LA The Los Angeles Journal – MinikeGirl Interview

Here you can read the entire interview where I was interviewed by the LA Los Angeles Journal  🙂 

It is great fun to be with in various interviews. I have long not to set out a few but I have most focused on making my music. Late blogs I myself about myself. 

Today when I woke up I had a huge craving of coffee. Real abstinence I am talking about here. So addicted am I but it is the only thing that I depend on. But now as I am giving my body a liter of coffee sometimes so it is good to resist.

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Constantly Work On My Music :)

Now I have slept and rested on the way that I need sometimes. Late yesterday afternoon 16:30  until 11:00. I am in a period of writing music. It is all in the different periods. Today, now that I have landed a little bit so I understand that this is a much bigger period for me concerning my writing. I’ve been so inside my bubble that I have not really been able to reflect on where everything will end if it will end up  😛 

So therefore, I have begun to plan how my future songs will be released. When they will be released and how. It’s great fun and rewarding for me to constantly work on my music.

  • I want so very much 
  • I do what I want
  • I get it done

There is so much work and it takes a lot of time but it is incredibly fun. 

So now I have a lot to do next time regarding my music. In the week that will so be me and my son to be a pet sitter and it will be the big cosy. I love animals but have decided that we are not buying any themselves right now because we don’t have the time. In the future, so we’ll see  🙂 

You may have the best my lovely readers and listernes 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Habitual Life

I would sleep a long time today I had thought and it was not so good. I woke up early haha 😛 . Have written music throughout the morning and is really happy. Need to unwind a little now, for I have stood and sung many hours. Fantastic to just be able to sit down in the couch for a while. My couch is really cozy and good in the room it stands in. I am very careful with what I have for furniture at home and I certainly don’t want to have too many. My home should be airy so that there is a harmonious and peaceful environment. 

Was going to make food now for a while and then work on it. It is important when you are working that you really take these breaks. Keep in mind that it is more important to have the strength to longer periods of time than to take out all your energy and then not be able to do anything at all. I have learned the pace that I can run in order to have a good balance. It can be, is that my desires to do so much and for that I think it is so fun to do music and that blogging can take over a bit. When I have a good focus so the hours. There will be a lot of work and sometimes, it feels like I don’t really have anything stop. Yesterday I stood and sang and wrote music until midnight. It was good and it was fun and I could have been awake for a few hours and worked. Where do I know that I have to stop myself even though I in this situation feel that I will be able to write 10 new songs. I am going to stop myself here because I do not want to begin anything that may impair my balance. Sometimes I just run on and many had probably thought that I would have continued yesterday with writing several more songs. 

I have learned to resist what all I want to do in many contexts, and then I do what is best for me long-term seen. I will surely be able to write so many more songs than the 10 that I had to do yesterday. I wrote 2 songs and I am pleased with that. My plans regarding my music is much more than writing and releasing 25 songs. So I can not destroy my plans through to tear me out by writing songs one night. This is something that I want and to do in several years. In the rest of my life.

By I am all the time trying to go after my structure so I get what I want done, finished. It has its profits and it has its price. I refrain from big many things to be able to live as I do. To do what I want the most and to achieve my goals. It has given me new friends and strengthened the friendships I already have. I surround me with other people that make me forget what I am sacrificing to be able to live like this. The friends who are on the same page as I am and understand why I live this habitual life.

I woke up and half of my life had gone to not to think and not plan. Just do impulsive things and completely ignore what the consequences were. I thought it was as life was. My life was so simply and the years have gone by quickly. What I do now is that I stop the time and use each day as if it were 2 days. So by that I’m slowing down and structuring more so I’m going to get in a good balance in time. I take time today in a completely different way. I am glad that I after so many years found back to the person I lost so long ago. I never stopped to have that little hope that kept me there. The desire and my motivations in that one day I would get peace and quiet.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Take Care Of  Yourself 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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It feels like I’m attacking myself for it is an internal fight

Now it’s weekend again and it took a lot of coffee today. I have written a brand new song just a few lines left . Will try to do the last few lines now tonight when I am up and running. The song is a song that has been trying to get out now for a long time but I finally have been able to write it down. I am still blocked from a lot of the things that have happened. But through the music so I’ll get out my feelings. I don’t know how I feel when I tell them how I feel, then I’m blocked. I know when I write my music. I know when I put the words on the paper one word at a time for a small second. It is the closest I can come to my feelings regarding the things that have been tough. I don’t get out it this way so I don’t know what I’m doing. Therefore, it is this that I do. I can’t be bothered with myself when I have all of these experiences and words of different events and emotions within me. 

I go in and experiencing all of these painful events in order to be able to process them. Be able to provide every word and every feeling in my way. The stronger person that I am today is the one who goes in and somehow fix it that has been traumatic. As I am so blocked in and there that might get me instinctively to be blocked in the simplest everyday thing. The thing that gets me to panic sometimes. I can’t go with everything within me, for it gets too heavy. It has taken many years but I’m now so strong that it is time for me to find my inner fight.  I’m digging up things that I have not been able to handle before. I`m digging up everything for today, so I will fight with my own blocked the traumatic emotions. It feels like I’m attacking myself for it is an internal fight. I am so glad that this time came in my life. I never thought I could feel this good as I do today. It was possible, and I’m stubborn. Feels great that I finally can start to work on my blockages. They loose more when I write my music and when I blog.

Now I’m going to write my song here so you may have a very good weekend 😛
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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Open up my senses and gives tranquility to my Soul

It has been a good day and I have had the time to do it as I had thought. Took a shorter walk today to collect some energy and to move on me. Tonight I have listened to some podcast and seen on a few people that sent live. It is something that I would like to do more but am glad I did a little bit. I listen to the greater part always on the music but also likes to listen to audiobooks. 

Listening time on other creative people because I am creative myself. Those who have that special that makes to follow them quite easily. 
I think that it works very good for me to work from home and I am learning all the time new little tricks to maintain my focus. Get it as I want to have done and at the same time be at a balanced level. Some days it’s less and other days so it will be more. I might have thought to write on one of my song lyrics but I can’t sit still right then or have my focus where it should be. Then it is better to go for a walk or do something else. I sit and work many hours of the day with everything.
I cleaned a bit today and late so I was tired and stumble in with my shoes which were earthy.
But it does no it may be so sometimes haha  😛 

Sit and listen to this awesome music right now is so amazing. It is something that I almost listen to every evening to be quiet in my mind. 

I also recover so much with the kind of music here, and it strengthens me. It is spiritual and open up my senses and gives tranquility to my soul.  Great to just dance to I love it so much. Imagine you have a hard to unwind and then find something where you can just float away in. Really to recommend. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs Minikegirl 

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MTVROCK. Interviewed Me :)









Here you can read the whole interview of me on : 



Really felt that I needed to move on me now when I have sat still and worked so much with both my blog and music. Set up on the different interviews and not gone on so many walks that I’m used to. So yesterday I took a walk in the sun which was absolutely fantastic.  



Today I will continue to work with my future song lyrics  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 


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