All The Force Of Music

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H I am now in a new music creates the period. It means that I will be blogging of course but not be able to operate at the speed that I have done in the past. It is impossible, but I look forward to devoting myself to the music now I have a bunch of songs at once. All the power I need to have to the music. 

So do not call me in the middle of the night and say that I have fallen off the various leaderboards and the like. I know all about this cause  I focus on the music more. I need to sleep also and it is easier to work with trackbacks/links and all right on the nights 😀 …..

My music is spread more and more and it’s really fun, I think. I need to land a bit just in my feelings in all things, both in terms of my blog and my music. It is precisely because it is my biggest interests. I need to catch up with myself and stay up a little bit. I know that I get stuck and just run in. It is so terribly funny. But it may not be unhealthy.

There is a reason why I do not go around and perform with my music. It may not be too much, and I am a person who wants to do lots of things, preferably all at once. I love running the blog and the music simultaneously, but now it is very in time with the music so then it simply becomes less wakeful nights when I am working with the blog.

I agree that the structure of lot of works pertaining to the SEO and to spread my blog. For I can’t be bothered to keep on with everything by myself anymore despite the fact that I think it is so interesting and fun. But I add at the same time would much rather the time in to blogging for the it is the reason I started blogging from the beginning. That I have written. Then it ended with that I was so damn interested in this with SEO.

I have to halt myself you have not how much energy to take of how much you want to. For me, everything in great waves. One day I can feel like a 25 year old and the next day as a 90 year old. So that is why I run when I have the energy, for I know it won’t last forever, but goes in waves all the time. Then it seems to many that you should take it easier when you have the strength but the waves will still, so it has no significance if I take it big quiet when I have the strength, so the strength to remain longer. It does not work so that I can affect my energy that way. Would be simple otherwise. But when the strength is, it becomes that rests more automatically can many believe but then you are even more tired so it is also difficult. I try to make the best of the situation all the time and accept that I work like this.

I am learning all the time new daytrix and I’m not afraid to test new daytrix. But there are those who have become a kind of base in how I handle everyday life. They are, I am very determined for it is they that have taken me this long and all I get and everything I do, I see as a real BONUS in life. I am Grateful.

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 ….

See you all Iam so Gratful 😀 …….


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Pleased But Never Saturated

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H A lasagna is in the oven and I sit and think about life as usual. In recent times, it has mostly happened, and hence it has triggered up many emotions within me. This is both good and bad right now but in the long run it will be most helpful in the end. 

I sit and work with the blog, and is complete with 2 pages of 14 in it as I do. It takes quite a long time but it is worth to make this work. Taught me a lot yesterday about this and was reminded how you can do. So I’ll grab this now when I’m starting to understand. I have also my Webmaster to talk to about this. That tour is. 

It is so interesting but it takes so much time. Now I have at least begun to understand and it is good only there. There is so much to keep track of. But I will develop my plans further in order to be able to do what I strive for. I want to be able to keep a good pace in all of this and I don’t want anything falling behind so clearly.

It has been so very much better than what I had ever been able to count on in a short period of time so I’m really happy. I feel that I start to be pleased in a good way. Pleased, but never saturated. It is important not to push yourself too much but to always keep all the good feelings of being able to be Creative today.

It will be a lot with my music now in the future which I look forward as usual. The music is a constant process, so it feels great that it works so well.

Have the Best My Lovely Listeners 😀

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 

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Really Good Blogs here on the

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H There are really good blogs here on the

I have taken the time today to sit and read a bit on some of them. It has been very inspiring reading. Often I think I’ll read other people’s blogs more than I do.I have understood that it has been very good bloggers here in the past. 

I have really wonderful friends around me and we are on the same wavelength. We think similar in our quest towards our goals in life. It really is so inspiring. I am so proud that you are with me.

It is really in the waves of the friendship how much you heard of the talking. But true friendship is always there no matter how often you talk and be seen. It is like a primal force. The most important thing is to be able to give his friends space and not feel forgotten if they make new friends. Maybe you talked more often, and thus socialized more before the man himself or his friends met other friends.

It is actually a habit that is acquired by talk, and is often seen. I would like to have a good contact, even though I myself is a little bad to hear of me though I often like it. When you come out of the bubble that actually had very much contact with a part of people daily and all of a sudden not have that contact anymore. It’s not about the Friendship is gone, on the contrary, you are doing this for you to feel safe with their friends.

At these times, you get more time for other friends and the bands where strengthened. It is lovely with new energy at the same time as it is the safest, with even the friends you have known for several years now, so clearly. 

It is so important for me to preserve and not replace good friendship. You do not want to nor feel that it is in the way. We go through different phases in life and that you don’t talk and meet as often as it once did does not need to be something negative. It is when the Friendship goes on to be more familiar as the friends become more like family. Then you are Safe 😀 !


There is a girl who I have known for several years and she has got a really nice new friend. I am so happy for both of their sakes for they are really there for each other and I’m really happy for me Friend. The new friend makes her feel good, and they have really found each other. This has made me and my friend talking less but we are like family and have gone through a lot together. We have what they call a long history with us.


This is very positive and I have been able to give my other friends more time. So, thought really not to be selfish in this situation for it will not be good. I am a real expert human being, so of course it felt empty in the beginning but not because of bad friendship, but only an adjustment for how much you heard of the talking. It goes in waves and I am so Proud of my friend she is really quite wonderful. Anyone who says otherwise does NOT know the person do NOT Know !


Take care of each other Iam sending you all my LOVE  😀


Many hugs from MinikeGirl   😀


 My Music on Spotify 10 songs listen here 🙂  :



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Lots Of Clothes

Youtube HIt went well with the structure up there that I had to do yesterday. Have not very much left now, so it feels the top. First, there will be coffee so it is easier to cope with it as I have meant to do today. Also keep on with new music and it feels really funny as usual.

I cant wait until I have taken it where the workout I want done. But I will wait a couple of days. It does not mean that you have to be completely still for it. I have lots of clothes which I will sort as you do something. I have the my so-called step still every day  😀 …

Saw clearly on a really good series yesterday as I have seen now in 2 seasons. Really like when I can find the series that I really get stuck. I have never thought it was so interesting with just the movie and series in the past. But there have been more such series that I am interested in now in recent years. Even when it comes to movies because it feels like it has opened some new doors in this which I think is very gratifying.

What is the thing with me is not that I sit still when I look at the film and series. I had time for a lot of other things. So it’s not that I just sit and look at the computer 🙂 … Its relaxing time for me. I stop the movie and series many times 🙂 ..  Cant sit still  😀 

What are your favorite movies and series ?

Have the Best my Lovely Readers  😀 

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl  😀 

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My Microsoft System Developer

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H

For that I’ll keep up with it that I need and want to catch up with so I have hired a personal WEBMASTER he has a real good education and I could not have chosen any better person. It is important that it is someone that you really trust and who also are online almost 24/7.

I know that this person does not get the free games and are starting to change things but he will always check with me what we should do. Really good at wordpress so this will be good I feel. 


Welcome WEBMASTER/ Microsoft System Developer to MinikeGirl Music I hope that you will Enjoy this Journey 🙂


It will be fun to learn more about how wordpress works with all of its settings. I have become very much more interested in stuff like this in recent years. But since I have so much on the net so do I need to unload.


I am excited and have much to learn from how to work online. But I have also learned a lot. It takes very much time and you need to have good patience. It is also about surrounding yourself with the right people. The people who actual understand how important this is for me. It’s like having a company this with my music and with my blog. Everything that I do online. Then I write my own music and need the time.


There has been a lot now on the latest with the most and yesterday, a person close to the family died 🙁 . This friend has always been there as long as I can remember.   Always Missed never forgotten Rest in Peace …


Today, I’m structuring it as not been done properly now when there has been a lot. So it’s a bit of cleaning and laundry that is already running. It is also a part that I have to structure up in my binders. Then I’ll sort the clothes. Tend to use the weekends to do all of this for it is much nicer to live in and come home to a structured home when you have worked.


So now it is time for me to continue this    ..

Have the Best My Wonderful Listeners  😀


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl  😀 ….


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Sveriges Casino Online Guide

Hur ska man välja bland alla dessa online casino som finns?

Det finns ju så otroligt många online casino på nätet med alla deras spelautomater. Många människor har ju
säkerligen visioner och  drömmar om att någon gång kunna vinna hem den där jackpotten eller få en vinst som ger en bra slant i plånboken.  En del människor gillar kanske att spela lite för att ha chansen att vinna lite extra pengar  och ser deras spelande mer som ett tidsfördriv och som en rolig grej.

Oavsett för den nya spelaren och för den rutinerade spelaren så finns det otroligt många spelsajter idag som har online casino. Det kommer även nya sajter hela tiden med alla dessa olika erbjudande om insättnings bonusar. Det finns sidor som jämför och skriver om nya spel där man även kan få testa att spela.

Vill ni ha en bra casino guide på nätet och läsa mera om spel om pengar riktigt läsvärt. 

Vilka spel har jag testat lite snabbt när det gäller online casino ?

Jag har testat några stycken men de som jag gillar mest om jag ska skriva 3 stycken så är det :


Dessa 3 spel jag räknat upp går att spela hos  det Svenska casinot Insta Casino där finns även många andra spel att välja mellan.


Har jag någon av mina läsare som vunnit riktigt mycket pengar någon gång?

Ha det Bäst Mina Bästa Läsare 😀 ..

Många Kramar från MinikeGirl    😀 ..



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