I is also for me a mystery which I find very interesting and I love to be me.


Played out my 14 song yesterday 😛  .It was really fun and there is always a new challenge for me. I never know how my senses are the days that I shall record but it has gone well so far. Sometimes I have good focus and other times it takes a little longer for me to get it as I want it. But it is enough for most people. So it is with creativity and there is nothing that can completely control. Sometimes it will fully automatically, and sometimes it takes a little bit longer. Some days I can write a lot of music.

Other days, it can’t write a line of text. But that is the way it is and I like that it is so. I have very many thoughts about a lot and I have a good imagination. It helps me when I write my music and work is not a thing, then I try something else. I have an internal strong performance anxiety where I know how I want it to be. I struggle all the time to achieve the achievement that I have fixed. I know how I want it so I’m tough on myself. Know that the end result always makes me more than satisfied regarding my music.

Therefore, it is worth that I am tough on myself. I know exactly what I want and how hard I can push myself when it comes to the music. Sometimes so close I only of all things, and I get blocked in it as I do, and it can be about anything. But I’ve learned to deal with this in a good way so it will not be any big problems. I have good self-awareness and I’m not ashamed to tell other people when I become blocked in my senses. Those who know me see all the time that I am trying to in spite of everything. I am a person who needs a lot of time and repeated routines that suit me so therefore structure the I up the a good everyday. A weekday where I in a smart way all the time fix the small things that make everyday life simpler for to be able to constantly do it as I do. Adapt to the outside world as good as possible but also to be able to be yourself as much as I can 😛 

 I have not always liked myself as a person and how I have acted. I have acted wrong many times in pure frustation in that everything I did was wrong all the time. Finally, was there anything that was the only thing that I knew. It was something that became my false sense of security. When it was something that I actually did well so it felt like I was not worthy to be good. Then I acted wrong instead of that it was my false sense of security. This was not a healthy behavior and I drew to me the wrong kind of people. People who were like me, and I felt respected in all the chaos that constantly arose. It was like to be living death and to be totally outside the society in which I feel like a part of nowadays. I had to accept myself at the time and I had no choice. It was a hell to me, for I could not control myself. The road to the person I am today has not been easy but I’m very proud of the person I have become. I think about myself today and I know who I am.
Maybe I can’t explain in words who I am but I can tell you that I think about myself. My new I, I have not had in so many years, so it’s new to me. I know what I want and I know what I can do. I is also for me a mystery which I find very interesting and I love to be me.
Amazing to get to experience it as I do with everything today. I am so grateful that I never gave up. I am grateful for all the people who believe in me.  screenshot_2017-05-20-22-17-57.jpg
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 
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I’ve tossed a lot of stuff :)

Woke up with a good feeling about that I’ll work with my music today. Yesterday, I went and trained a bit it was a while ago. What is important is that you are moving especially after a break. To get started breathing in a good way. Now I have furnished finished one of my rooms so that it has become a good study. It feels good to finally have gotten it and that it is the orderliness. I have really cleared away a lot of things in my home to be able to constantly keep it standard as I want to. It will be much better energy in one’s home when there is too much stuff that bad energy can get stuck in. It is important for me, as are medial all the time to have good energy in my home. Also like that it is easily cleaned and that surfaces. Have often heard that I do not have so many furniture and not so many trinkets. It is a choice that I have made, not to accumulate a lot of things because I know how it can be. Think that it is enough to have advanced the most to use. I’ve tossed a lot of stuff and will continue with it. Have a very good system which facilitates very much to be able to throw away that which I do not need  😛 


Now I’m going to take and continue to work for today, so stuff happens, I can promise  😛  screenshot_2017-07-02-11-00-11.jpg





Now I have a cd cover as I will be working with as is to my new song. It is a bit to arrange to be there, but I am soon finished. It is really fun because I can see which countries like my music the most and they are not always as you may think. I am so grateful for all of you people who listen to my music and read my blog. I get so many nice words from many of you. Soon so there will be more songs here : 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 

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Pure Survival Instinct

Soon it is time for me to record on my next song and it will be really fun, It is a song in Swedish, and I did almost finished the cover yesterday. It is cool that I do the covers myself, for it is something that I did not think was so simply that I, in the beginning. Most of it is probably because I lack patience when it comes to stuff like that. Rather have done them yourself than to be someone who is professionals. It’s fun to dare to be creative in areas that are new to me. I don’t even have to wait on other people to do the covers. 


I Think that it is much easier to have as few people involved in my creativity.So it is lovely and very promotion to control all by yourself. Then there is my Webmaster and my MusicProducer who are the ones who stand me the closest regarding my creativity. They are people who understand me and respect me as a person. They understand often how I think, which few people do. They know that my motivations are strong and they give advice and tips but always say that it is I who decide in the end. I also ask them what they think is best  😛 


It is a fact that I expose my soul through my music and through my blog. It has not always been the case that I have been in such good contact with my soul and with my feelings. Some periods I have been so jaded that I have not known anything at all. Other times, I have felt everything I can feel and everything has been helter-skelter. I have lived in periods where I have closed off all my emotions as pure survival instinct. So I have not always been here, it has been a long and tough journey for me. 

I work every day with myself to all the time be close to my feelings. I can at the same time that I am completely uncaring, in a case know how much of that time in another case. It is when my energy runs out that I can’t keep everything in balance and it is then that I fall together. The blog and my music are very important building blocks for me. It also means that I and my son can live as we do. Working from home as I do means that I can decide my working hours, which will be many hours of the day. 


Yesterday, I cooked really good food. Scallops with seafoodmix. Fantastic good  😛 . Yummy with all these lovely tomatoes in the spices and cream. 
Have the best my wonderful listeners, and readers  😛 
Take Care Of Each Other  
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Now-a-days, you have not a chance that I will love you if I have decided that I don’t want to.


Have had a big nice and cosy weekend now, with many fun events. My son has played football and played games with his buddies. We have met the near and dear and I have gotten help with many things that I wanted to get on here at home. Haha 😛  it was I who started a further project now in the weekend as there was so much done. Really need to have some days now when there is so much happening but a few days with less to do. It is I who puts up the borders and I can be tough on myself to reach where I want to. When I see it all the time going to reach my set targets, it is given me to continue. It gets me all the time like a little more and it allowed me to constantly upgrade myself. Become stronger and more confident in it as I already can and to dare to learn new things are good challenges for me. Many people who complain about me for many different reasons, are often the people who do not know what they are. They wouldn’t dare it as I actually dare to. I am not an easy opponent because I have so many sides and emotions. To battle against myself is and will always be for me the most worthy opponent I will ever face. The people who think that they have been able to break me down have not done it, but it has been based on that I have enjoyed them. The people who go around and think that they have the ability to break down me don’t have the ability. It is my strong ability to love other people who have been released into these people in depth, and hence made me very vulnerable.

Now-a-days, you have not a chance that I will love you if I have decided that I don’t want to. It stops there for I will choose carefully the people I love. It means that I can control my emotions in a completely different way than in the past. When I love other people, I do it ruthlessly, and that’s why you feel in the whole room if I like  you. Then I like you as a person, but had I loved you so, had you known it million times stronger. I don’t have some feelings for you at all, it is the other way. I is medial and this is why I can be very emotional and have a lot of feelings.Feel strongly what others are feeling and experiencing. Life and death go through me for I am a kind of portal for everything and I’m a link and I can open and close the links. Something that I’ve mastered skillfully. It is not any stranger for me than you maybe really good at math which I am not. Perhaps you are afraid of stuff like this that is all about energies and spirits, while I can get a panic in a shop for that there is too much stuff there. When I’m tired and just want to escape from there to something more quiet place. To a place where you would probably have a panic if you saw a lot of spirits and energies but in a place where I would become completely peaceful and be totally relaxed.

We are different and stuff that you pass by in everyday life, which I think is a big stressful as you do not even reflect upon can destroy an entire day for me. One day, it is not at all stressful for me and the other day it is completely panic-stricken. But it is enough divided so that since I have the other that I’m not afraid at all, and you, possibly, it is, so it still feels good, and fair  😛 .Right now, I have the need to buy clothes online because I need some new clothes. But I don’t have the ability to focus on online shopping right now. It is what I mean by saying that we have all people of different abilities and they can be different strengths from day to day. Sometimes I have the focus to go through 12 thousand different garments and choose out about 5 of them and buy 3 but not today  😛 

But when it comes to the people I should love, it is an ability that all the time is strong. 

Take Care Of Each Other  😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n

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Emma Plithammar Made Me Do This :)


Haha 😛  it was so long ago that I did like this face mask and it is seen really for I have not quite the talent to put it nicely. But it is what it is best here you do not need to be anything professional. Think it feels good and it’s the main thing. I have also been using a toothpaste now on the latest which is absolutely superb and magical, for it has removed all the discoloration from my teeth. I drink so much coffee, which has ruined my teeth’s natural shade. The toothpaste I use has saved me. in connection with the fact that I was the second so I bought a lipgloss that is the top. I’m a star in the to use lipgloss because it was always a ”must ” when I was younger. So it is important for me that it is good products. I work a lot in front of the computer and also have a imbalance in my thyroid that I need to constantly take care of my skin. It is also important for me to give myself a day like this then I just may be. 


It was by pure chance that I found this girl that sells these products on my facebook : https://www.facebook.com/emma.pilthammar?fref=ts

I found a group on facebook where I also found all these awesome beauty products: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1405116009524489/?fref=ts        Talk to Emma if you want to get in her group on Facebook  😛


It is time for me to wash away this awesome face mask now and continue to work on

Have the best all my lovely listeners and readers 

Take care of each other  😛 


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Yesterday I worked from 07:30 – 20:30 and it means that I went up at around 05:00 in the morning :)

Yesterday I worked from 07:30 – 20:30 and it means that I went up at around 05:00 in the morning. I was quite tired after the session but I was tired in a good way. So today, I’ve slept well and feel ready for the day. It has been good to work now in the summer and now I go from having worked on the schedule to stand in the encirclement. Now it is important to take a few days off to gather energy. When you are  creative as I am  it can be difficult to not do anything but to rest and take care of your  health is actually among the most important thing you can do. Everything need not happen in a day and all these thoughts that go around in your brain goes with a lot of practice to tame. Right now I’m practicing my singing voice haha it goes a little this and that with it, I sit down and write at the same time. I’m thinking about a lot of things at the same time and drinking coffee.

 I’m going to take and plan in the nearest time in my calendar so that it becomes like I want to. It would be good if I had a calendar haha it do I need to buy, I see this 😛 

I have a regular calendar but I need a larger calendar where I get a good place to be able to write much on each day. I’m extremely picky when it comes to the right to buy the calendar but I know wich one that  I want. 
Hope you have a good day my lovely listeners and readers : 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 

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