I was the Black Sheep but now no longer the other people’s protection


What I do when I’m not really healthy and can workout there is to eat. I am not a potato eater but potatoes au gratin is a real favorite. Here, we believe that this will last for several days. I can tell you that it is soon to end. Have the meat and sauce and they are very satisfied. It really is so good. Peel the potatoes went fast for I was talking with a friend at the same time, There is no idea to cut down on the eating when I workout but I eat a lot. Want to be able to workout, so we need to acquire energy and that’s what you get by eating. It is not my thing to eat less and exercise if I want to have long-term results. I try all the time to maintain my thought that I want to be able to cope in the long term. For me it is no option to do that kind of thing that wears me out totally and I don’t have the energy to anything then. It is not an option at all.

When you live as I do, it’s about to live in the present, but to save your strength so you can cope in the long run. Since I have been on the bottom and fought with the devil a few times to priority I different than people who haven’t had to take these battles. I give priority to get everyday life to function, and it’s about things that belong to others, the construction of it all. It means that it is like a circle. Include that I have the order in the base.

 Survival base procedures :
  • home
  • food
  • clothes
  • son to school
  • my work
  • health
  • clean home

I am forced to focus on other than my base so I have no energy to have my base as I want to. You should not destroy what actually works to you think that I should prioritize as you think. 

I focus on that which builds up the way to be able to devote myself to these all luxury day routines. Luxury day routines  are the kind of things that ex:
  • what people think about me
  • interior design
  • the color of my hair
  • how the clothes is in my locker
  • what I have for curtains

The charts are different for different people, and it’s important to respect that we are all different and that our circles are different. For that, I feel good and that these luxury day procedures should be interesting and of value so do my priorities first go to the base circle. It is not so strange but this is to give priority to the right. For people who live differently and have the time to engage in other circles than only the base need to learn to respect me when I devote myself to me base. It is my day to day life and it is my base and you can not respect this so it doesn’t matter who you are.

Then applies the following rule: interfere with you are my work of maintaining my priorities is most important for it to be a good circle on my base as possible, so you have nothing to do with me. For it is easy to come up with the wrong priorities and destroy and then demand that I shall be able to do a lot of things I don’t prioritize. I give priority to what is important to you it does not you that bothers.

It’s all about the simple things how to treat the privacy of others and how to respect the lives of others. Respect how other people choose to live their lives. It is not possible to just trample over others ’ boundaries and think that just because it works for one it should work for the others. I am a person who has been through traumatic experiences and I have really learned from all my mistakes in life. I has taken me this far on my journey. I take hold of the problem that arise directly and I can be honest and stand for my mistakes. I have developed as a person and I have grown up. Today I am an adult. Can you not respect my daily priorities in order to you yourself suffer from a large control needs so is not it my problem. It becomes my problem when you yourself haven’t learned where the limits are and it interferes with my base circle but does not understand it. When I am the person who always tried to help if I have noticed that I need help. I analyze my own behavior and I am growing as an individual. I know who I am and where I’m going. It has always been so much all the time that I am too much and I too little. I feel too much emotions and it has always been I to examine myself to become someone I’m not. The problem has always been that I am the problem all the time that you need to correct. It has done that I have always worked with myself in my quest and in my belief that the problem lies with me. Only with me. I stand as I said for my problems and mistakes but others do not. 

It is healthier to seek help and to get help and support in her problems than to deny their problems and blame everything on everyone else. It is unhealthy and not healthy to start fights and then blame everything on me. It only shows that the people who do so have not worked with themselves. It only shows that these people actually need an eye-opener with regard to their own behavior. This means that they need professional help.

When it no longer works, constantly trying to get me to the black sheep that you can hide behind. When I decided that I no longer will be the protection so you have to work with yourself. I have nothing to hide and I know who I am.
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀
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New Energy

Today has been a really good day with a lot of emotions and reflections for the future. 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n

I will continue to fight for It cause I refuse to give up. I do it as I can and I will always do how difficult it may be. My old soul is a real fighter. I got a new energy today and that feels absolutely wonderful. I am grateful for so much and I feel strong. Sometimes it is hard to be smart and realize what reality is, but rather that and be honest than to live in a lie. Rather than imprisoned in a lie.

It has been about planning a good future as possible and I like where it is going. Everything is a bonus because I know how reality looks like. I also know that I am a true fighter. I know why I do what I do and I am determined in my actions. I talk openly with people who understand me and it saves a lot of energy. New hope and new strategies is my goal in the next round. It always it can arrange itself. There are those things that are not going to do anything about it. They are difficult to accept and it is eating away at me because I am used to always find the solution most of the time. But when you are powerless, so it is easy to become frustrated. When the tears are exhausted what do I do then?

I FIGHT ! Thats  my Strength 😛 

It is thanks to all of you who believe in me that means I can do what I do in a more rewarding way. I strictly follow my future goals but it’s easier if other people support me on my way and sees me.

Now my son and I have will have a really good and lovely weekend 😛

Wish you a Best Weekend of My Finest Readers 😀 

Take Care Of Each Other 😀

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 

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Invigorating Walks


Invigorating walks are really lovely even though I have a cold. It feels good for it when eventually it gives in a good way and my body is very accustomed to walking. It is soon time to start my weights again and I am very excited regarding it. I also think it will be exciting to start using my weightwest. Weightwest is something that I have been waiting to use because I want to have a little better muscle. It is possible to adjust the very good regarding the weights on my weightwest which I think is very good and smooth. I’ll get into a good routine to use it and fill it with weights more and more the stronger I become. Will be a fun challenge to have now in the future as one of my projects this summer. Have had a period now that I lost weight and why not when it should still be up in weight again to do it with some muscles. I have my breaks and periods when it gets more exercise but I try to have a good balance of everything.

On my second exercise machine; so has the screws broken in half and I need to put new. Also need to tighten all the screws properly as well. It needs more stability or else lose my focus when it should squeak and shake when you step Haha 😛 ladda-ned.jpg.jpg. It is important that everything should be in order. Now it is time for me to eat meat I must also keep up ironlevels in my  body.

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 
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Determined Woman


Have always loved the sea it is so peaceful. Great that summer is on the way now heating and I need sunlight. I have a little cold today, otherwise it is good. Will work with my computer today for a while but then it gets to be rest so I recover as good as me. It is easy to be too eager when you start to feel more energetic. Important is to still be able to take a small walk to get some fresh air. I like to be where it is quiet and not stressful. At the same time I also like it when it happens stuff but it should be at a healthy level. When I notice that it gets to be too much of something so I stop time I think about the future. Long-term think is good so I can’t throw away everything I have worked for in a day. It doesn’t have to happen everything in a day but it is good to be able to reason healthy and split things. When I have lots of energy so I can often do more things than many other people during a whole day but it does not mean that it is so every day and we are all different. We are, and works the same but we are still different. It is fine with us people. But there can also be conflict in that people actually forget this.

It is important to learn to listen to yourself and in the people who understand. Important to accept that other people may not always understand but it should only do to a certain limit. Many do not know where opinions and action are adjacent and it is then there may be disputes of various kinds.
Have noticed many changes since it started to go well for me, both in terms of my blog and my music. Many people that I know have recently behaved a little differently. Seems many are happy for my sake, yet not in any way. Many would say that it is about envy and for that I am the one who has changed. I am doing what I dream about doing but many seem to forget that there are really a lot of work. I get a sort of reminder to others not to do what they want. It is not my responsibility to get other people to follow their dreams, it is up to each one. I want to be a reminder that it is possible. It feels like it instead has become a reminder that some people do not do what they really want to. Think it is sad for I will not let go of my dreams for someone or something.
I am a stubborn and determined woman, as you already know, and I am determined in what I intend to do 😛 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 
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Spoilsport There Are Plenty



You are probably many who have also been in those places and those times in your life when you have lost motivation. This may involve individual interests and different motivations that are in some way disappear. It is quite normal that it becomes so for it goes in waves everything this with incentives and motivation. I can take this whole thing with how it works. I can deal with it better if it is me that has caused this. I know what I’m getting myself into on the way.

It is controlled and I do it when I want to evolve as a person and to be able to reach the goals that I have set up. It is not surprising that you run out of energy and need to rest. This rest destroyed by those who do not understand then it is more difficult everything is and it takes a longer time for me to get new forces. There is much anger and frustration at being interrupted in my own reconstruction. I know what I should prioritize.It is dangerous to break the pattern that I have especially when I have given all that I have. Then there is nothing left and then I get to collect my energy. It is also not good to carp down on it as I have worked with, and that I put my energy on. Don’t forget that after each time I become stronger and it is so ugly to kick me when I’m working with myself. It is inhuman to think they know the best when you don’t know anything.

It is embarrassing and unintelligent to tell me that what I am fighting for is not of value. It is idiotic to believe that behavior like this does not affect me negatively. It is a shame that the first to mock me in my work with myself and then mock me for it takes a longer time for me to get new energy. It is tragic that the man is the reason that a person has more difficult to get new energy and then complain that I’m not doing anything. I take hold of every little detail in it that arise and I am working forward all the time. It is what is the difference of the processing and work on yourself all the time and they never do it. There is a difference in what you prioritize in life whether it is pure survival or if there are common concerns. For me it is survival and for some, their everyday worries me. It is laughable but it has not worked on youself so is that not easy.

People land and see reality as it is, when something happens that affects their daily lives in a way where their whole world can fall together. When their world is exposed. Then wake up people. That is the difference, I am awake all the time and I live in the here and now and not in a pretend world. So don’t come and tell me about what is important to prioritize. Don’t come and question why I am tired and not doing something when you yourselves are a big part of the problem. You understand that outside of your perfect glass bubble, so there are people like me who have to prioritize differently. Does not bother me in this. Can honestly tell you that I am tired and that this will take time. I challenged myself and I worked throughout the nights with me the music and with my blog.

It went really good, but how long was I to know?
Just thought I’d tell you that this was the last time that anyone gets in my way. It is the last time that any carping down on it as I do. Now, apparently, everything is calm and everyday life is restored but the I then?
I’m really tired and don’t have the motivation to anything but that does not stop me at all. On the contrary, I am a warrior and have been here before many times.
Collect as I said energy 😀
Spoilsport, there are plenty, but do not forget that you are stronger !
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 
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Today I have been grocery shopping, so we have the weekend coming. It is very exciting to go away when you have a fever. The world looks a little different when you have a fever, but it is good for the brain, for it does not take in as much colors and impression as it normally does with me. So in any way, it feels good after all.

Yesterday I me and my son saw on a Swedish film called ”The Hundred Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared ” it was really fun. Tonight, we have not decided what we are going to see on film but there will be a comedy.

Now I need to make food here and rest so I can be healthy 😛 

peppers.jpgLets Go 😛 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀

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