Carl Edmond´s bok om hans Galna Liv/ Jag skrattade, jag grät. Glädjetårar! :)

Wow   😛  Carl Edmond alltså har ni hört talas om honom? Vilken grym bok som han har skrivit. Så inspirerande bok om hans galna liv. Helt otroligt vad han har varit med om i hans mycket spännande liv genom alla äventyr han varit på. Jag läser om sidorna flera gånger för det pirrar i hela kroppen.  😛  Funderar ärligt talat på om Carl Edmond är upptagen? Han är helt fantastisk och jag är oerhört tacksam över att få denna möjlighet att kunna läsa Carl Edmond´s bok.

Jag skrattade, jag grät. Glädjetårar! #CarlEdmondWasHere

2Q2A3696  Nu när jag har så härlig ny inspiration så ska jag fortsätta att göra det som jag gör 😛 

Ha det Bäst Mina Läsare

Puzz å Kramizar MinikeGirl 🙂 

Sponsrat av @carledmondofficial

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Companies/ People:

There are many people who want me to advertise for them on my blog. Feel free to write to me if you want me to write  a sponsored post for you or for your companies.

I share all my blog posts in approximately 90 different Facebook groups. I also share on my Twitter account and my google + account.


Do you want to have more space on my blog so that you get more visibility , your sponsored posts can get a pinned post like exactly as this post is!


Also an menuitem as above, and a own dedicated page for your layout! Read more…


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To All Companies

MinikeGirl singer songwriter
MinikeGirl singer songwriterGood morning my lovely listeners and readers. Today, I am waiting for my latest song to be released for it should make it any day now. Today it will be to work with a new album cover to the next song that I’ll add to the next to be released the next time. At the same time I practice on a third song that is in the studio to make the background.
The agenda :
1. New album cover
2. Practicing on my song that is in the studio who are about to get a new background to
3. Structure in my folders and update the information
4. Prepare for the release of my next song :  Overjoyed Mother 
5. Meeting digitally with my Webmaster


As you probably already have understood so clearly as I write up most all the time. This is because I want to work on this way then I notice that what I want to do gets done and it gets done well. It will be less stressful and it is good for the stress that it takes energy from me, which I need for other things simply.
It feels absolutely wonderful to finally have received a good order here on my blog. It is very much thanks to my Webmaster. We are a really good team and it is really worth gold for me to have good relationships with those I work with.
Companies/ People:

There are many people who want me to advertise for them on my blog. Feel free to write to me if you want me to write  a sponsored post for you or for your companies.

I share all my blog posts in approximately 90 different Facebook groups. I also share on my Twitter account and my google + account.

Do you want to have more space on my blog so that you get more visibility so your sponsored posts get their own menu here and have it sponsored post exactly as this post is:

Contact Me with a Comment 😀 

Take Care Of each Other  😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 

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