Really lovely and great day for I agree to clean up and arrange all the clothes. It is certainly needed these days and I think it is fun. Got the kitchen floor cleaned the other day so now it is just to continue. I take it as I have time and it is quite depending on how much as I can every day. But I like to have a good routine on the days no matter what it is. A routine that is tailor-made for me takes less energy and then I can do more. That is why I am careful to distribute my energy right, because it is much more limited than what a lot of people understand.
I know where I have put the time and effort. Spiritually and with compassion and love. But sometimes, when I need to think more on myself so I notice the people who accept my choice. I notice who stays and who pulls away. For me, there’s nothing in it for I know where I’m going and it is not possible to get caught up in other people’s decisions, but it is that I need to make my own decisions based on each situation that may arise. In some cases it has gone so far that I don’t even bother me anymore. It also appears other people who are better than me. I have known this for so long now that I draws me away from all these people to do. I need to take care of my energy. It takes extra hard when there are people like me in spite of all the people I know anyway, been me the closest. Then turns this faster than the wind but it is not I who made that decision. This just makes me stronger in myself and I respect other people choices. It would be absolutely crazy not to respect the choice of others. I accept other people choices. I also have the power to do what is best for me, and after a long period of that I have been thinking that I have made my decision on very well. One of them is obvious 😛
It feels so funny for I really have so many lovely friends and we have so much and many plans in the pipeline for It is all between the regular trips that are planned for the full and it is also a bit of business travel. I am really so happy of all my inspiring friends that you mean more than diamonds for me. I am very excited for everything we will do together now in the future. The funny thing is that I wonder how and what I should plan first. It will in all cases be an overseas trip with my son and with some other friends of mine who also has children. Because I and my son will travel with others who like to plan in good time in the future that I need to sit down and start planning all the fun haha 🙂 . It feels great fun is everything and it is good to have things to look forward to while I’m doing other things hihi 😛