Stylish and a bit old style :)

I slept well last night and woke up quite early today. Have worked a lot with the music now in the morning. Did some changes in the lyrics of a song, and it was for the better. So I am pleased with the outcome that was. It is fun to be able to go ahead now and start working on some other songs that I have at the time. 

I have another large project now on the time soon as I plan to redo my kitchen here at home. It will be interesting to immerse themselves in. Currently, it is a bright kitchen with a floor that is not of the best quality. Means that everything should be done. I want a kitchen that is not as bright as mine are, but more cozy. A little more dampening in its appearance. Stylish and a bit old style. Will be really good just I get the time to put me down in peace and quiet and choose. 

I’ll start to pick out how the kitchen should look like will be enough the rest of the way. What I had intended from the beginning and which I thought was a great project was to put in that kind of click flooring, then escalated everything then they should do help me with the floor could make the entire kitchen.

I will probably be able to get in between my work outside the home, and between my work with my blog and my music  😛 . 

Being a mom with everything that it involves. The best is when the kitchen is finished but I probably will be able to relax more when the work has started. It can be difficult with positive things when it comes to clutter especially where I live. But I think that it is during a period, and I get to look forward to the end result. I’ll go in and check now at once a little at what there is to choose from  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
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I love these quiet evenings :)

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Now I have come home from my work and the day has passed very quickly. So now I’m sitting and waiting for the food in the oven to be ready. It used to be that I eat quite late, sometimes I sleep better if I is measured. I had frozen down the lasagna so it is easy to just take.

I like to cook and often make a lot of food. More convenient to be able to freeze it over

Sleep well tonight my friends  😛 

I will sleep very good in night I feel already now. Looking forward to tomorrow despite the fact that I love these quiet evenings.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


Thank you for reading my blog and listening to my music : 

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Now I have finally printed on solid one data key ”F ”that is detached :-P

Haha 😆 Now I have finally printed on solid one data key ”F ”that is detached 😛 . It will probably keep for a while in any case. Today I have a lot of working on my blog. I visited a place that has a better computer than what I have, and the better the internet to be able to work more efficiently. I’m thinking on to advance through to get a better computer and the internet now when I know that I will be blogging much. I want to be able to work as much as possible from home and I notice how much better it gets when I have better technology. I have also been thinking on to get a smart tv and work through it. But then, I still have to sit big when I play video games. Then I sit down, preferably as close as possible  🙂 

I am not a tv viewer for tv sets are real energy thieves. It is more energy-saving for me to look at the different movies and series on your computer. Not have to comply with different times that the programmes without being able to see when it suits me.

I have been waiting a whole month to follow a little results in terms of my music. My distribution company has upgraded their entire site recently and there have been many good changes I think. Many new good slow. However, so I’ll probably wait a bit before I get to see my stats. I am always so excited regarding stuff like this. It is the one month that you look at a time usually so little to the I can handle enough of the wait  😛 


Right now so should I just continue with my music. 


Take Care Of Each Other 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 



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Wrestling can be a fight in the morning with yourself :)

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Now I have sat and worked on my music all morning. The day started with that I barely got myself out of bed and when I feel that way then I usually go up so that my son is going to school. After that, I usually these days go and rest a little and then go up. This is for me to cope with the day more. Today, I went against myself and drank coffee because I want to still defy my chronic fatigue. I often feel in the morning how the body is. So it has been a good morning and I have gotten very much done.

I’m now resting the brain for a while and try to unwind a bit. It is very important to gather new energy. When I make music, so I listen and practice and write at the same time, and it takes on the forces. It is of course even I after a while get tired of singing and to work with one and the same song all the time. This prevents the I by working with several tracks at the same time.

I am more than satisfied with the morning’s music work. It feels extra good when my baseline for the day was not to my advantage. My will is very strong and it feels strangely good to sometimes wrestle with myself to get there as I want to. Wrestling can be a fight in the morning with yourself  😛 

The phenomenon we all know, more or less, depending on how we work hihi  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Lovely Walk With One Of My Friends :)

Just got home from a lovely walk with one of my friends. It was a little colder than usual so now it is warm and nice to be inside again. I like to walk so it was so nice that my friend got in today, we usually go for walks together. So now it’ll be a hot cup of tea here so I will be warm again. 

Should start to go through my song lyrics again to get to the text that I want to have it. Feels really funny now when I start to get as good structure in them. Some of the songs will probably be finished written today. There I notice when I start to work with them. 


Now I’ve got me some tea so now I have become hot again. It means that it is time for me to start writing my music   😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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It warms my heart to see how far we have taken us through life

Have slept really well last night and right now, I hold on to wake up to. There is some paperwork that I need to get the order of which I will arrange today. Also need structure and work on the internet. But otherwise today so I will be working with my music. So it is to do all the time, and the more I work the better everything becomes. Therefore it is important to plan well the entire time and be able to think long-term. I would like to do everything I can myself. It’s a little bit scary, I think, to hire and to entrust the responsibility for my activities to other people and companies. I want to know what happens all the time in everything that I do. It is very important to me. I also know that it takes a little longer everything I plan when I do everything by myself but then it may take the extra time. I have the people I need around me in my work with the blog and the music that I need. They stand close to me and know how I operate. 

I sit and work a lot online and I try out what works and what does not. I think it is very interesting. It has taken me a big to a long time before I began to use Pinterest. I have actually not taken before how I like making music and that blogs would be able to utilize Pinterest in the best way. Every time that I tried to learn Pinterest, so it was not so great  😛 But now I’ve figured out how I’ll do there haha  😛 

Each extra kind of thing that I add will be an extra task for me to plan into my schedule. In a way, so I create a temporary more work for me but in the long term it will do more and more of itself. I think it is fun to do everything and it is very interesting. A lot of work requires that I have a neat and tidy everything is and that is where it is important that the healing time to work away the paperwork that occurs. The more I develop my blog and the more my music that I do is spread the more the work around. I try to blog and music should go hand in hand and join in the development that is taking place. But some moments I have more to do with the music and other moments so I have more to do with my blog. Still think I have a good balance of everything. It feels like I’m starting to get a better balance on the whole and that it is really worth to sit and work those extra hours to reach to my goals. 

Have had amazing conversations with many of my friends now in the recent times. We support each other and we are happy for other’s success. It warms my heart to see how far we have taken us through life. We live in our dreams and we are targeted. But what pleases me most is that despite the fact that we are many who have had it very tough in life, we have always taken us through everything. We are real fighters and I am so proud of my friends. I am so grateful to all my fellow human beings. What’s awesome is that I have had a really big tough now last year. There has been much around that I haven’t been able to do anything about. I have learned some new strategies in order to cope with these things that I can’t do anything about. Everything is a process of life and for me it is about all the time to work not to fall so deep when I fall. Sometimes it is difficult to prevent when it gets to be too much. My life strategies is now so strong that I can resist to actually end up in these depressions. What is all of this that I can’t do anything about will always be so. Therefore, I develop all the time new and stronger strategies to deal with everything in a good way. Last year as I have in all the turmoil got so many new people in my vicinity that I can trust. Good relationships have been even better. There is so much love and friendship that really has gotten stronger bond. You understand that whatever happens as it is always doing the best in even the most difficult situations.

I honor you all my friends who are by my side. I honor you all who have died. You are with me every day and I feel it in my heart and in my soul. Sit and be so grateful that I can actually be of things now-a-days is something that I haven’t even been able to imagine is magical. I never thought that I would get to experience the peace and quiet. I never thought that I would get to feel the inner peace here on earth. So I will continue to do what I love and I will continue to be grateful for everything. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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