During the time that I wrote this post :)

I have a small day of rest here, it has been a few days now then it has been the little extra. I’m also not completely healthy and I’m testing a new medicine now on the second day. Trying to get more balance in my hormones. Hope it will be for the better, and it feels like it was time to give my health a chance. Every chance that I make is also a risk in that it can deteriorate, but now it has gone so far that I’m willing to take that chance. There is so much I want to do, and a better health facilitates very much for me. Have just finished writing a song, and it always feels so special and lovely for then I can go straight on to the next song. That is the way I work and it works in a good way. Just saw that I have those that I want to have finished written now  🙂

I often write that I work a lot but in order to be able to do it as I do so it is very important to listen to your body. Important to rest when needed. It is needed before it is large projects on time and needed during this time and after. 
During the time that I wrote this post, so I wrote just one new song, the fell just down. I could nothing else than to write down it came with such a force that I could not resist  😛 
Now, it becomes really rest here for me 😛
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Good for the future :)

Changing to winter tires now on my car. Once that is done, I shall continue to write on one of my new songs. I have set a goal to get clear the text today when I feel like I have good focus. I have also eaten a lot of food so that I have the energy to be creative tonight. Is big full and weighs probably a kilo of extra now haha  🙂 

I look forward to the week coming it will be very much working with my music. Then I am constantly writing new music so I want to have a good pace on everything. Also hoping to be able to fix some of my health so that it will be for the better. Good for the future to do what I can now that I know what I want to do and what I’m capable of.

I feel that it is completely okay with winter, even though I’m not comfortable with that it is cold and chilly. I like it when it is darker out when I think it has its charm at the same time as I love the sun. I have lots to do now in the winter so for me, so will the winter go fast.

Now my tires on my car finished and I’m off and write my song. You may have the best my dear friends  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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What prevents me :)

Feel more energetic today, so I will continue to go through my new songs. Sitting and drinking coffee now as usual to wake up. I have begun to realize how much there is that I am really working with right now and it is absolutely amazing. I am a little restless because I see what is clear and not. I see the finish line in my project which feels so wonderful. When I started to plan my songs, so I knew I would take me in the goal in my project and now I have done half. Half is because I have developed some ideas in the meantime. It is a great challenge for me to sit and hold on my new songs you should know I want to give them out at a time so clearly. What prevents me is that I have decided from the beginning how I should do so I stick to what I have decided  🙂 

I do a little different in my approach, and it is clear that it is a little strange that so clearly. It is exciting and it will be interesting to see how the end result will be. I am a person with many strong-willed so I try to steer them to a good hold. It is better than what I had expected so in spite of my defiant restlessness so everything feels good  😛 


It is something that I have learned in the life just this that I can do a lot and almost everything that I want, however, not everything at the same time. Things take time and it is important to give yourself the time you need to be able to reach to their goals. I’m a bit restless is nothing negative here, but positive, for it is my strong driving force. My motivations can express themselves somewhat differently in both feelings and behavior from me, so it’s nothing new. It is about constantly learning to interpret yourself. It’s about accepting it as found and make the best of it.

I’m going to write more music now :

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl


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I get big drowsy at one-half aspirins  :-)


I am not sick and poor but to always try to see what roads I can take for it to be better. If it can get better, and I will do what I can to achieve a better balance. You know before that I have errors on my thyroid and that it causes problems for me in my everyday life. So when my usual hormone period, pull the trigger, so will I be affected very negatively. It means that now I have evaluated the past 2 years regarding my health. Everything regarding my hormones have escalated and become worse every time. I understand that there is nothing that’s going to be easier then it has become so much worse in 2 years. So I have decided that I should start taking medications for it here so I don’t have to feel that it is taking over my life as it has started to do. I want to be able to work and do what I have planned, and then I want to work better. I have been waiting for that I wanted to see if it would go of its own accord and it did not. I am also afraid to add medications because I have become sensitive. I get big drowsy at one-half aspirins  🙂 . Why can’t I be impulsive in this situation but have been forced to evaluate my own behavior now during these 2 years. But I’m proud of myself that finally have been able to make this decision. I am proud of myself that despite this problem and my other problem though have been able to work that I have done. Now I feel so secure in it that I do and I do not want to risk that I get worse and start to cope with less of it may be possible to get a little better balance on the whole.

I succeed, of course, make my decision now on a Friday so clearly but I can already see that the year 2018 will be better. I’m going to get even more balance in everything. Goes as I hope, so will I be able to work more and avoid having to look in the almanac all the time to try calculate when I am most whole and balanced. 

Today I’m going to work with my music in it, you could probably figure out hihihihihi   😛 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Brain SEX

Sitting and listening to real good music. I love the sound when there are many sounds that are assembled. It happens in all of me and I can be in a place where all my thoughts and concerns rests. The residence of all the sounds and it is like my brain gets brain love. Very nice for I will be enjoying really in the whole soul. It’s all about finding their own special places where there is harmony and, for me, is this music so perfectly. 

Like this music strengthens me from the inside out and the outside in. When you have many thoughts and concerns that are spread and you can’t stop them so is this something that can help those of you who have the same as me. It is about giving all their thoughts that spins a place to go to where they will be held and get a response through all the sounds. It is a very smooth and delightful method this.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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These music write-periods  :-) 

Becomes a little bulkier when I’m sick and I’m a little clumpsy in ordinary cases. There is always something happening. Yesterday I did real good food but I burned myself on the oven as it ached for over an hour. It burned holes in the skin with it felt. Then I sit down son and watch movie and I should say something just in my inhalation so it collides in any way. It felt like putting in the neck but it is not. It was just fishy, but I was forced to think quickly and to breathe I must, after all, so I breathed through my nose a little while. It is the absolute nothing serious but it was uncomfortable. I used to practice my breathing when I sing a lot. It is also important to breathe correctly when working to not have a panic attack. Therefore, it is good to start the day with singing and breathing right for then you get a good start on the day. It starts not with hyperventilerar because you are stressed and going to work. I will on myself sometimes that I’m not breathing right and then I get right to it. Regardless of whether you have stressrelated diseases or not, it is important to think of the breathing. It feels really good that I have left the good food from last night that I can eat soon  😛 


Yesterday I wrote a clear 3 of my new songs and today I will take and put me with additional songs that are on the way. I have to do there is one thing that is for sure.

So right now I’m very focused on getting my new music done. I feel very good when I’m in these music write-periods  🙂 

Hope you have a good day  🙂 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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