All Scary Children  :-P 

Here it is good, I’ll start to write then there are many who wonder. There is much tinkering with as usual and today, so dress the kids out themselves to be intimidated. So here there have already been many children and knocked at the door. My son is out with his mate and rapidly. I’m relatively accustomed to everyday life is the same so this is a bit different you should know. Therefore, I think it feels so wonderful to just be able to listen to some music and writing this post.I must collect myself a little haha have been frightened here of all scary children  😛 I’m not so good at organising things like this but I thought it might be time to try. The kids have so much fun. It is the most important. 

Yesterday, we did potatoes in the oven which was really good. I used to often eat it before and doing it now when it is approaching winter. I need some subcutaneous fat. We ate bacon with garlic sauce. I like to cook, as you know, but it is more fun when I have good time for it.

You are some people who wonder when I will release new music and if I also can participate in a new interview. I have music on again and it will take a while before I can let you take part of it so I am working everything I can to get it finished. As to whether I can participate in any new interview depends a bit on who is asking. I also try to get time to suffice here, as you know, so I answer you on social media when I have time. I see that there are many people who want to talk with me and I appreciate that you write to me. You are not forgotten but, on the contrary I see you. 

Tomorrow is already the first of November and I think it’s completely okay.

Do you like Winter ?

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs MinikeGirl 

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It becomes very powerful and it feels liberating :)

Today, I work out the vocals, which is something that I feel I want to do. To sing I need to breathe right and it will make me less stressed. It is fun to constantly try to develop myself. The better the physics, which I have, the easier it is to sing. I love it when I feel I sing with my whole body and when I can focus good. When it comes naturally and I can take the help of the entire room’s energies. It becomes very powerful and it feels liberating  🙂 

Have a lot to work with on the computer today so there is to do. I’ll even take it a bit quiet, also I feel. It is important to take my daily breaks when it is being worked from home.

Since I am a pet sitter now so it’s a little different now in my life against what I am used to. As soon as it becomes something different in my everyday life so it takes more energy, even though it is positive things.

Hope you all have a good Monday  🙂 
Take Care Of Each Other 


Thank you all  so much  for reading my blog and listening to my music: 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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So I stopped to feel for several years


Yesterday I sat and wrote the music and there was 7 new songs so now I’m a little brain tired. Consequently, it must be lovely to my friend coming to visit in a little while. I will sit and write music tonight too for I can’t resist. It is my way to express myself on because I would otherwise have a hard time expressing my feelings. I have strong feelings about most things but I often find it difficult to express them. When I should express them in other ways than through my music, I am often blocked. It means that I have a lot to work with. I am focused on that all the time to keep maintaining the balance that makes my life work. It means that I don’t really allow myself to feel more than necessary. I am a person who can sit and go into a thousand pieces across the different emotions. I can be so happy that I break and I can be so emotional that I go under. Emotions are wonderful but they are also some of my biggest enemies. Through my music I’m myself on the spot and you shall know that I am terrified to unleash the person that can occur if don’t do it as I do. Call it sad or call it smart, but instead of that I’m stuck with myself so I let the music save me. That is what I understand and it is my language. I care a lot about other people and I want other people well. I have good advice and tips to others.

When it comes to me so I have to constantly curb myself. I’m very complicated but at the same time so simple. I am very strong but at the same time so fragile. Without one so I am not the other. I accept that I do not always understand myself and I accept that other people don’t always reach up to me. How can other people understand me if I don’t understand myself always? 
Despite the fact that I am who I am so I am happy. I do what I want to do in my life and I have the world’s finest son. I has taken me so far on my journey It feels absolutely amazing. I am loved by many people and it feels nice  🙂 You have no idea what has preceded in my brain regarding my thoughts and concerns. You have much insight into who I am at the same time, so much the more, as ye do not know about. But I’m always so honest in everything that I can be honest in. At work and among friends on social relationships. I am and always will be someone who is going to understand but I will always have it where you cannot reach and understand. I have many close to me who understand very much when it comes to me. Some of my closest friends view of me and tells me how I am which is amazing. I think different and I am different. Above all, it is my innermost room of feelings different than most people’s. It has been so damaged in many ways that there is a constant process for me to have them on a balanced level. I lived so long jaded and I was totally uncaring. It started with that I drowned in all my feelings. Feelings was annoying and they killed me. So I stopped to feel for several years. Different life events in my life have done that, I closed of my feelings or had a big lot of emotion. It has been either or all of the time and it will take on my forces. I have become a master at turn off and turn on my feelings when it is really needed and when it is about pure survival. Then it’s my instincts taking over completely. In everyday life I am less clear sometimes about what I think and feel. Many people feel that I show someone that I can’t explain, or, on the contrary, I explain something that 
can not display. 
What is most amazing is that many of you are out with me and it is I big grateful for. When you don’t really understand me so don’t forget that I may not understand myself and therefore I can not explain. Continue to listen to my music and read my blog. For every day that goes so we learn a little more about MinikeGirl  🙂 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Get a nice visit from a girl friend of mine tomorrow :)

Sitting and drinking my morning coffee and thinking of life as usual. Sometimes it can be a little hard to be intelligent and talented as I apparently have become and want to be but at the same time, it is wonderful to just be a little bit of my old self. At the same time as I take it one day at a time so I plan even 20 years ahead. I’m thinking of what songs I should start to immerse myself. If I’m going to clean up here at home a bit today. Get a nice visit from a girl friend of mine tomorrow so it feels really nice when it is a close friend to me.

I have now with the people who I want to be with on my journey through life, which feels wonderful but, above all, safe. It is the very reason why I feel so good as I do today. I do a lot now through my music and I know that it is a big part in that, I feel good. The songs I do now are songs that are very close to me but yet at the same time so far away. It is good to constantly mix up everything piece by piece.
I really need to get more folders to put my songs in and I buy any of these in different colors as you have seen. It is a must that every song should have its own folder hihihihi  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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There is so much love in me that my soul has begun to spread it out

I constantly strive to understand myself because it always takes me forward in life in a good way. I am thinking about it most of the time and analyze how I am and how I feel. It gives me great insights into myself and I get answers to many of my concerns. Feel so much humility on this life. I have lived with so much hatred and anxiety through my life which is now replaced with so much love. It still feels unreal that I actually feel as good as I do today. I’m really touched and grateful as I do not thought that this would happen. It makes me want to stop time and always be as confident in myself as I am. My soul is now whole and very powerful. My soul is filled with love. Let me stop time so that I always feel this way. There is so much love in me that my soul has begun to spread it out, the more powerful. It feels magical and natural at the same time. I always want to be here and I will always be there in one way or another. This is the result of a soul that has been healed. My brain don’t really understand this process, and it goes much in the past life experience  and its instincts. So I am and will probably act and be a little ambivalent in much. It’s hard to control how much I want. I am a problem solver so you understand that I have full up with myself. There is a lesson to even be able to see beyond it, which could be a problem for it is how I handle it that makes if I feel good about it or not. Right now it is very good and I am enjoying every second of it  🙂 

I have upgraded myself now and is on a step higher up, which feels absolutely amazing. It is very interesting and therefore, I stop the time for that I can. For that I am worthy to feel this way and I want to feel this way. Among the finest that can be given to me is time never forget it. I don’t know really so I know I will in time. This is what I have learned and that is the way I’m thinking. Therefore do I stop the time. Exciting to come to different insights that I all the time do. It is magical to walk on my way. 

Today I have a real light scattering day, and the day of rest. It makes good for the soul. Nice Weekend all my lovely listeners and readers  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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My senses and my soul feel good

It feels great now when I received the order on so many of my songs. I can now start to put some focus on other songs that I have at the time. I have been in a Write- Bubble is now quite a while and now I’ve got a good structure in everything. As much as I want to do and it is so amazing.

The more songs I write the more I learn about myself. It gets me all the time to understand myself and my way of thinking. I get more and more insight into why I live in the structure that I built up. 
Today I work a lot with my music, so it’s soon time to sleep here  😛 . I want to be able to work tomorrow also at the same time that I also should take it easy tomorrow.
I am strong and know where I am on the road and it is a great feeling. 
My driving force is so strong now and my senses and my soul feel good.
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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