Not the most fun to eat porridge :)

I have made my own porridge so that it will be a bit more fun and healthier, and with more colors in.

It is, perhaps, not the most fun to eat porridge but it is very useful and the body feel good to eat healthy. I have been on a long walk today which feels wonderful. It’s not a long walk as I am usually the route that I went today because my walks tend to be much longer. When I have not gone walking in a while so it was like a long walk. So now it will be fun to see  some day soon how it goes when I work out on my exercise machine  😛 

Hope you all have a good day  

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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They themselves had need to be nasty

At the same time as it goes a lot of energy right now so I have time to gather new energy in a good way. I feel that it has become much better with the whole everyday life, then I started to work from home. When I am focusing me on what works altogether. It has been and felt like an eternal struggle so I had to do something, and it has been great. I can proudly say that I have achieved what I have strived for. I have a new goal to chase and I’ve become stronger in many ways. I am the one who I was before within me but I have developed and I have renewed myself. I got tired of constantly being questioned if I managed to live in a society and a system which is generally adapted in general for people to fit in. What happened was that I started a private society and a world where I surround myself with people who think and more who I am. We are also available, and even though society forget it, so do we. I didn’t like to be mistreated when I was already in a vulnerable situation. I got tired of meeting people that did not understand and where I had to try to get them to understand. Those who are not doing his work and then questioned me because they themselves are not doing work. When a single sought the extra security in everyday life. When was sick and still got questioned. I felt that it was time to stop talking about my life to these cold-hearted people. The whole time I thought that my journey would be much better. Today, everything is better because I have chosen people who I don’t respect me. Those who knew so much better, and which is still standing in the same spot and stomping. Those who refused to listen when I was in a vulnerable situation. They themselves had need to be nasty.

The people who made the choice to not listen and to make things much worse for me when I told them my story, I don’t do something about it. They are sad and tragic people who press down and which also exploits its position of power. What I do know so many work do not remain on their positions of power by those who treated me badly. I have a different kind of power and it is that I am liked by many people. It happens after a meeting where I have been mistreated is that you did wrong is not go out from the meeting as a winner. I may be upset and angry but I am here to stay. There is nothing that you can do about it. Your subject who worked under you was with you and lied about your behavior. Said you had not said what you had said. We all know the 3 who sat in the meeting what was said. We know all of them that you only received support from your colleague, because you were her manager at the time. Because I am a girl who goes on so I can live with what happened. 

There are many thoughts as I walk around and think about right now and that is why I clear out a little bit here on the blog. It feels nice to be able to do a final cleanup of what I have just written about. For after a few years when it has become so stupid in that meeting so I had to redress. I got very good contact with a person who understood my situation. Who took the time to try to do the best for my son and me. It is what  she and her whole staff did and still doing is an absolutely fantastic work, and I feel confident. They are real everyday heroes. So after everything that happened in the past so have these people really given me new hope for the future. I got the time that I needed and there was no weirdness and life is good. Everyday life has become very good and I am not asking for too much. We people have different periods in life where we need that little extra. Despite previous bad experiences of asking for that little extra to get a better life so I made it for my son’s sake. That is what a good parent does.  

I have written and thanked the headmaster at my son’s school and the people who work there know that I am so grateful to them for their work at the school every day. I say what I think and whether it is good or bad, it spreads my words faster than the wind. Not only through internet but due to the lovely crow  😈 

My words spread also in my music, and soon so will the new music from me. You may hold out a bit to  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Think it was a perfect moderate portion :)

Today I slept a little longer in the morning when I got off my son to his school. It is needed sometimes and I decide for myself my hours so it works out good to do so. I tend to usually be up very early on the work because I like to get started as early as possible. 

Feels wonderful with the a new week especially now when it’s better weather out there and I have come a long way with all of my work, both in terms of the music and with my blog.

Yesterday evening, I made a big big burger that tasted very good. There is a big difference in the size of the burgers now-a-days. I like the greatest and my son likes the between the big. So they in the picture here is a middle version and a bigger version.  

Here is the picture of how my plate was with the big hamburger. Think it was a perfect moderate portion when I wanted to have a little bit of everything.

Now shall I take and do a little food here it’s time again  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Sometimes it gets complex first, before it gets developed simply :)

I’m about to get on one of my new pieces of computer which is really exciting. Happens something new all the time actually lol. It is not the only device that I’ll get the order in now in the nearest future but the present is one of the two. The lights in all cases, Hihi  😛 .  My current laptop I have had for quite a while now and it is time to innovate a little. So we’ll see how it goes with everything. There is also a button that has come off also which I have pasted. I need to have a computer that I can see in comics and movies when I am training well and I want to avoid having to move around the data that I have. It has taken so long for me to arrange this, so now is the time. 

Sometimes it gets complex first, before it gets developed simply hihi  :mrgreen: 

I know that it’s going to be big in all cases. It will be so lovely to get started with my training again I crave.

There were times it :   😆 😀

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Problem Solved :)

Finally, everything is arranged again, I had a little problem with my blog now since yesterday. My webmaster had to jump in and work tonight to get the order of what needed to be done. He could quickly see what was wrong and and now it is fixed. So there have been some features that have been turned off. You who know me previously, and followed my previous blog know that I had so much trouble with all the widgets. Hihi it’s still widgets-war, apparently, but now I have my webmaster who is extremely competent and can help me. 

Now I’ll finally take and sleep here soon. So I’ll work on it again tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to sleep a little longer in the morning then it is the weekend and since I am up now in the middle of the night  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  🙂 
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It’s funny when it gets to the better  :-)

I have always strived to try to make it as I have planned and that is why I plan the way I do. In recent times, I’ve had to change so much. It has not been for that I have planned poorly, but the cause has been things that I have not been able to affect. It is good to be able to do it and it will in many cases be better. In some cases, so I’m just locked because I had a vision of how it would be. I know what I fought for and I know how it was. It is not something the problems of the world. It is just one more thing in recent times, which means that I have to do a lot of work and put even more time and effort. Somehow I have lost some of my motivation in this as it was not as I had envisioned and planned. Much has, of course, not become it at the latest unfortunately. Although there was not as there as I sat up and worked over many nights so I begin. It can be difficult to start when all the time I get to do it with most of the time. It is my strength to do reboots so it is just to wait until I have the energy for this again. I know what I want and it will be like I want to. What I need to do is to restructure my schedule which I am also very good at making. I can restructure for the better so I do it if I come across any kind of problems along the way. I usually expect to do. I can’t help on everything that happens. It makes my work more exciting and there will be challenges that I would like to take. It’s funny when it gets to the better  🙂


Now it is the weekend and I have meant to rest a part, and to also work of course. It will go ahead with the work on my music album which feels amazing. It will feel wonderful to release my upcoming album when it is finished.

There is so much that happens now in the future and I collect the new energy for everything. Despite some setbacks, so I am going to do as I have planned. I need to buy new pens for my 2 favorites are soon to end. It is important to have my favorite pencils with me cause I write neater Hihi  😛 

Nice Weekend all my lovely listeners and readers 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  🙂 

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