It is important to create distance where and when it is needed .

Distance and integrity …..
Emotions and relationships …..
Everything and nothing …..
Nothing and yet everything …..
Unfocused and still focus …..
I am everything and yet nothing ….. 
I am nothing but yet everything …..
I am complicated and yet so simple ….. 
I am here but absent …..
I am the one who you want to be and I do exactly what you dream about doing …..
I’ll be your best friend and also your enemy …..
Today it is a way and tomorrow is it in a different way ……
I am proud of the person I have become and I am proud of what I have created …..

I feel that I have to do a little reboot again and go through some things that I thought about last time. I have thought of much that has happened in individual situations regarding how much I invite and allow other people to be involved in it as I do. When you let other people become involved in what you do and what you think so it is also a risk that they will think and think about lots, even though they might not actually want it. I have many plans and most of it is decided how it will be in the future. When I was younger so I dreamed that all my friends would live in a single large house so that you always had close to each other. I wanted to we would all be at each other’s journeys through life. I had never really understood that I would end up in these situations. I grew up with that you are not talking about money and business with people who are not involved. Have learned through life that it is important to surround myself with strong individuals. 

My life has always been about I have been and am forced to constantly defend myself against what others think. The more I tell about myself the more trying other people to correct me that there would be something wrong with me. To live with all this stress all the time has become my everyday life. I can deal with it in a completely different way than in the past. I know that the problem is not with me but with those who point out things. There is a big flaw in that whole time complaining about other people without being able to give constructive criticism. 

Many people seem to live just to question other people all the time. I have always known that I have drawn to me these people, for some strange reason. Therefore, I decided a long time ago to stop to tell other people about what I thought and thought about it related to my future goals. Those who are my closest friends knows the most about me. In recent years, I have noticed clearly that it has become unnecessary problems regarding my music making and my blog. It takes I on me completely. I have not followed what I have learned. I have opened my business and music making world for my closest friends and I have invited them on my journey. We have shared thoughts and concerns about everything. I have my goals and my dreams regarding my blog and my music. It is here that life is not just about my blog and my music, but it relates with my everyday life. My blog and my music is something that I have created and that is where I am free and where I process my feelings. 

In recent years, I’ve noticed that it has started to become hard in a few of my friends relationships. The relationships where the friendship is the best is in the relationships where the friends also are creative and are struggling with their business. We can talk on a completely different plane than what I and my other friends can. We become more and more colleagues in any way and we understand each other. We are driven and we strive forward all the time. With the friends, I will now continue to talk business with. My other friends, I will not let they take part in right everything related to my business. 

This is good for all relations and also for my business and my creativity. I am the last person who thought my life would be this good as it has become. It is totally amazing and I’ll take me forward all the time.It is time to distinguish between private life and business. It is more important to keep the friendship between me and my friends do not keep on with the creativity and business on my level. All my friends are just as valuable for me so that is why I made this decision. I will continue to express myself through my blog and my music. I will start taking stuff relating to my business with larger companies where no feelings are involved. I will not take it with my parents and with my closest friends. It is important to create distance where and when it is needed. This is huge for me everything and sometimes I just want to take my blog and my music and hide me in a secluded mature grotto. But I love to do my music and blogging. I need this no matter what level I end up at. I will always to make music and blogging. Sometimes it is more intense and sometimes it is quieter. It is I who determines the pace of as it should be and I know how I want it.

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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20 kommentarer

  1. Jag blir så berörd och igenkänningsfaktorn slår i taket på mig. Jag har blivit bränd av vänner så många gånger att jag har en mur där bara jag själv kan koden till. Släpper sällan folk in på mitt liv längre. Du skriver… varit och är tvungen att ständigt försvara mig mot vad andra tycker. Ju mer jag berättar om mig själv, desto mer försöker andra människor att rätta till mig att det skulle vara något fel med mig. Att leva med all denna stress har hela tiden blivit mitt vardag.”
    Precis så har mitt liv funkat. Nu med utmattningssyndrom som diagnos bland annat har jag börjat värdera livet annorlunda. Jag är viktigast för att jag ska må bra och vara den mamma jag vill och fru och så vidare. All Lycka till fina du och fortsätt att vara den fantatiska person som du är. Många många kramar från mig.

    1. 💜 tyvärr är det så det ofta blir. Det viktigaste är att tro på sig själv och följa sitt hjärta. En del vänner klarar av att man har sin business å blogg och allting men andra klarar inte av det. Så det är hela tiden en balans gång.
      Kamilla du har en Fantastisk blogg 🌞🎶Kramiz MinikeGirl

  2. Du är så otroligt duktig på att uttrycka dig:)

    Jag önskar att jag hade den förmågan, blir kul att följa dig här🙏🏽 Tack för att du delar med dig

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