Got a weekend trip now as a christmas gift :)

Finally starting to feel a bit better now after I have been sick and catch a cold. Will probably take a week for me now to feel completely restored.

I have eaten lots of good christmas food it has been fantastic. Now it will be a few days of adventure and rest. I will continue to write on my music  😛 

Got a weekend trip now as a christmas gift and it will be nice to change a bit the environment. It is really good for the body and soul and that I can collect some new energy and get some new inspiration.

Hope you have a lovely christmas holiday  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I promise you more music from me next year will be big fun :-P

Now I have taken a little break for the christmas holidays here and it feels good. We have been  sick now at last both my son and me. So I have not been able to work so much but I is still good time in it that I want to do. It is also good to grab and drag down a bit in tempo now over the christmas season. I feel that it has been really fun to work with both the blog and my music and I have planned into the good stuff now in the year 2018 🙂

I have come to the border that I make changes in my life in order to feel better overall. This time, it feels like it is going to be much better despite the fact that I am in a project, just stumbled at the finish line. I won something else that I have tried in my entire life.
It is so grateful that you are all my good friends it means so much. Last year you have really shown who you are. It has done that I really have taken me through so much and still do it. I have been forced to decide on the many great things now during the year that has gone and now it feels like I can go into the new year with a lot of new opportunities instead of something that I did not want at all.
I am also very proud of myself as have my strong drive to never give up no matter what. How hard and difficult life may be. I am like a computer that just restarts all the time and I am known to do. Reboots require energy and power and most of the time. I know about the same time as I know how much it is worth. Important for the future, I am thinking all the time I want my son to have a good life.
A thousand Thanks to all of you who listen to my music. I promise you more music from me next year will be big fun 😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I have my own style and follow my own set goals :)

Really fun to get gifts when it’s the kind of thing that I really wanted. I like the cutlery that is good and have wooden shaft. It is easier to hold and it makes less pain in the joints. I have a tendency to get caught up a little bit with my fingers round the cutlery and then I find it difficult to get away with them. So this will make things easier for me.

Yesterday I wrote clearly a verse on the song that I will sing in the next time. So it will be exciting. Feels great when it goes forward with everything. Some songs that I do is more of a challenge than others. Some are easy to sing into and a part is more difficult. It is what makes it a little more fun and that makes it a good variation in my songs.

I shall also give myself to write even a little bit more difficult songs, and some that are very new to me. I do just because I can and think it is a good way to learn some new stuff  😛 

I have my own style and follow my own set goals. I am really inspired to sing my next song, which is on the tour. I am also glad that in spite of my bad health right now so my days are good. I try all the time to make the best of the days. So today it will be to make it clear that I have thought of  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Not much capacity :/ :)


I don’t eat much at all the candy cause I dont tolerate sugar so well. Right now my health is not good at all and I have not much capacity as I usually have. I have decided that I will take me through this so clearly. It is something that I just have to do. So, therefore, because it is not so good with my health so wish I actually me some candy right now  🙂 

I’m still so tired throughout the days now anyway and the coffee is not helping as it usually is. I am after all glad I know where I’m going. Today I’ll write the last of a few lines on one of my songs that I’ll record soon. It will be really good.

Tonight it will be quiet and I will check on any film  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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My Nature

It has been a good weekend with different activities. On Saturday I worked a few hours on one of my other jobs which is not the blog and the music. So today is a calmer day and I have time to work with my blog and with my music. 

So today it will be to write the song lyrics. It is really fun now, especially when I have come running as good as I have. I’ll also try to get my health soon, so that I can work more. It is time to get my physics for I am not at all accustomed to the level I am at now. It’s all about by weighing the good to give something and do not tear on the body now when it is more brittle. 

I break down myself now to build me up probably a lot stronger than I’ve been before. So it will be interesting to see how this unfolds. I will give this a chance and I will not give up. It is not in my nature to give up despite how difficult things may be. I may close into me a couple of days or a few weeks but I always come back with new forces and  new ideas for a better future. 

I’m terribly stubborn and I cross it with my strong-willed so there is usually more than good  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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I will not eat lots of candy :) 

Time goes by so fast and soon it is already christmas time again. It feels completely okay that I have planned clearly how everything should be. It is just a little bit of christmas decorations that will be until now. I’ll probably also make my favorite candy because they are big good and simple to make. Just whipped cream and sugar, and cocoa so it may boil for a good while. I tend to be very careful with the sugar so I will not eat lots of candy 🙂 

I work very much with my music and today I’ll also head off to one of my other jobs. It will be fun for it’s been a while since the last time I was there. I hold on with my new medication and take it one day at a time so that it will be a smooth transition so that I won’t have with a lot of extra problems.

I am very careful to try to maintain a good balance all over the place like yesterday, and I think long-term. This I do for my health and there is a risk that I may lose the only week of the month that I actually feel that I’m fine and works as I want. What I do now is to try to correct the balance there so that I’ll get hopefully more days in a month where I feel better. This applies both mentally and physically and I know what I have gotten myself in to. I don’t have so much to lose, it could not be so much the worse I felt and I have not desire to get so bad health that I can’t do it as I want to. Therefore, it was a pretty easy decision that I took. So if I feel extra bad now a few months in the future that there will be better balance, so it is worth it. There has not been any improvement so I have in all cases tried.

It is very stable and the good thing is that I have written several new songs which feels absolutely amazing. I will of course keep you updated. As I have mentioned in the past, so will the year 2018 to be really exciting and then you will get to hear more music from me  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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