Open up my senses and gives tranquility to my Soul

It has been a good day and I have had the time to do it as I had thought. Took a shorter walk today to collect some energy and to move on me. Tonight I have listened to some podcast and seen on a few people that sent live. It is something that I would like to do more but am glad I did a little bit. I listen to the greater part always on the music but also likes to listen to audiobooks. 

Listening time on other creative people because I am creative myself. Those who have that special that makes to follow them quite easily. 
I think that it works very good for me to work from home and I am learning all the time new little tricks to maintain my focus. Get it as I want to have done and at the same time be at a balanced level. Some days it’s less and other days so it will be more. I might have thought to write on one of my song lyrics but I can’t sit still right then or have my focus where it should be. Then it is better to go for a walk or do something else. I sit and work many hours of the day with everything.
I cleaned a bit today and late so I was tired and stumble in with my shoes which were earthy.
But it does no it may be so sometimes haha  😛 

Sit and listen to this awesome music right now is so amazing. It is something that I almost listen to every evening to be quiet in my mind. 

I also recover so much with the kind of music here, and it strengthens me. It is spiritual and open up my senses and gives tranquility to my soul.  Great to just dance to I love it so much. Imagine you have a hard to unwind and then find something where you can just float away in. Really to recommend. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs Minikegirl 

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MTVROCK. Interviewed Me :)









Here you can read the whole interview of me on : 



Really felt that I needed to move on me now when I have sat still and worked so much with both my blog and music. Set up on the different interviews and not gone on so many walks that I’m used to. So yesterday I took a walk in the sun which was absolutely fantastic.  



Today I will continue to work with my future song lyrics  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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Christer Holm Interviewed Me with questions regarding my blog

Yesterday, I was involved in the Christer Holm’s blog. Christer interviewed me with questions regarding my blogging. The interview is in Swedish and you can read it here      

Christer Holm has a great blog where he writes about his exciting life so please go and read his blog.

Today, I shall continue to write music, there is much to do but great fun  🙂 

Hope you have a good day my lovely readers . 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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Interviewed yesterday regarding my music, you can read the entire interview here

Interviewed yesterday regarding my music, you can read the entire interview here on 3 places :

Meet the MinikeGirl – A Famous Swiss Singer & Songwriter

MinikeGirl : A Talented Swiss Singer & Songwriter

I am so used  to write about myself so to be interviewed in this way, I have not really got used to yet. But I have been with in a previous interview on their site so it felt safe and good. I have released more songs then I was interviewed by them so it was fun to be with again. 

Now I’m going to take and fix the order with a little bit of paperwork in my binders  🙂 

There are more journalists/bloggers out there who would be willing to write something about my story, blog and my music so you are welcome to hear of you. I can participate in both Swedish and English interviews. Would you like to then translate to other languages, that is fine. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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This day I have had 2 interviews regarding my music :)

I have sat and worked all day with stuff I love to work with. Now I will continue to blog as I also love to do. This day I have had 2 interviews regarding my music, but of course as I mention in my blog address. It comes to fit  😛 . 

I have written more text on some of my next songs, which feels fantastic. Feel like a little professor here in all of the work. All the time organize and tinkering at the same time as my hair grows like weeds and is thick on the stands straight out if I do not have headbands  😈 
After all the work  today so I’ll take it easy tonight. 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs MinikeGirl 
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Hormonal Bastards That Pops Up All The Time  :-P 

Breakfast time here now on this glorious Sunday. I drink tea for it has become so much coffee now on the latest. I love coffee and drink usually immense quantities. Sometimes I have these days that a bit of variety and then I drink like tea. I like both tea and coffee but tea will be the mostly because I can’t be bothered days otherwise. It is when I have a Sunday like today, then I’m not going to go anywhere and when I’ll be inside so it goes well with tea. 

It feels like I have strep throat but I know it’s just my hormones that are haunting and that this is temporary. I had tonsillitis 7 times very close to when I was younger so now I am probably immune to it. We girls have our periods every month and it interferes with all the time my medication of Levaxin. What I should is certainly to increase the dose a week before my period and maintain that increase during my period. For it will be off to eat a balanced dose when my hormones still can not be still. Then sounds reasonable to comply with in the turns. I have figured out this myself and I think it is a good idea. I’ll take it up with my doctor. It is always important to talk together with your doctor about stuff like this. What I mean is only a little increase I eat 75 mg Levaxin. What I believe, and I think this is always in conversation with my doctor. Important to never modify the dosage without having to always go after your doctor’s prescription. Another solution might be that I’m starting to eat a little more Levaxin daily to be more prepared against these hormonal bastards that pops up all the time  😛 . 

New symptoms every month and some who I recognize it is fantastic  😛  Hormonal BASTARDS !! 
As you may understand, so it is very hard for me to live with all these physical problems at the same time as I have my mental disorders. It is a big part of me that I can’t just take away. It is something that I have learned to live with. I therefore accept that it is a hassle but I think I am doing the big good otherwise. This may certainly not affect me negatively but it is something that is destroying me. It destroys what it destroys and there is nothing that I can do something about, but I accept the situation and adapt and do what I can.

Today, it is not a good idea to sing to me even though I want to so clear. I don’t dance or strength training. How will this go Haha  😛 

I have eaten a good breakfast and is happy and satisfied.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 








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