Now I get to calm me a bit I wrote just now finished 3 pieces of my new songs :)

Now I get to calm me a bit I wrote just now finished 3 pieces of my new songs. It feels great but I must stop myself, for I will be a bit like a manic runaway horse. It feels fantastic to be creative but it must not take over too much and I can really get stuck. So now, it was great to take a little break here. I wrote earlier that I’m not really healthy so it is especially important to rest also. I easily fall in ecstasy and get the rush of joy when I’m in my creative bubble. It is how lovely that time to finally be so strong that I can process everything that happened. Even though it is very heavy memories of the traumatic events so I give myself this. It feels wonderful when I feel that it lightens more and more from my soul. I go into depth with everything just in the tempo as I feel that I have mastered and are capable of. Certainly it is painful and it is also a way for me to take me on. I would rather see it disappear away from me in a way where I decide. I am very self-conscious and strong. I know that it will take time. I know that it is worth to transform what is within me through my music. 

It is a major project which I am doing now with my music, which feels absolutely amazing. So I put a lot of time on the music and it is more time than I usually do. I am determined to do it as I have thought, and now I see the actually finish line. It probably depends on the fact that I have work ready 3 song lyrics today  😛 

I’m also going to get much better internet and I really need to get a better computer. Have thought that I’ll make sure to arrange this with the new computer when my better internet begins. I want to be able to manage everything from home when needed and not have to borrow other people’s computers. I mean I can get an idea of something in the middle of the night and that is why I want to have everything at home.

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 



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