What are you going to do in the summer have you begun to plan something ?

Today is a lovely day for it feels like spring is in the air, and the sun is shining. The snow is melting, and I have seen many small birds. Keeps on cleaning and sorting a bit here at home. Think it’s amazing that it’s not so far to the moments when it is possible to sit outside and drink the morning coffee  🙂 

You know, everybody that I love coffee and even tastier in the sun. 

I love to be in the sun and often sit and write music and just take it easy. Then I think that it is really fun to play soccer with my son outside in the summer. I myself have played football when I was younger and I think it is extra fun to play with my son. He thinks it’s fun to have a mum who play football with him. I tend to get big very sore after the first fotballs days that we have been out. 

Looking forward to the summer when my son and I keeps on and plan what we are going to do. Both want to be in the sun so clear and have a cozy summer.We are not very picky, but likes to plan. I have worked in the past summers so this will be a free summer with my son. Something that we both think will be amazing. 

What are you going to do in the summer have you begun to plan something ?

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 

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The Home Is a FREEZON :)

It will be very much work for me now in the future. I have structured Everything up now. It’s really fun and will going to take the time it takes for me to reach my goals. I am working with an major music project right now as many of you already know about so that is why it is important to plan properly. Looking forward to when my work is finished and when you will get to take part of it.

Also thought to take the opportunity here to say thanks to all new and old followers on my blog and listeners to my music. All of you who leave lovely comments and who supports me on my musical journey. It feels great and you are absolutely gorgeous, all of you.

My style on my blog and my music is based on that I am doing exactly as I want. I follow my heart, my desires and my opinions. Everything emanates from my feelings and concerns. As I mentioned earlier, it is my blog, my live journal and my music is derived from my soul. It is here that I belong and it is here that I should be.

Incredibly lovely to have found what I was good at and that I can now live in my dream. The most important is not to be the best, but to do something that I feel good of to devote my time to. Many people do and try to pursue it as a community, and the world seems to require from them.

For me, it’s about so much more. Is it someone who goes his own way so it is me and I am feeling good of it. I often hear that I stand out from the crowd and you notice me. I stand out from the crowd when I want to, and when I don’t want it, you will notice a no it so clear. While it is wonderful to be outdoor with my life that I am so also need my privacy. 

Many think that  bloggers  don’t seem to have any private life at all, but it is often quite the opposite. I care very much about my integrity and I only have the visit of my closest friends in my home. The home is a freezon for both my son and for me. 

My Music Welcome to listen and Follow :

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Tom MacDonald the artist I have been waiting for all my life

Tom MacDonald is the artist that I have been waiting all my life. His music and his strong messages in all his lyrics is something that the whole world needs to hear and take to heart. Tom MacDonald is an artist of world class and he is absolutely fantastic.

I’m about to record my next songs for my album which will be released this year and 2018. There is a lot of work but it is incredibly fun. I’m really happy with my project. It is a much more musical projects than I’ve ever worked with in the past. So it is important to plan the time well and to listen to their body and to rest when I need to. Many people wonder how they can support me in everything and I usually answer that one supports me best by continuing to listen to my music and read my blog.  Love you all so much 🙂 .


Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 

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New Release Today from the band Sun & The Rain Men


Band members : Sanne Österberg , Erik Nyberg,

Jerry Sillah,    Karl-Fredrik Bengtsson,  Oscar Jonsson

Sun & The Rain Men came about as a natural consequence of three musicians wanting to create indie folk pop in the same place at the same time. They locked themselves in a remote countryside studio and spent long days and nights writing and recording. Sanne’s stunning and timeless voice naturally became the heart of the music, beautifully complemented by Erik and Jerry’s talented and detailed musicianship and production. Most of the songs were recorded in just one take, and a plethora of unusual methods were employed in the unrestrained creative process: drums were recorded in an open field, capturing the sounds of birds flying overhead, vocals in a village hall, luscious strings were recorded an ocean or a lake away. The band continued writing songs. They broke guitar strings, brought out a mandolin. A tambourine practically recorded itself out of sheer excitement! The music evolved into something wonderfully unique yet reassuringly familiar.

After having had some quick successes (denniz pop awards-nomination along with Tove Lo) and spiked through the 100,000 streams mark on Spotify, we ended up in a position where we had to think about what we really wanted with the music… So this, the single took almost two years to release. It was worth it though. We took with us the during but organic feeling straight into modern electropopland and we believe that we have done something that is difficult to succeed with – received a collective punch to the face with the help of 2010-century individualistic sound.
Follow Sun & The Rain Men here:

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 🙂

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Which of my songs do you like the most and why ?


Thanks 🙂

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl


Thanks for your comment  and your lovely music Alex Persson :

Thanks for your comment and your lovely music Aran Wehby :


Thanks for you comment Tobbe Hvornum  and your great blog /

Den Rockande Kocken  skriver om tyngre rock i alla dess former in och läs hans blogg här : http://www.rockkocken.se 


Thanks for your comment and your lovely music Axel Jane  :


Thanks for your comment Jennie  and your great blog /  

En blogg om om skönhet & inredning varvat med mer personliga inlägg som är helt ärliga och från hjärtat! En blogg vars syfte är att inspirera och motivera läsarna genom lätta texter och mycket bilder !


Thank you for your comment and your lovely music Sanne and Eg Nyberg  from the band Sun & The Rain Men :

New release  : Fall a Little Harder


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Started with Herb Juice :)

Worked a lot with the music and it goes forward. Today, I’ve sorted my songs a little bit so I’ll keep better track. It is great fun everything, even though it requires a lot of work 🙂 

It is now 5 day I’ve started to eat a little more healthily than I have done in the past. I have started with my sports porridge now again with a bit of extra good accessories. To eat porridge is, of course, according to me, perhaps not the funniest but I eat it for me health. It gets better everything when I exercise when I have a little better nutrition. I have also started with herb juice again to get more nutrition. It feels like my body can take the nutrients in a good way, is herb juice. The idea is also, that I should not have to eat so much meat. I love meat, but has great craving for meat, and it is alleviated when I take the herb juice then it seems to be the industry that your body is screaming for. My body does not take up nutrients properly. 

Now tonight I will sit and work with the blog and also with my music. I have also thought to have some time off also so clear.

Thank you for reading my blog and listening to my music :

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 🙂

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