I´m No Supermodel :)


I’m no supermodel and I have an inner being who does not want to be in the cards. So it is always difficult, but it is so fun to improvise 😆 

Yesterday I took while in training again and it was 45 minutes. I can run on the heaviest but I have still been training for so many years so it just have to do it where the passengers again to get started. It was lovely and it is better to try to wait for the right moment so it will be good training. Because my stepmachine do I get heated when I exercise so it is good to now after the break that I’m not running on the big machine every day. So today it may be something else and I’m considering if maybe I should take the rowing machine a little quiet. All just to run through the entire body. So it knows what is to come 😀

As I sat yesterday and tinkered with the computer so I did a new song at the same time. Haha it just fell down and behaved like that I really have no other songs that will be done first. No, all at once 😀 . It is a great gift and I am so grateful that I have it. Even though I experienced in my gifts and it jumps you to the sometimes things happen when you least expect it. It is really wonderful feelings. Requires, however, that you always have a pen and paper. I play even in my mobile phone when needed which is really smooth.


Today on the blog, so we will arrange with a link that failed yesterday. It seemed to had a life of its own. Nothing that is not possible to arrange during the day so clear, and there is nothing that you readers will notice. I notice it statistically for a while but it’s nothing to rush up for. Because the work is really well done so now it is just to run. Previous times we have done lot of work and hired companies who are professionals in SEO. This is very expensive but I have learned a lot along the way. Most importantly is to get a good grip with their blog and activities on the web. You want it to get stuck in the right places. So the work I now do is to see how well everything is stuck and where. I have deliberately held back on my own regular blog work to see where I ended up. This is a work that I will not need doing again if it turns out to keep themselves well. 

I will constantly revise because the work so that it stays strong. Think it may be necessary for the next step of approximately 1 year. Finally, I have a year bet it feels absolutely brilliant. It will be good and fun to be able to build now the next step.


Will be blogging a lot and make my music. I’m also focused on work in the summer which is a great honor and joy for me. I long for the summer because I get to work it is a wonderful feeling, even in the midst of the darkest winter. Book like me a few summers ahead. It is one of the biggest highlights of the year. I have been able to work in the winter is not so bad to be me. So my latest outage is nothing to feel bad about. I am humble and this is all bonus for me and nothing that I had ever been able to expect of myself, but something that works. 


I presses me to see what I can and can’t and I get to do it at my own pace that is when it works best. It is when I don’t get the time to mess and process it myself as it will not be good. When the other puts in too much how I handle myself. Not that I listen for I know what is best for me, but it takes energy that I need to have to just restrain myself.


Take Care Of Each Other 😀 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 


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