When it comes to football :)

Has been a lovely today and I have been able to be outside for a part. Feels good that the sun had come out. It has been more work for me now on the latest but I hope it will even itself out good in the future. There is a lot to think about and arrange with my business and I am developing all the time. I also try to distribute my work in a good way. Important to get it as I want to get done clearly. Important to have structured up days good for then I can take a little longer breaks in the sun now that summer is coming. 

Tonight my son’s football training and they have finally started to play outside. It is great fun to follow my son in his development regarding everything. When it comes to football so I think he really has made great progress. He is really good and it has become very positive in the development especially now in the last training sessions. I remember when my son was little and we played football together. Now, I get to beware me so that I do not stand in the way when he plays football when he is shooting the hard shots  😛 

Tonight we will continue to check on a series that we started to follow on the computer it will be fun. It is so much smoother when my son can read the text on the movies and series so do not have to be in Swedish language all the time.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Despite the rain and thunder lol :-D

It has been nice with one more day off it will be a short week so it’s soon weekend again. Hope you all have had a great day we have had a lovely long weekend here in Sweden. Despite the rain and thunder lol 😀 .Tomorrow it is school again for my son and I are going to work with my business. As soon as it is time to make the evening here. Think the days go fast now and it does nothing for when the summer comes faster. It is long overdue now.

I have cleaned a part here at home today while I have picked some washing. It is nice to move a little bit, for a change, especially now that I have a lot of work to do on the computer.

I have bleached the hair a bit not as much as I usually do, but I have only bleached 2 loops. Will see what I will do with them, have not decided quite yet. It’s fun to have something that just sticks out from my black hair , I think  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Finally my blog started again :)

Finally my blog started again I have had a big help to upgrade some features. So today, I am happy and have new energy again. When things not running together  I get the first panic at the same time that I always know that everything will be alright 🙂 

Thanks to all of you who listen to my music : 

Soon, the songs in my next album will be finished so it feels great  😛 

So today it will be continue to work on everything again.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I trust in myself and I know that my driving force is extremely strong

Now I have recovered from my tough workout the other day. What became was that I doubled both the time and the distance and route that I drove.Hihi it took a while before I regained my energy. It was also really fun that I got a bit sore  🙂 

There will be a lot of work with the data today and it feels really great that it goes as well as it does with everything. The best is that in the end, do everything by myself then I know that it gets done. I can also decide how and when I should be working. It is lovely to have the freedom and I feel great to live as I do. 

I still have many concerns and thoughts about many things right now in addition to that which is usual for me. There is no weirdness, but I may further modify my plans . It has become more work for me, however, it is nothing that is going to be a problem in the future. I trust in myself and I know that my driving force is extremely strong. Then if it means I get to sit and work many hours extra it is worth it in the end. I know that the work gets done and it is the most important.

Feels so wonderful for it goes well with the work on my next music album. Now it is soon finished. I feel it will be nice to release my new songs. It will be extra good for it’s songs that are very close to me. Closer than the previous songs that I have written. They are very emotional and there will be a crossroads in itself for me to drop them. 
I release them because it is a way for me to process parts of my past which was filled with darkness. 

It is also a way to be able to see how good my life has become today and what I have learned from everything that has happened. How I have evolved as a human being in the quest to find the person that I am today. Life is an ongoing process with many challenges along the way. I cross it with my drivers and with my future goals so it is now wonderful that I have and all the time working to have and maintain a good balance.

Now I’m going to continue to work here  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Met family and friends which was big fun. It was a while since I met everyone  :-) 


It was a really nice and enjoyable party for my Dad yesterday on his 70th birthday. Met family and friends which was big fun. It was a while since I met everyone  🙂 

I like to take photos of flowers so it was fun yesterday when I got the chance to photograph these fine who are in the post.

Today, I’ve been out in the sun it’s so lovely weather. I have longed so after the sun and heat. It got really hot when walking. 

Since I have had now 2 days of rest and eating very very good food so I will get started on the work out a bit now.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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PAPPA fyller 70 År idag :) GRATTIS !

Min Fantastiska PAPPA fyller idag 70 år ! STORT GRATTIS TILL DIG !   

The presents to my FATHER 🙂 

My Amazing DAD fills today 70 years ! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ! 


Today I have a rest day and tomorrow I’m going to run with my training again. I feel like I’m so ready to get started on my body again. The goal is to get back to the elite level that my training in the past has achieved. As I’ve written in the past so I am very motivated for the summer and to soon to be able to release my new music. 
It is so lovely weather today, so I’ll drink up my coffee and then capture this day  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other  Wish you all a GREAT DAY  🙂 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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