New Energy

Today has been a really good day with a lot of emotions and reflections for the future. 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n

I will continue to fight for It cause I refuse to give up. I do it as I can and I will always do how difficult it may be. My old soul is a real fighter. I got a new energy today and that feels absolutely wonderful. I am grateful for so much and I feel strong. Sometimes it is hard to be smart and realize what reality is, but rather that and be honest than to live in a lie. Rather than imprisoned in a lie.

It has been about planning a good future as possible and I like where it is going. Everything is a bonus because I know how reality looks like. I also know that I am a true fighter. I know why I do what I do and I am determined in my actions. I talk openly with people who understand me and it saves a lot of energy. New hope and new strategies is my goal in the next round. It always it can arrange itself. There are those things that are not going to do anything about it. They are difficult to accept and it is eating away at me because I am used to always find the solution most of the time. But when you are powerless, so it is easy to become frustrated. When the tears are exhausted what do I do then?

I FIGHT ! Thats  my Strength 😛 

It is thanks to all of you who believe in me that means I can do what I do in a more rewarding way. I strictly follow my future goals but it’s easier if other people support me on my way and sees me.

Now my son and I have will have a really good and lovely weekend 😛

Wish you a Best Weekend of My Finest Readers 😀 

Take Care Of Each Other 😀

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 

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