I have started to blog now on private hosting which I have planned for a while :)

I have started to blog now on private hosting which I have planned for a while. It has been a great time on the Finest.se. I highly recommend them for those of you who are looking for a great place to blog on the very wonderful people. I have my plans for my blog and this suits me better right now especially when I have so much going on with my music. I can also see and test more things on a web server. I would, in the future, then start blogging again on the Finest.se, I know more what I need. So, this is the only positive. You may be having on some changes now with my blog so be prepared that it may look a little different between the times that you peeking in on my blog. It feels really new and fresh this and I am more confident in this now when I am working so closely with my Webmaster, who is fantastic. He is one of my closest friends so he knows me and knows how I work, which makes everything so good. 

It goes really well in my music making and I will soon record another song. I agree with several songs so it is really nice. This year I will be able to focus on the music more than I have been able to do previously. I planned so that I would get more time to music and to also get a even more balanced life. I challenge myself in my current music projects so when I have released the songs that are included in the project so I will need to rest and then start writing on the new songs. 

You who have followed me know that I tried a new medicine now and I have decided not to eat it more when it collided too much with my Levaxin for my thyroid. So now I feel not really good and I have not done it in all this time when I started with my medicine. That is why I now should not eat the new drug more. It will take a while before I’m back fully in both the body and the psyche. It was still a test and now I know that it is not fugerade so I have as you know decided it’s my music and my blog that will be the jobs that I will have.

As I wrote earlier, so do not need all this be for always and I will maybe develop this with working from home. Right now, it is important to get back my motivation and to get my health again.

A thousand thanks to you all that are here for me in one way or another you are amazing. So all the love to you 🙂 
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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