My body recover

Today, I’ve taken a day off to let my body recover after my 3 days of training. So I slept some extra hours in the morning that I needed it. Then I went to the store and bought some food. So there will be a continued peaceful day here. 

I have finished  one of my series that I follow so tonight it will be to carry on any other series. I have many that I shall see further on  😛 

So I will  just choose what I like to see or continue watching  😈 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

My Music : 

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I am a night creature :)

The 3 day that I have been working out now on my trainingmachine and it already feels much better in my body and soul. It is important to have good discipline and to train on a good level. I have deliberately gone out pretty hard anyway, after my break it is because I run when it feels good. It is a hassle at the same time as very nice. Want to get the body properly again now, so I’m very ,motivated. 

It means that I am soon to take and try to sleep here.. I think about weird enough to work in the morning. A little fun then I am a nightcreature. Think it is because I will be off to a good start in the morning and that I have had training in the morning as a routine in daily life before. Get to do it that simply works  😛 

So now so should I take the and work clearly here with the data after it is sleeping. Hope you all have had a good day  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I am as tall as the handles on my machine :)

Yesterday, I got started with my training on my machine and I drove in the heaviest, as usual, despite my little hiatus. It felt good and it felt that the body needed to it properly. So now, I shall continue to try to keep so that it will not be a break now for a while. 

I am as tall as the handles on my machine as you can see goes up on the picture  😈 

Yesterday I continued also to check on a series that I started to look at. It feels like I’m starting to be able to focus on what I do on a daily basis and that I can add to this as to see on some series. It is, of course, that I would like to have it when it works. Otherwise, do I need to remove some for it to work and the blog and my music will always go before to see movies and series. Now I have started my training too, so I hope that this is going to work. It is about prioritising the right so that it becomes like I want to have it.

I want to work out a daily life now so that I simply get a good speed on the priority existing /

  • Music
  • Blog
  • My Training
  • Break the everyday life a bit of a rest from everything and try to look at any series and the occasional movie 

I am also a single mother on a full time basis so that this feels like a really good plan. It is important to constantly strive forward, while it is important to live in the here and now.

Now I will soon work out so I am keeping it as I have planned hihi ! 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Smart not to awaken the demons inside of me :)

The week that has been was a little different than previous weeks. This is nothing that will not be corrected. I have been sleeping really good tonight and it is a new day today. I am accustomed to, it can happen things that make the plans changed. That said, is there anyone who can restructure their plans so it is me. 

I am very experienced and I have a lot of experience of life. I know people in all different categories. I work with the most people and I respect other people’s differences. It is exciting that we are different because we can learn so much about each other if we just learn to respect each other. Be a good role model for our children. Support each other when it happens like that that may not happen and it happens anyway. It is thanks to all the support that I have received now last week in a few things that get me to be quiet. When the other adults and the authorities go in and take it over to be corrected and allows me to work with myself. When it happens the kind of thing that starts me properly and raises the devil in me so it is exactly as it should go to. I get my time to work with myself to restrain myself and I get good distance to the different event that can occur. I have been quiet for so many years now and it is smart not to awaken the demons inside of me.

I am therefore very grateful for how the last situation is handled. I myself can take care of it is most important to me. Many know how I am and what I can do and that’s lucky that I know it myself. Despite the fact that life was as it was and I live in the situation as I do today, I’ve learned so much. I lived with people who were very different in their personalities. I lived with those who actually taught me to stand up for every member of the family when anything happens. I have learned so many invisible rules, and I have learned so much of who I lived with. Everything is on the good and evil that means that I can act in many different ways. I know what works and what does not. Why it feels so good now when I can simply choose to have a good weekend  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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To break of a bit from the usual hihi  :-) 

The weekend could not have come at a better time. I feel that there has been a lot now on the latest. I have spent a lot and worked and I have also started to train a bit in a quiet tempo.So there is always something happening. You know, when you go and waiting to even favorite series to come with a new season, and it does. I usually check out the intense direct when a new series comes with new season. Now in the past so have many series that I been waiting for come out with new seasons. Thought I should check on any this weekend  😛 

It has made it difficult to start check on any series is that I work daily with what I love to do. On the way, so it is not so big contrast at work to check on the film. It is important to schedule the add now for me that I will see some series in the weekend. To break of a bit from the usual hihi  🙂 

I need to listen to myself because it is I who is the BOSS ! 

Have the best my lovely listeners and readers  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I will always have my Spiritual Tears but my soul can rest today and I can sleep at nights!



People are interesting and even though I am good at the different behavior and psychology so I can still be surprised. Today I have so much experience of life and I see the world in a completely different way than what I did when I was younger. I handle situations in a completely different way than what I did when I was younger. When I was younger so went everything out on that all the time to try to escape from myself, which not resulted in the good result for the moment. It was an interesting behavior that I had on a way because it was destructive but still functioning. I strove even then, after the life I have today. I never gave up but I continued always to fight forward no matter what happened. There are so many years that I have lived when I have, according to me, stuck in me at the same time as I all the time have been developed. I was happy when I was younger and I was very protected by the outside world. I could be happy in, not to do anything but just exist. I had my family and my grandmother and grandfather within easy reach every day. It was amazing to grow up like I did. I had close to family and friends. I was surrounded by the wonderful nature, the forest and all of the farm animals. A dog and cats and all the cows. Sometimes, we even had pigs. My childhood friends and I had big fun over the years. There is so much more to tell here but it takes me and tells me another time. My childhood was really good. 

Life is life things happen that we can’t do anything about. It happens for all of us. After having lived in my security so forced even I to experience death and to slowly but surely start to lose my wall of my inner security. Had I known what I know today, had I lived differently, which neither had been good for I am happy today. When you lose people that you love over everything else so it will be chaos in your head of how prepared that you may be. I didn’t want to be the one who I was anymore and I didn’t want to be there all the time expected of me. It was expected of me that I would be like all the others. It was all the time all of these comparisons, in that she and he were so good and talented. I would curb my emotions instead of accepting that they were there. Feelings I have always had a lot of, and it has always felt like my emotional levels never really fit in with the outside world. At the same time that I began to lose my inner wall as I lost my grandfather when he died. Everything was torn and my happiness disappeared. 

This was the beginning of my quest in trying to escape from myself, and no one noticed it really in the beginning and it took many years before I really got to unleash my inner demons. First it was the grief after my grandfather who I am today struggling to handle. I shed tears as I write this and it feels good for today, it is not sadness that I feel without it is something nice because I am spiritual and I have strong abilities. Everything ripped away from me and felt that it disappeared, just changed form. The void within me is no longer available. 

I don’t go anywhere at funerals and I’d rather go not to the near relatives of the deceased graves. It is not my way to mourn, or to look at everything when it comes to death. For me, death is a transition and not permanent. I honor those who have died on my way. Everyone I know who has died I think, statistically, every other day, and I do so from the day they have died. I will do so until I die. I’m not just thinking of them, but I see and hear and talk with the many who have died. For me, it becomes therefore very strange to go at funerals and cemeteries. I respect all who find comfort in visiting their loved ones in cemeteries. We all need to get grieve and handle death in the way that works for us. Before I learned to control my abilities so it was chaos when I visited a church and cemetery. There were spirits everywhere who wanted to talk with me and accompany me home. It ended up that I had like two worlds in one world. I was born in the medial and I are a link between life and death. Today I have control of my abilities and none of the worlds takes over the other. 

In spite of my strong abilities and my strong mediumship I am human with many emotions. So, even though I know how it is I will be heartbroken when someone dies. For it is then that all of my emotions explode in detail and it is then that the worlds between life and death opens. There is so much in circulation, and I feel everything so strongly. I get exhausted because I feel everyone’s sorrow and my own. I feel everyone’s sadness so strong in the church after a funeral that it takes a long time for me to collect myself. I feel the energy of the person who died. 

I am happy today and I am proud of the person I have become. The person that I lost when I was younger and wanted to be. The person who I escaped from and the person that I have evolved to be today.

I will always have my Spiritual Tears but my soul can rest today and I can sleep at nights : 

Never Gives Up ! 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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