Now I get to calm me a bit I wrote just now finished 3 pieces of my new songs :)

Now I get to calm me a bit I wrote just now finished 3 pieces of my new songs. It feels great but I must stop myself, for I will be a bit like a manic runaway horse. It feels fantastic to be creative but it must not take over too much and I can really get stuck. So now, it was great to take a little break here. I wrote earlier that I’m not really healthy so it is especially important to rest also. I easily fall in ecstasy and get the rush of joy when I’m in my creative bubble. It is how lovely that time to finally be so strong that I can process everything that happened. Even though it is very heavy memories of the traumatic events so I give myself this. It feels wonderful when I feel that it lightens more and more from my soul. I go into depth with everything just in the tempo as I feel that I have mastered and are capable of. Certainly it is painful and it is also a way for me to take me on. I would rather see it disappear away from me in a way where I decide. I am very self-conscious and strong. I know that it will take time. I know that it is worth to transform what is within me through my music. 

It is a major project which I am doing now with my music, which feels absolutely amazing. So I put a lot of time on the music and it is more time than I usually do. I am determined to do it as I have thought, and now I see the actually finish line. It probably depends on the fact that I have work ready 3 song lyrics today  😛 

I’m also going to get much better internet and I really need to get a better computer. Have thought that I’ll make sure to arrange this with the new computer when my better internet begins. I want to be able to manage everything from home when needed and not have to borrow other people’s computers. I mean I can get an idea of something in the middle of the night and that is why I want to have everything at home.

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 



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Trying to wake up here is not really healthy today

Good morning I am sitting and trying to wake up here is not really healthy today, I feel. It may be a quiet day here today I’ll be working from home. Waiting for my coffee to be ready and also a seafoodpie that I heat in the oven. I eat quite a lot sometimes for breakfast as you read about sometimes and as seen on the picture. Likes to eat a lot of food when I can and a day like this, I need to start the day with a bit of give sufficient breakfast.


Yesterday I worked with the music and start to work on it that is next on the tour now. It will be really interesting to see when I can get the order of the then the. Some of the songs that I do are easier to do than the other songs. The one that I need to do now is a bit of trickier, I think, but once I get a good focus so it will be good.

Right now, it is most tricky when I’m not woken up here, really, haha  😛 

The best part is that I have finished up my pie now, and have a few ounces of coffee left so my day starts soon a little more awake, I can promise  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs MinikeGirl 

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Sit and work with the computer today and it runs great. I’m thinking often about how think. Sometimes, so everything you do online, which is good and sometimes it disappears for a part. So I try all the time to be friend with but it is quite difficult in many situations. Have fought now since 2012 with so it is nothing new just  🙂 

I think it is very interesting to see what works and what does not. I see that it works. But the network is great so I’ll have to content myself with being the little professor, as I am about this.

I cant wait until my new faster and much more powerful Internet that I have ordered will. Then I will be able to work much more efficiently than I do today. Today I am limited, and this is really frustrating but now I know in all cases that there will be better everything. So I am excited that you understand. I love blogging, and it is important that I am not limited in what I’m doing. When I am not here so I’m doing my music and it is 2 worlds that I love to be in.

Right now so is it very much work for me regarding my music and I work in a fairly high tempo. It is really fun and it goes according to my planning. I get up early every morning even though it is the weekend and works with both the music and my blog. I’m trying to get a good sleep every night and maintain my routines.

Tomorrow I’ll go and see if my medications have arrived, or if I need to call my doctor. Last few months have gone by so fast and I honestly have totally forgotten to renew my prescription. I was out in good time and called my doctor about my medications but then he said that I had already printed so it was just a download. Then I downloaded but now I don’t know if there are take-out or not. I have in recent months begun to make use of a small dosett because I have problems with my memory especially when I have that much around. A dosett is really to recommend for then you will see clearly if you have taken your medicine or not every day. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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Raise and lower the levels on the to-do list  :-) 

Today is a day when I am doing a little different stuff here at home when I want to get both the laundry and to clean up a bit. I have been working with my music now throughout the morning, so I will also rest a lot. Has a good series that I just started to check on so I will see slightly overlapped interspersed with the other as I do. 

I slept well last night so I woke up relatively early today so now it feels like it is evening here  😛 

There is a lot of work with my music right now. Even though it is very now I’m in a period where I have stopped time a bit in order to collect new forces. For I want to do anything that I want to do and deal with. So this weekend I take it easy.

Have also just been a pet sitter, which has been absolutely fantastic. Now I need to get back to some normal routines again. It always takes a little time for me when there is new stuff happening and it takes some time before I can set about simply. I never know how long stuff like this takes but I gives me the time I need. Right now so is the rest. I go a little around in it that I can focus on and sometimes it works to do more things at the same time and sometimes it gets more focus on the smaller number of stuff.

It is the constant to all the time add and remove. Raise and lower the levels on the to-do list  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I have to let in new oxygen :)

It comes to eating more food, I feel when you keep on working as I do for I want to have good energy. Now it is even colder out there so then I need to eat more substantially. The best part is that there are left over food until today. I usually make more when I can. I mean it’s just as good  🙂 

Is to wash and clean here today, it is great to get away what is left. I want to have a certain standard here at home about how clean and tidy it is and so it is just to run.

For me it is very important that there is good air in my home when I’m working with the music and the blog. When I have practiced a lot of singing so I have to let in new oxygen. I have new songs now that I’m going to practice in, which feels absolutely amazing. As of today, it is much to be done here.

I’ll sit down tomorrow and plan how I will be able to work now in the next few months. I have a job where I work with people. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs MinikeGirl 

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I’m already inside of the year 2018 in my thoughts :)

Now it was really cold this morning, I felt. It reminds of when I was younger and was out and camped when I slept with my clothes in the sleeping bag in order that they would not be too cold in the morning. I had slept a little longer today but woke up when it was cold. The coffee is on the way so soon it will be better here I feel. It was a lot of hubbub yesterday, but today it becomes a little more ordinary day. I felt that it was stressful yesterday that I wrote but I’m glad it was as good as it was. I strive to always try to do some more even though I’m stressed out during the time. It is to raise my stress levels further where I can. When I do so, it is important to really feel by itself.

Think it is lovely to go up when it is peaceful and quiet at home. Nice to wake up. I had 10 minutes before the dog and my son woke up Haha  😛 
Now that I’ve got in me soon, a pot of coffee here and have been out with the dog so I feel that I am really warm and cozy. So the knitted sweater, I threw me just. It was just too hot. 
It’s funny when you wonder and ask me how it goes with my music ? Especially when I sit and make many new songs as I do right now. I feel that it is really fun to talk with other friends as even they are so driven in what they do. We support and are so happy for each other’s success in what we are doing. I think it is so fascinating with other people who have this inner drives that I have. We have so much to talk about, and it’s wonderful just to be able to understand each other in our creativity. 
See each other’s different journeys in their creativity and to be able to give each other some tips and advice. Although to be honest to my friends and say that you need to rest now one day, when it’s obvious they need it. It is easy to get caught up in their creativity especially when your desires are so strong. I often get told that I have a pretty fast-paced when it comes to making my music and blogging. I put very much time and effort on the blog and the music. At the same time, so I feel that I am just getting started despite the fact that I am where I am today.
In my world and from my perspective, I agree still with the very essence of both the music and here on the blog. I feel that I have infinitely more to do and to give. It feels very good and it is all the time so living feelings to develop everything more and more. I have deliberately increased the tempo of both the music and here on the blog because I’m already inside of the year 2018 in my thoughts. Now I will continue to work with the music  🙂 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
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