Charm in its own way  :-P 

Slept really good last night and it is really nice to be in a different environment. Even though it is cold outside as it is cosy. 

I’ll take myself out for a walk late. There will be no long walks but it is nice to get out and move a little.

I am a person who likes to be outside when it is warm and bright sunshine so this environment is the exact opposite. I begin to accustom myself more and more at this cold and this landscape. There will always be sun and heat that I will like best so clearly. Think, however, that this has its charm in its own way  😛 

If a moment so should I put myself and work with my music, and it is with some songs that I’ll write the lyrics to. Will become a big interesting for I have a plan but I’ll see where my creativity take me today Haha  😀 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Today I’m off on a little adventure :)

Now the new year has started and I soon received the order of the chlorine I have left. There are a few texts left to my album but I will soon enough to get them. There is a lot of work but it is fantastic fun as always  😛 

It is still allowed but it is fun to let the creativity wreak havoc when it comes. My creativity and motivation goes in waves so it comes to run when I have my drive.

Today I’m off on a little adventure, so now I’m really tired. Will be nice to sleep late I got up early in the morning. I have so much that I’m going to do now this year, but I know that I will be clear of everything. It’s important not to deviate from my schedule too much so it will be as I have planned.

When I am working so I will all the time in the better way that I can work on. So now when I will soon have finished writing my next songs so I know how I’ll work the next time. It is about the very structure and order of the I write on several tracks at the same time. It feels really great that I soon finished writing the songs that I think of it. The song that I write most on now are so fun to write and I have one verse left to do on it.

Now it is soon time for me to eat something soon, I feel that I can cope with the adventure in the morning  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Amazing good food I enjoyed so a devil :)

Happy New Year  🙂 

Finally 2018 Jippie I am so happy and it’s because I have so much planned this year. That is why I am extra happy. Yesterday we celebrated the new year with good company and with good food.  

Amazing good food I enjoyed so a devil  😈

Now I will continue to work on my music.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 









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Making strange noises so it may be the next few days  :-P 

Today I try to train my voice a little now that I’ve had a cold. There are to work with but I still have to be a little careful so I don’t damage the vocal cords. I’m used to sing every day but have not done so now in 2 weeks. So you just have to sit and sing a bit and making strange noises so it may be the next few days  😛 


It is difficult for me when I have a sore throat and not sing. So now, it is so liberating to finally be able to sing a little. I have a little bit left to write on my music album, so it is something that I will work with in the coming days. I is a great to time so it feels really good.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl



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Finally, I have got much better connectivity on the internet :)









Finally, I have got much better connectivity on the internet. It works absolutely fantastic. Will facilitate so much for me. I started it up today so it is brand new  😛 

Today we took a proper lie-in which I value so much. It was greatly needed. Will soon take and check out on a series that I have started to check on. I have bought some shrimp and chips, which we shall eat soon. Feels like ages to wait for the prawns to defrost haha  😈 

I like pepparchips . What chips do you like ?

Nice Weekend my lovely readers  😉 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Take It Easy :)

Now it will be a few normal days before we will celebrate the new year. I think it is lovely when we get the start of a new year so I look forward to the year 2018. The best is the first of January  😛 

A thousand Thanks to those of you who follow me on the blog and on my musical journey. I keep on writing new songs and it’s great fun. Have been taking some time off now just over christmas but is running a little bit now. 

Tonight I’ll check on the movie and just take it easy  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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