Interviewed yesterday regarding my music, you can read the entire interview here

Interviewed yesterday regarding my music, you can read the entire interview here on 3 places :

Meet the MinikeGirl – A Famous Swiss Singer & Songwriter

MinikeGirl : A Talented Swiss Singer & Songwriter

I am so used  to write about myself so to be interviewed in this way, I have not really got used to yet. But I have been with in a previous interview on their site so it felt safe and good. I have released more songs then I was interviewed by them so it was fun to be with again. 

Now I’m going to take and fix the order with a little bit of paperwork in my binders  🙂 

There are more journalists/bloggers out there who would be willing to write something about my story, blog and my music so you are welcome to hear of you. I can participate in both Swedish and English interviews. Would you like to then translate to other languages, that is fine. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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