My shoes stabilizes the foot so it is therefore  :-) 

It is already a really lovely and warm day. I drink my coffee now so that I wake up to. Have not planned the day, but will be a bit spontaneous, which means that I get to see what happens today simply.

Yesterday I went for a walk and then I played and my son football. It is always fun. I had intended to rest for a bit haha it is a little difficult. My bad foot doesn’t hurt when I have shoes on my then I can’t do the movement that hurts when. I have pain in my left foot without my shoes on, however, Hihihihi  😛 

My shoes stabilizes the foot so it is therefore  🙂 

Hope you have a good day everyone .

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Have had a little pain in the foot today :)

This day I have been tired for I woke up quite early in the morning. Despite this, it feels like the day has gone very quickly  😀 

Was and downloaded a skin cream that I ordered. It is very good and plentiful. It is good for the cost part. So it is not an ordinary skin cream that you buy each month. Rather, I usually buy it every 6 month up to one year. So now I can me a good while to  😛 

Have had a little pain in the foot today, so I have tried to be still. It is still on the building after the last training where I was charged a little extra. This for it to be a little stronger and more stable than in the past. Important to be more still days, after which always tends to be difficult for me hihi  🙂 

It is good training to be still sometimes too, and not wreak havoc around. I have started to plan a little bit regarding my music that is on tour now to work with them. It is to do all the time which feels wonderful. Now I take and pick order a bit of food.
Take Care Of each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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It is problematic now, I think for the machine to not quite stand still :)

Yesterday the little things that made the day. The day went very quickly, I felt . It was wonderful to sleep out now in the morning it was really good. I’m still a bit tired, so now it is coffee. 

I have trained hard on my machine recently, so it feels in the body and it is important that I get the rest that I need. It shows that it’s been a while since I drove  😛 . It is problematic now, I think for the machine to not quite stand still. I have put a carpet in and I also put weights on the bottom when I train for it not to move so much in sideways when I exercise. It helps some, it interferes with my training a bit. This is something that I’ll look over and I’m going to tighten the screws again. I train the hard and it is clear that it wears on my machines  😈 

I also need a new rowing machine. So it will be to start looking for one. I want to have more resistance in my machines and my rowing machine is not at all the level that I feel I need to. Even my bigger machine that I run on the heaviest could be a few levels heavier in resistance. There are many good machines that I’ve checked on the internet you just have to find one that fit my needs.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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It is worth it!  :-D 

It has been really exciting to follow Sweden in football and I think they really should be pleased with their effort. They have played very good and I have seen each and every match.

The summer continues with the lovely weather and we have had time to play some football my son and I. It is really fun and it feels in your body afterwards. A bit sore hihi  😛 and sometimes badly hurt. It is worth it!  😀 

I have trained my body a little bit different on the latest. It goes really good and it takes time. Thought it was time for a bit of variety, it never hurts.

It has been a couple of really lovely days here at the latest. Today, I have not really decided what we’ll find on. We’ll see what the day offers.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Sports put the extra spice on life  :-P

Overjoyed that Sweden made it yesterday and won. Now it gets really exciting, the next match they will play. Sports put the extra spice on life  😛 .

Made really good food the other night. Chicken pieces with peppers and spices and cream. It is easy to make and it goes quickly. I love the chicken and it usually take a long time to cook. So this is a faster version when there is a need for something more substantial, and the stomach screams  🙂 

The funny thing is that I do a whole pan and it is enough 2 times hihi  😛 it is worth it definitely. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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I’m a little afraid of just water I have great respect for the sea :)

Love the sea it is very beautiful and peace filled. When I’m on some cliff or at the edge. Otherwise I’m a little afraid of just water I have great respect for the sea. It is always nice to be near the sea.

Yesterday, it was one of those days that I feel for it came to a bit of everything possible that was some good exercise for the psyche. So when the day was over yesterday so I could still feel it was a good day despite a little whim of their everyday lives. 

We played a little soccer yesterday which is always fun 😛 . It should be really exciting today when Sweden play. Football is a sport that I love especially when there is the world CUP and different countries meet.

Hope you all get a giant lovely day.

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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