priority I, other people in a way that takes a lot of energy that I care about them. I have really seen the advantages and disadvantages of this now in recent times so therefore I have taken a decision. I always have a choice and instead of wasting more time and effort where it does not seem to be needed so I need not be there more. It has gone so far that I do not want to simply. I continue to do what makes my family to have the good for the first go. The money I earn today will be added in the Mother and Son Adventure Checkout. 

I have not decided yet what we will do, I and my son, when given the chance. It was so incredibly successful when we went and visited one of my closest friends one summer. It was to Gothenburg, Varberg, Halmstad and many other fine places. The trip was so wonderful and we had it so nice with my friend. One of the best trips always. Now my friend is in a different location and we have said that we should try to be seen soon. It is a nice friend I have and we have known each other for so long so her I miss lots. 

There are so many of my friends who I want to meet and will meet now in the nearest time. First it is me and my son to find something exciting  😛 

I love to plan so it will be good how I do. It will be incredibly fun to go somewhere with my son. It will be so wonderful to meet many of my friends again soon  😛 

Now I’m going to plan ahead here and drink up my coffee hihi  😀 screenshot_2017-05-20-22-17-57.jpg

Take care of each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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