Good for the future :)

Changing to winter tires now on my car. Once that is done, I shall continue to write on one of my new songs. I have set a goal to get clear the text today when I feel like I have good focus. I have also eaten a lot of food so that I have the energy to be creative tonight. Is big full and weighs probably a kilo of extra now haha  🙂 

I look forward to the week coming it will be very much working with my music. Then I am constantly writing new music so I want to have a good pace on everything. Also hoping to be able to fix some of my health so that it will be for the better. Good for the future to do what I can now that I know what I want to do and what I’m capable of.

I feel that it is completely okay with winter, even though I’m not comfortable with that it is cold and chilly. I like it when it is darker out when I think it has its charm at the same time as I love the sun. I have lots to do now in the winter so for me, so will the winter go fast.

Now my tires on my car finished and I’m off and write my song. You may have the best my dear friends  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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