Catch a few more steps :)

I have soon reached the day’s objective regarding my daily steps. Have set it pretty high but I like to have a good games room so sometimes there will be more steps, and sometimes less. It is just lovely to be out and get new energy.

  1. Will see if I can catch a few more steps today it feels wonderful in the body  😛 hihi. 100%  would be nice today I’m running fine now. Walking is da SHIT 🙂 !

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Blanket to the football field :)

 Hihi  😛 there has been so much now at last I’ve finally begun to get back some energy. Also funny activities take energy. Amazing when it happens a lot which is fun and rewarding. My son played football and it is lovely to just be able to take a blanket to the football field. 

I have begun to get started again with my long walks, which feels great. It is so lovely to walk something that I appreciate and value highly. 

 Made good food the other day and, as many know, if so, I love the chicken and spices  😀 

I soon worked completely finished with my songs so my upcoming album is ready for release. Feels absolutely amazing  🙂 

Now I’m going to go out in the sun but you may have the best my dear listeners and readers. 
I can admit that there will be a and other ice-cream in the sun hihi   😈
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Will be nice to take a shower then and also see how much Zebra I looks like :)

Fantastic weather today with sunshine. I have been out in the sun for many hours now. Went in recently to refresh myself a bit with water and ice cream. Fun and really nice that it is so hot out there now finally  😛 

Will be nice to take a shower then and also see how much Zebra I looks like after all the sun hihi  😀 

I bought fresh potatoes at the store last time as we were and was so it I have eaten today also. Yesterday I ate potatoes and herring. Today it was potatoes and chicken in cream and green curry sauce.

So lovely to have a bit more free day today then I held on and cleaned so much yesterday. 

My son is away and playing with his friend and have a good time. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I love stones and have always done it hihi  :-P 

Today I have done many different things in the home where it has been needed. Cleaned and washed and picked away at things. So now it’s more order everywhere. I also picked up some of my stone collection. 

I love stones and have always done it hihi  😛 

Now when I have worked all day cleaning and stuff so I’ll now take it easy. There is a day tomorrow too and everything does not need to be done today. It has been great weather today and I have received the good energy of the sun and my coffee.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MInikeGirl 

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It will be a little bit of everything possible to do here today I feel :)

Now we have been a little sick here at home and today it is better. So this weekend will be a quiet weekend for the both of us. Have been awake now in the night when my son has been sick. Today he feels well  🙂 

It will be a little bit of everything possible to do here today I feel. These days there is usually a lot done. It will work a lot with my music and with my blog, as usual, particularly now when there is news on the time.

Must go shopping for food soon, for it is noticeable that there is a budding little teen is here in the home. It takes more and more food every month, I feel which is really good. So it comes to structure up a good to be traded. 

The sun is shining here today so I’ll try to get some sunlight. 

Hope you have a good day

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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What makes an authority ?

It is possible to twist and turn on everything and it is exactly as some people do because they ignore the most important thing. They are so self-absorbed in their foraging that they are lying and spreading untruths to get what they want. Do not think about the future and that they are lying to large government departments. They are so busy on short-term solutions, and they are completely oblivious of what they are really doing. They are vengeful in a world that they themselves have created. They have not themselves done that which they should and they have anxiety. Then they create a private world for themselves to feel better. They punish other people for their own offending because it is easier to blame other people. They have had so many chances and they have not taken the chances they have received. It is every person’s responsibility to take the chances given. It is important to check what are your rights. 

They do not understand that they are listening to a man who will do anything and say anything that the person is sick. An authority should not listen to a person who has not been present for the have chosen this. As yourself choose to go with untruth in order to feel better when the real truth is not going to live with. Then it ignore it that is the most important and the real truth and facts are not regarded as important. It listened more, and thought of the one who immolates himself as a sacrifice.

It is so tragic that this game will get to wreak havoc as it does. What is interesting is that I will do everything in my power for the truth to come forward. Exactly as it was when my life spun. It is only a matter of time before it gets good again for the people involved. We adults have a responsibility towards our children. The children are the future. 

This time I am really amazed how everything has gone/

  • What makes an authority when they realize that they have listened to a person who has lied to them and that the authority has listened to the person? 
  • How can they listen to a person who has chosen not to be present and then blaming others for their choice? 

Now I’m wondering out loud here for I am trying to understand. What I understand is that this is complicated then it may not have gone to in the right way. What I understand is that it can go bad at any time when an authority chooses to believe the lie/

  • How do you get an authority to understand that they are listening to the lie? 
  • How do you get a authority to find out what is factual information when they refuse? 

The system is there to protect our children and the children are protected in a good way. There is nothing that I want to complain. I want to talk about when it is not right, and when the children suffer from the system instead of protected. 

This post is all about a good system when it works as it should and is really good for the children. It is about a system that destroys children when the system doesn’t work. 

The future need to revisit and review system defects to it to avoid that children suffer when the system deficiencies. 

Take Care of Each Other and never stop to fight for that system to be better .

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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