I Knew I Was LOST but it was only a matter of time ;)


Now things happens exactly as I want it to be. Sometimes plans will not be as you expected but it does not mean that it is something bad. But you can turn something bad into something good. It is possible to make everything better if you are stubborn and surround yourself with the right people around you. It’s about to open your soul a little for those who you trust and who understands. To never give up and do not a thing so will other things but it comes to find them.

When you are growing up it is a lot of requirements that you should be able to do, a lot of things on various topics that you then make lot of tests for it if you can.. It is all the time a lot of assessments. I’d much rather learn that I am good enough as I am as a person. I had rather learned more about emotions and how I would deal with them.. I’d rather learn more about the different situations in life that occur and how to in a healthy way can handle them. I had rather learned more about me as a person. Who I was and how I acted. But it was all the time on the that I would learn to not be me.

I was forged to be like all the others, and I was easy to control when I didn’t know who I was. My life has been like many others but we are all different people. We experience situations in different ways. We all have different perspectives and tells of similar events, but not completely verbatim. Most important is how I will proceed in what I want. When I am focused it is not that I am disinterested in other people or that it shall appear that it is me, myself and I all of the time.

It’s about self-respect towards yourself, and it’s not about being egocentric and egoistic. It is about drawing clear boundaries both towards other people and towards yourself. So before you think that I am egoistic and egocentric so should look at yourself, think through how you are as a person. Instead of being jealous of me so take care of yourself instead. Do not come to me and whine because I don’t have time and it is about self-respect.

It is easier said than done and it is a long process to undergo at the same time as it is about that you get to remind themselves of how and how they want to live their lives. Everything became easier the day I learned to seek support and to hang out with people who would never accuse me of being egoistic and egocentric, that I live as I do and that it is good to think of yourself. Surround yourself with strong people who are strong in themselves and confident that I never will questioned because I take care of myself.


Hell Yeah when I started to ignore the other’s envy, so my life has become much better 😛
The fact is that many are so quick to judge when its not so good but many are not there then when it goes good. Then they should not have been there from the beginning. I thought so often when I was younger and felt and heard that ” she has the do not track ” …..
One day, I will show you everything that’s flown around and seen that I do not have control on ….
She starts lot of projects and she just talks all the time about a lot of things she should do. She sings bad and think that she is something!…….What will become of her?


I can tell you that already then it looks like I have an eye on something so I try for I want to and I’m stubborn. It takes me on. To complain about someone who ”sings bad ” is so ridiculous. I practice the for the hell

I knew from the beginning that I had no control of all of the projects that I started and I knew I was lost. I knew it would take time, but I knew that I could do it. When I show other people that I am a bastard of it as I do when I find the thread and when I find security in it as I am lost in so it will be more than good. It is not possible to be good at everything but you can try.

It is so frustrating to want so much but not having the ability to be able to do what you want. When other people are on and complains when you try so it will be not better. Therefore, I have set up rules to hang out with strong people .

Strong people lift you up and see you as a human being. They don’t have to like everything you do but they have so much stability in themselves that they do not need to supress you when you have your worse Days.


 What I mean and like with this post, is that you my readers will get a little food for thought regarding what which are your closest people. Also not to forget that you are the person who is closest to you.


Take Care of Each Other …… 20170528_093826.jpg

But don’t forget yourself……


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 
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Sing Along Just Do It :)

Well I’m not directly any shorts person, that you can see here in the picture. My arm has been in the sun but not my legs. Would be happy to have shorts when sometimes but bruised one of my legs the other day so I don’t want to have it wounded more in the sun now either. It has been a glorious weekend with a touch of everything.

Wonderful that it has been so hot and sunny the whole weekend. Many have been swimming this weekend. Here i’ve been grilling, with lots of delicious food and I have gone walking.

When I sit and work this much as I do with the computer and the internet, I learn very much about how the internet works. I can more and more effectively use the time to work with it as I want to do. I get all the time new ideas and thoughts on how I should further develop everything that I work with. It is so exciting but it is really a lot of work behind. I like that all the time to see different possibilities. The coolest thing is that I feel that I just is in the beginning to build up all. It will probably always be so for there is always something to do with my music and with my blog. It is liberating to be able to live in a real virtual world that’s true. It feels absolutely incredibly wonderful that I have found a platform where I can be and get out my creativity. This is one of the things that I’ve been looking for all my life. 

It is easier to accept that I can have little bit more difficult for some everyday things that most people have. When I stand and my brain can’t figure out something, witch for many other people is a simple mathematics speech so it does not feel hard anymore.

When I’m not stressed so I can do very much things and have many balls in the air. It’s all about having balance in everything which is a recurrent fact.
So when I stand and ask about the easiest stuff that you think is so simple, it might not easy for me when I ask. It may seem that I’m insecure but I know how I tick and I am sure that things will become right. So my science in how I work and my ambition in that I want things to be right can be perceived slightly different by other people.

It may be that it seems like I am taking a simple way through that question things that I Always ask about.

It may seem like I am insecure and do not dare to trust myself. It is just the opposite. I trust myself but I also know that if I get some help with the ”simplest ” little things so my balance will be more whole.

When it hangs and I get a little blocked and paralysed so I tend to accept that it is so. Other people may like to think that I’m not capable of ”simple stuff” as they always can. I know other things they can’t and I’m proud of it as I can. I am proud of what I do. The problem before was always that I felt that all the others could so much more than what I could. They could so much more.

When everyday life becomes a life where the only is to watch and do as all the others and it is precisely that which was difficult so taking it stops there for many people.
It become a vicious circle and many people feel terribly bad about to feel that : Why can and understand all of the others here but not me ?
But I can sing well don’t go around and sing and say to other people listen and mimic me : It is just to listen and sing along.
As hard as many of you would have to ex sing as I can.
I have with many of the everyday stuff that you think is so easy that you not even consider that it ex /
  • simple mental arithmetic
  • go and shop
  • have the energy for a whole day
  • able to do all of these small everyday stuff which takes a lot of energy if it is not planned well

It is really good for the people who can cope and actually thrive with the living on their way. I was forced in a way to live as I live today, but now I enjoy it. I accept how it is. Just keep in mind that we are all different and we can different things. I don’t sit with my hands in the cross and never want to learn anything new, but I’m trying and interested in learning new things. But I also know my limitations. Instead of not having tried, so I always want to try and give most things a chance.

My strengths works best when I get some time to sort new impressions and routines. I would like to work more enhanced in the everyday lives of ordinary people in the future. I have so many everyday tricks, and I am very good at structuring up and see what works together and not. This not is not of importance always. It is a part. I will come back more with this subject in the future. I’m a kind of template regarding this and I need somehow to develop my thinking and come up with something, a good way to be able to teach it in practice to other people.

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 


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Business And Emotions


Now I have the people around me that I want now for the future and I am happy that all these fine people are. Key people have been added, closer to me, and others have chosen to by a variety of reasons to shirk. Feels really good for me now in all cases be surrounded with people who have a strong inner drive. We think pretty much the same and the differences benefit us all. I choose carefully the people that I currently surround myself with.

It can be extremely tough to select out people so it makes thing easier when one chooses to remove themselves. It is not possible to get stuck in to think about these people. I will always think about many people but everyone should not be with in that which I create.

The journey is mine with a few chosen to be with. I know how I want everything to go to. We all have our own journeys and sometimes so are the roads in different directions.

I am glad that it still shows itself now early I learn a lot of everything. It is not possible to add together the friendship and success if you can’t operate it on a healthy level. It wears on relationships and some decreases slowly with time. May be because I as a person is very driven in what I do and need to surround myself with like minded people. Why is my Webmaster the person who is most involved in how I think and what I do. I also have some friends who have the same drive as I right now and we are both to be seen and talk a lot in the cell phone. It feels good to be able to share thoughts and concerns on a daily basis with these wonderful people. No need to feel envy because it goes well for the other and not thinking is strange. That is the way I want it. When you get it where sms : Heeej good luck on the job when working at home.

Imagine what a text can do. You can’t always call when you sit and work with everything. So then it’s fun to be able to send some text messages to their friends closest 😛

Sending sms takes not so long time it is about a few seconds so it has time if you want 😛

In order to preserve some relationships, so share I do not these people everything that touches my business thoughts no  longer. It is for relationships, and not to shut out other people. There is much to it that I work with should not be destroyed for I need all the energy I can use. Important to be able to make those decisions and it has not been easy either. But now I do it because it creates less turbulence. Instead of speculating, and it takes my energy, so my reflections over all of that I make the decisions I do. I am happy and it feels good. A thousand thanks to you people that in one way or another helped me by showing where you stand. How evil it may have done so, you have helped me to be able to be responsible for it will be as good as possible. This has given me more than what I have lost. It has taught me to better manage and distinguish between business and emotions.



It was my fault from the beginning who wanted to be with friends in my business. For me it was so obvious, but after realizing that it only damaged relationships so I had to do something. So now I have my Webmaster, and a few other close friends who I talk most with when it comes to my business. It will be best for all and none is less worthy than any other.

My inner plans, it is no besides I know about, and so it will remain. As my Webmaster likes to say : You do as you want in the end anyway HAHA 😛

I respect everyone’s choice in how involved or not as it chosen to be. But it is I who govern, and it is I who make and makes all the final decisions.

The biggest decisions are now made regarding some adjustments in the construction.

Feels really wonderful 😀

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀

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14 New pictures on my INSTAGRAM :)

Big fun that it already is so many of you who have been inside and seen my 14 new photos on my Instagram. It is not so easy to stand still and be able to find good ways to act but it is fun to try. I am not someone who is used to neither be in the photo or video. But I think it is fun with pictures and I are fortunate enough to know good photographers. Patience and being resourceful works well and the collaboration with the photographer. There are certainly guidelines as to what to use for the filter and stuff when you put up cards on various sites. But I’m not knowledgeable on this but take it as I want simply. The main thing, I think it is fun to mix and spin. That is why it will come very different pictures from me. 
Preparing my own business now for the summer then I’ll work on my other work. Think it is good to be out in good time concerning all things necessary for me to be able to reach my future goals. There has been a break in all things, and it has many reasons why it has been as it has been. I stayed aware of everything that is not of the highest priority. The most important thing is that I took care of the basics in my everyday life.
Ran a reboot and is now beginning to start up myself 😛
The time before the summer will be wonderful and the summer will be lovely. Hope of course for good weather so you can be out in the sun. Today I remain a part with my own business to work with, so it will be very interesting. 
Take Care Of Each Other 😛 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 
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Feel Quite Frisky :)

This Sunday, it will be a little bit of everything here when I have not planned very much yet. Will be answered with what is needed to be arranged here at home and take each day as it comes. Sitting and drinking coffee now to wake up to. It is still spinning quite many thoughts on much right now for me, but it feels good after all. It takes some time to land so it’s nothing strange at all. I gives me the time I need for no one knows me as good as I do. I know exactly what works and what does not when it comes to me 😛


It takes time and much energy to be able to do it as I do especially now when I am still with the very basics of my business. It is important to create a good foundation for it to become that I have thought of. It is not possible to rush into anything but to focus on making it good from the beginning. It is also about surrounding yourself with people who understand the whole thing with that there is so much work behind everything. Those who understand that this is something that is an of one’s greatest interests and it is here that I spend a lot of time and effort. Important to surround yourself with people that inspire you to continue what you are doing. Learn to listen to constructive criticism and not those who are jealous and kick out both the one and the other. Never forget why you strive for their own life goals and to never doubt on you. Know that you can what you do no matter what. Find the strength to affect what you can and not get caught up in it that you can not influence. It is possible to affect more than what we ourselves think and know about many times. There is so much that I have learned through life. You often have a choice and it is also a choice not to choose anything at all. 

Others  choices are their but my choices are mine. My choices are mine to be taken by me. Many options and many crossroads I have had to deal with now for the last time. It has been hugely stressful as I have been disturbed and not been able to work alone as I had to do. Some decisions that I have taken in the recent past will be essential to my well-being in the future. It is possible to see obstacles all the time but it is also possible to work for change if there is something that you really want. Learn to see what it actually is capable of. I am honest with all the time I want to do the best that I can and that it makes me vulnerable in a way. Vulnerable to at all times maintain the balance in order to be the best that I can. So I can use my abilities to the fullest. It makes me frustrated and pissed off when other people come and feel they know best where my limits go.
This is my area and I know the best here and it needs other people to learn to accept. There is a lot that I’ve accepted now especially in the last few months regarding the behavior of others. This has made me feel better and I am freer in my focus. I have made my choice so now it is up to others what they choose to prioritise and what they believe is important to preserve. It is not possible to incite change despite the fact that I have told you how I feel. The only thing that can change anything is me. What others choose to do is up to them. I have given so much of my time and energy as well as force on things now at last it is time for me to let it be. I need to use my strength and my power, where I get the energy back. 

It is absolutely wonderful that I recently actually have found like-minded people. I am so grateful for it that I can bring. So happy and excited over this that I feel quite frisky. It is worth gold and it was fine again, finally. It was also much better. Most of it has a meaning, and when it doesn’t feel like it has it so I have learned to create a sentence with it most of the time. It is one of my strengths. Now, I shall continue to do so as I feel good out in all future similar situations. This is regardless of what others choose to do or not it’s their own choice, and I accept that 😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 
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Very Knowledgeable

20170501_102504.jpgYesterday it was a lovely breakfast with coffee and burgers. I like the combination. It was a nice  to enjoy in the sun. To take the opportunity when you can get a little sunlight. I like to eat more food sometimes, when I slept longer. Then I get good energy and it took a good while before I was hungry again 😛 

In recent times, I’ve had stronger relationships with many people which makes me incredibly grateful. Relations have been strong in the past but become even stronger. Sometimes, things happen that are not raw at strengthens the bond further. It is about survival and when the energy is needed. I accept worse changes to other relationships because I see what has happened and where they are going. It is sad but my energy must cease to incite in these areas when I don’t get the response anymore as it once was. The relationship runs slowly out of steam. Because it takes too much energy from me to try all the time and the people involved to pretend that nothing is what it is. I have been very hurt by other people in the past and some apologize and others don’t. The problem persists and I need time to heal. It does hurts a bit more if it’s people that have been around for a long time. It is useful to feel forgotten for it allowed me to think in new ways of thinking. It allowed me to give time and power where I needed. Something has made me sad a total now of later time, and it has taken all my energy.

 What I do now in the future and there that I decide to put time and effort into is my decision and I will be ruthless. Ruthless means that when I am focused on something and want to succeed so I just run on and I will ignore what the feelings of others will be in this one. For I have tried and  it has made me sad and I am tired. Now there is a new focus and this is where I will put all my energy. I peel it off as unimportant. Unimportant means that there is nothing that I expect in my focus, therefore, it becomes unimportant if it just takes my energy. It is as it is said and it is I who can change what I can change in order to feel better. I am very knowledgeable about how I should behave and I can so many tricks in how I’m going to do. It is always difficult to use the tricks on itself when it is about emotions. This time, I was also the victim of the violation when I was in a slump and much plummeted in my world.
The difference is today I know who I am today so it doesn’t matter with all these violations all the time. What matters is that it takes too much of my energy and therefore I put a stop to it. I am honest about what happens to the people who I feel trust and I have nothing to hide. This is also because I did not should be drained completely of energy now, in the future, but for the fact that I’ll have my energy left.


It will be good in the long run 😛 
Take Care Of Each Other 😀 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 
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