Proud of and support each other :)









Love my coffee cups are big and nice. It can fit a lot of coffee in them. Today I write music and run a bit facemask. It wears on the skin when you’re sitting in front of the computer as much as I do. Then it is good to nurture their skin with a little extra. 

The best is, of course, if someone comes at unexpected visit when I look like this  😛

As you already understand I am inside my creative bubble here, and would continue to write music. Have talked with some of my good friends and it is fun to plan a little for the future with them.  We share the joy and are proud of and support each other in our successes. Support each other through it that are struggling, and many thing for every progress that we make. Progress in the to develop individually and to get the feel good. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

 Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Get caught up in my creativity :)

Took a lot of coffee today before I started to write music..So there has been a song here in the morning. It is good to start early in the morning then I get more done otherwise, so goes the day so fast and it quickly becomes night. I have all the time lots that I’m working with, so it is important to plan well. But all the time in my schedule so I’m going to new angles and new ways of working. It means that there is all the time available to do  😛 Since I have easy to get caught up in my creativity so I tend to check on the clock when it is reasonable to eat the food. I decide when I’ll train and do other things. When I went in to a real type period then many other things wait. Then it is just to write everything what I can. Every day is different when I work with my business which makes it so fantastic.

I have a lot of scheduled things coming up that I will realize in the future. It will be very exciting. 

Thanks to all of you who listen to my music : 

Follow me on  Instagram If you WANNA  😛 : 

Take Care OF Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Love to just sit and write music :)

I have written music throughout the day and it has been lovely to have been able to do it. Feel so good when creativity presents itself exactly as it did today. Love to just sit and write music. It is a part that must be structured up now but the groundwork is finished. The next step is to find out and focus on those songs that it is time to start making backgrounds. This time, I have started a little bigger and more extensive projects concerning my music. It was so because I was so creative today because there were a few extra songs written hihi  😛  . 

Now I have to do the next time that comes with my music and it feels absolutely amazing. In a week I’m going to brew my coffee properly every day. 




A thousand Thanks to all of you who follow me on my creative journey through life. Thank you all who listen to my music and all the nice words about my latest release, Min Gåva  : 

Take Care Of Each Other  😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I Love My Gift :)

Absolutely fantastic to my new song My Gift is released. It feels so fun to finally get to share it with you all. My gift is to be medial and I was born with this. There has been a lot of practice for me to both understand and to actually be able to live with my gift. A wise man once said to me that I would take care of my gift when I was in the United States. It has happened in my life to people I don’t know have come up to me and said that I should take care of my gift. I have always known that I have had my gift at the same time as it could be  scary. For it is like that all the time to live between life and death. I love my gift and I am glad I followed all the great advice to just take care of my gift. Great feeling that I have been able to write a song about what I feel. Today I can both see and hear, and know of other energies and other hand. So it really feels absolutely amazing. I’m good at to transform bad energy to good energy and I am very strong when it comes to running out of various spirits that are going wrong. This is nothing that I work with despite the fact that  I am strong in my abilities. Can happen that I sometimes help other people if I am on site and there is bad energy. 

Today as I sit and work with a lot of things and had to just now go and turn the light off in the room where I sit for it was too bright. Would also need to set me on my exercise machine and workout a little bit because it is important. I feel like I’ve been sitting still too much hihi  😛

I have finally received help to tighten the screws properly on my machine so it is just to run  😈
Continued nice weekend my friends…..
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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New Release ”Min Gåva” Listen Here :)


Thanks to all of you who listen to my music and there are now 14 songs on Spotify  😛

Haha  😛 today so I woke up that I would but managed to fall asleep on. It was run very much when I luckily woke up and saw that the clock was a lot. Now everything is as it should time wise and I can continue to work with my music. It will be a good day and it is nice that it is the weekend. 

I will sit and write music today and also get a few other projects that I have started here at home. It is always wonderful to get it clear. 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 



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I’m like a bad burned mobile battery that can go from 1 million % of the battery rapidly to a total – 500000 %

I and my son was and bought so much food yesterday after we decided that we could manage it. Act as much food and have their children with is just as exciting every time. Think it is important that he gets to be with and he thinks it is fun. We walked into the store when it was light outside and we came out of the store when it was dark. There is a lot to work with then when you get home with all the goods but it is best to and then it’s done. I like to be able to fill up the freezer and the refrigerator then do not have to shop so often  😛

To sort all our clothes and run a few extra washers. Cleans out and buy some new clothes. Cleaned my son’s room and he has got to decide which toys he wants to keep and who he wants to give away. It is so easy to accumulate too much stuff. Good energy to get in a home that does not have too much things because the bad energy gets stuck easy if you have a lot of things. Energy needs space to move on and to be able to take forward. I feel the difference so much that it just feels liberating to clean. 

I clean in a healthy way for it is not possible to clean all the time. I have those days that it is not a priority for me to clean up but the days I let be so. I know I still get it cleaned then anyway  😛
It is healthy for me to get these days when I’m at home no matter really what I do at home. Is there a way for me to manage myself and to feel calm. It goes to the big a lot of energy for me just by I am outside of my home. Also, if I do things that I love. I’m like a bad burned mobile battery that can go from 1 million % of the battery rapidly to a total – 500000 % .
This is why we can’t hang out or that I can work some periods. This is why I sometimes you just have to go home when I can. While I do not choose to go away for much. Everything is carefully planned by me because I want to have so good balance of everything as possible in this imbalance. Fixes this very good, I think. Many people often wonder when it comes to me.
Why does she not ?
Why does she do it ?
The answer to the questions is that I do it when I’m ready and when I can. I’m not lackadaisical or lazy, I work and live all the time in order to maintain balance. I have chosen to fight with myself every day because I am a strong and worthy opponent. It is the success in my own development, which allowed me to continue and it is also the acceptance to stop myself, where it is useless. Better to give priority to what works than to begin to prioritize and spend energy on it that will only take energy from it that works and I go backwards  😛
There is always something going on and I’ll continue to work here with my music hihi so Lovely  🙂 
Will focus on taking each day as it comes  😛

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
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