The training will be tough :)

Now it is time to tighten the screws on my exercise machine. I was ready before I pulled it, and twisted the screws. Then I was really tired and ate food. I’m now not hungry. I slept only 3 hours last night so I will workout when I have slept better. Now is the in order in all cases, hihi  😛 


Important that I tighten the screws sometimes on my exercise machine then it will be both better and safer workout. Now I have had a break and feel that it is time to kick off again soon. Before this winter so I decided to not freeze so I have eaten a lot of food and I have gone up  of weight that I now want to get rid of again. I want to get back my muscles, but most of my physics as I had before. Did as many of you already know about a medical test to get a better health which unfortunately did not work. Will probably take at least half a year before I am back to how my health was before I tried the new medicine. The training will be tough and it will help my body to feel better again, in all cases as it was before. It is, therefore I exercise because it feels absolutely fantastic to be up and running and to help the body and mind to feel better.

Plans for fully how and when my next album is going to be released it feels the top. Timing is everything in order. What I do now is to try and at the same time get started my body again and also to get good rest. It comes to fit. Tonight, I will soon crawl down in the bed that I have, despite the few hours I was sleeping the night before, been awake all day. So it is time now hihi  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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The Right SIZE :)

In the weekend that has been so had my son football which he thinks is big fun. I played myself football as a younger and it is a sport that I like very much even though I don’t play for yourself today. It will be a little football in the summer with friends.

Last few weeks I have been working with my blog and with my music. It’s really fun and today I’ll arrange it so that it will be good with the cover to my album. So now it is not so far left it feels like until I can drop my album. Everything goes according to plan. It has been very much work with everything at the same time I need structure so that everyday life becomes as planned. Some days, everything has worked really well and of late there has been days when my focus has not been on top. It is just to run the I plan of course to rest in my schedule, I’ll have to adjust everything because. 

I will also make a trip this year to be able to get away a little bit from everything and to be able to gather some new energy. Get that extra sun that I need. So now I have planned the whole year, which feels so lovely.I find it difficult to only do things from one day to the other now-a-days. When I was younger so it felt like no problem and I was able to do impulsive things. Today I feel better when it is a good planning, and that I hold me to it as I have decided and is there anyone who will change something as it is me. 

I will also work with my blog and with my music more full time now come. I will be off in the summer from other jobs so I can work with what I have created. It will be a good year.

Now I have been drinking my coffee here so now I’m going to see if it is the right size in my album cover lol  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Comment on whatever topic your child and you are a little extra skilled at ?

Hi  🙂 all fine today we feel better here at home there is a lot that is going right now. We struggle to be healthy. We are not sick as often but just during the winter, so it becomes a part. It is the standard. So today, as we increase the vitamin intake a bit extra so we come back into the balance. 

It is interesting that my son is much better at math than I am. It is not my strong side, and many are much better than what I am on that count. His abilities concerning mathematics does not come from my genes Haha. We have more similar pages regarding other things. We are big equally, and it is, therefore, a little bit fun to see what differences we have. He likes mathematics and has no problem with standing in the supermarket when we shop and figure out what he should give to the cashier, and what he’s going to get back. Myself, I would never be able to and dare to stand so with all people around  😛 

I’m careful not to nag on the things that my son does not like and likes to do in school. I tell people that there are different ways to do things. To paint going to do on the big many ways and just the things that are in school doesn’t mean that it is the only way. My son has gotten the idea that he doesn’t like to paint he does not like to paint in school. I have said that there are many different ways that you can paint on. So we’ll try some other ways here at home. I myself had a hard time with painting in school, I discovered that it is big fun to paint patterns. I like to be outside and paint the fence with real paint and brush. So it is important what we are sending to our children and it is important that they should not believe that they do not like something because they think that there is only one way to do things. Then you have to be responsive if there is something they don’t really like and that you do not nag break it to you as a parent want your child to think that something is fun. The balance which is very important. Are other people on me about too much stuff so close I of in the end and it gets bad energy, which results in that I stop even trying. He is so happy about his great teacher that understand him about this. It is more important to feel that others understand in the things that you have a little less sense to do. Too much nagging can end up in stops to make it as you like. A kind of creative-depression  💡 

It is the whole that counts and you can’t think of everything or be the best at everything it is a known fact, so don’t forget it.

As an adult, and I get to constantly work with myself in this. To not let other people take from the feel of it is or can be fun and that you feel good to do things. It does not help the child to a parent nag break things down in something that it is not so good energy from the beginning. As I mentioned earlier, it is incredibly important to have good energy in it as you are doing or are about to learn. It is very important to see what people do well instead of constantly look for fault and complaining about it. I was wild when I was younger and I was constantly on the lookout for to find something that I was good at. Today I have the life, in spite of circumstances, a life that I feel good. I live in my dream. 

My son will be the one who gets to keep a little extra eye on our family’s economy in the future. He has a more healthy approach to money than what I have. I am very structured and have order and my son is going to be even better at it. 

Comment on whatever topic your child is a little extra skilled at ?

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛

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What do you usually do when you are sick ? 

Today is both my son and I sick, Hope that it will be a better day tomorrow. We shall soon make supper and then to rest. I have been shopping food today in the morning so it feels good to have gotten it. I don’t have to go tomorrow but can collect a bit of energy here at home. 

I have not been drinking coffee today either and then I feel worse and feel of my chronic fatigue much more. Think it is better to charge the brewer to start the day well tomorrow. It is better to wait for yourself and give the morning the day a new chance.

I usually take it easy and check on any movie if I can. Eat properly with food and then I usually sleep so I’m fresh for the next day  🙂 I hope !
What do you usually do when you are sick ? 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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It is important to create distance where and when it is needed .

Distance and integrity …..
Emotions and relationships …..
Everything and nothing …..
Nothing and yet everything …..
Unfocused and still focus …..
I am everything and yet nothing ….. 
I am nothing but yet everything …..
I am complicated and yet so simple ….. 
I am here but absent …..
I am the one who you want to be and I do exactly what you dream about doing …..
I’ll be your best friend and also your enemy …..
Today it is a way and tomorrow is it in a different way ……
I am proud of the person I have become and I am proud of what I have created …..

I feel that I have to do a little reboot again and go through some things that I thought about last time. I have thought of much that has happened in individual situations regarding how much I invite and allow other people to be involved in it as I do. When you let other people become involved in what you do and what you think so it is also a risk that they will think and think about lots, even though they might not actually want it. I have many plans and most of it is decided how it will be in the future. When I was younger so I dreamed that all my friends would live in a single large house so that you always had close to each other. I wanted to we would all be at each other’s journeys through life. I had never really understood that I would end up in these situations. I grew up with that you are not talking about money and business with people who are not involved. Have learned through life that it is important to surround myself with strong individuals. 

My life has always been about I have been and am forced to constantly defend myself against what others think. The more I tell about myself the more trying other people to correct me that there would be something wrong with me. To live with all this stress all the time has become my everyday life. I can deal with it in a completely different way than in the past. I know that the problem is not with me but with those who point out things. There is a big flaw in that whole time complaining about other people without being able to give constructive criticism. 

Many people seem to live just to question other people all the time. I have always known that I have drawn to me these people, for some strange reason. Therefore, I decided a long time ago to stop to tell other people about what I thought and thought about it related to my future goals. Those who are my closest friends knows the most about me. In recent years, I have noticed clearly that it has become unnecessary problems regarding my music making and my blog. It takes I on me completely. I have not followed what I have learned. I have opened my business and music making world for my closest friends and I have invited them on my journey. We have shared thoughts and concerns about everything. I have my goals and my dreams regarding my blog and my music. It is here that life is not just about my blog and my music, but it relates with my everyday life. My blog and my music is something that I have created and that is where I am free and where I process my feelings. 

In recent years, I’ve noticed that it has started to become hard in a few of my friends relationships. The relationships where the friendship is the best is in the relationships where the friends also are creative and are struggling with their business. We can talk on a completely different plane than what I and my other friends can. We become more and more colleagues in any way and we understand each other. We are driven and we strive forward all the time. With the friends, I will now continue to talk business with. My other friends, I will not let they take part in right everything related to my business. 

This is good for all relations and also for my business and my creativity. I am the last person who thought my life would be this good as it has become. It is totally amazing and I’ll take me forward all the time.It is time to distinguish between private life and business. It is more important to keep the friendship between me and my friends do not keep on with the creativity and business on my level. All my friends are just as valuable for me so that is why I made this decision. I will continue to express myself through my blog and my music. I will start taking stuff relating to my business with larger companies where no feelings are involved. I will not take it with my parents and with my closest friends. It is important to create distance where and when it is needed. This is huge for me everything and sometimes I just want to take my blog and my music and hide me in a secluded mature grotto. But I love to do my music and blogging. I need this no matter what level I end up at. I will always to make music and blogging. Sometimes it is more intense and sometimes it is quieter. It is I who determines the pace of as it should be and I know how I want it.

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I have deliberately chosen to surround myself with strong people.

I have deliberately chosen to surround myself with strong people. Friends who are honest and say what they think. They stand on themselves and are honest even though we think different. I get very stressed out by the break and change my goals and to also walk away from something that feels good in my thoughts. I have learned that sometimes it is worth to change my principles for it may actually be better. I am so happy with how my life is today then I live in my dream, I have the great principles which means that I will be able to continue to live as I do. I have also learned that I feel much better now when I follow my set goals. Everything is a balancing act. Today I changed a bit on a set goal and it was stressful in the beginning but it will be good so I am confident with my decision. It is I who decide in the end about how and what I should do, but we are very grateful to have good friends who say what they think. They expand my perspective and they lift me up when I go into my strong-willed in what I should do. They reinforce the things I already have thought about and then I have easier to  make my decision.

For me it is very important that it should feel right in my decision and that I should feel good. It is wonderful to be able to be as creative as I am, but it is also very stressful because I want so very much. Therefore, everything must happen on my terms and I have a plan for everything that I do. Right now I am working on the songs that for me are a very close and sensitive. They tear up deep wounds and I are a bit extra fragile right now. I am proud of myself that I took this step in to record my songs on stuff that hurts. It is the best way for me to process things that are heavy for the brain. You will understand a lot of what I sing about when I release my songs. You will also hear songs from me in the future as you will not understand. I’ll try to explain more for those of you who will be genuinely interested in what it’s all about. You are always welcome to ask me. 

I have very many pages and the one does not preclude the other and the one is nothing without the other. Everything hangs together and you will get to hear everything. I am secure in what I’m doing. 

Thanks for your support  on my musical journey  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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