Body Becomes Satisfied ;)

Thanks to those of you who follow me on instagram and for those of you who will follow me after this post. Here are some cards from my instagram account and the link : screenshot_2017-07-02-11-00-11.jpg

Today I have been away and worked and now I work out at home with my own business. It is just as it should be. Keeps on giving the body vitamins and the body begins to react in a good way. Also try to eat more healthily so that it becomes more vegetables, but my body has a bit of a problem to take up the vitamins, so I try to run a little bit ex blutsaft . It feels like my meat consumption is starting to become a bit too much and that the body becomes satisfied. So blutsaft is a great compliment.

Something that I ate much before it was broccoli and I like salad so it will not be difficult for me to live a bit more healthy than what I do. Really like these salads that it sells in the shops.
Now it is time for me to eat haha get hungry after all my talk about food 😛 
Have the best my lovely listeners and readers, and follow me on Instagram :
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛
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Surprisingly Proud Of Myself :)

It will be a little quieter day than what I had planned when I got sick yesterday just when I finished my work. The day had been really good and I was lucky to get sick just now when I’m free 3 days. But I had to set it as applied to my music this weekend and it is so that the health goes first. The music is of course also affected if I am ill so it is just to focus on the next opportunity. I have the good fortune, in that I blog and make music so I can do a bit from home today. I slept more than 12 hours in the night, so the body needed a rest. Today I have a little pain in the body and is tired, but otherwise it is just fine with me. Haha 😛  of course, so I sit, and sing a little but manage to sing a few lines then I become breathless. Typical me hihi 😛

It is when I have those days like these when I just do what I can of the day. It need not be something negative at all, but on the contrary it can happen wonders. It depends on how I think and what I focus on. I’m so happy about so many things right now that my soul is feeling really good. It is my way to be able to see all the different perspectives as I can. I have an awesome ability to be able to discern the details but also to see the big picture as it is. It is something that I developed good in my life.

I will be working from home now my 3 days off but I will also be working with to take care of my health. I have not trained now for a period but I have taken long walks. It’s about doing something even if they are 10 minutes in a short walk. I have all my life striven after and I am still working with myself on a daily basis to be able to maintain my self-realization. Make it stronger and take me even higher.
It has been really good lesson now in recent times, and I have learned a lot about myself. Surprisingly, many things made me so proud of myself and what I have found in myself. It is so positive to see in oneself that one’s own actions has given so good results and so much less negativity. It is so good decisions that I have taken and it has made me have so much energy left that I can distribute the much better.
I have a lot going on as always and it is with great pleasure to be able to have the opportunity to share it all with you. You who is my lovely listeners and readers.
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 img_20170510_085134.jpg
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Got Nice Gifts Yesterday Of Some Nice Souls :)

Many stuff going on right now but it is exactly the way I want it right now. I am in a period of to be able to have more focus and then it is just to take your time as much as I can. Despite the fact that there is a lot going on right now and I feel calm. I think that it works really good everything. It is the right puzzle pieces in the right puzzle, and it is moderately tricky. I shall soon begin to do the work in my lunchbox that I will take with me to my work tomorrow. Yesterday I had bought the food I would have today and tomorrow, but haha 😆 the food I ate yesterday. So it will be good to take out for the evening to the food box for tomorrow.

collage-1498747770411.jpgGot nice gifts yesterday of some nice souls I shall see that my lunchbox is made up of. Will be exciting this 😛

Now it is soon time for me to make my lunch box and eat supper.

Have the Best of My Best readers and listeners 😛 

Take Care Of Each Other
 Many Hugs From MinikeGirl img_20170509_185149.jpg 😛
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My Many Lovely Friends :)

img_20170510_085134.jpgReally lovely and great day for I agree to clean up and arrange all the clothes. It is certainly needed these days and I think it is fun. Got the kitchen floor cleaned the other day so now it is just to continue. I take it as I have time and it is quite depending on how much as I can every day. But I like to have a good routine on the days no matter what it is. A routine that is tailor-made for me takes less energy and then I can do more. That is why I am careful to distribute my energy right, because it is much more limited than what a lot of people understand.

You look almost only to me when I have been drinking coffee and judge me accordingly. Many of you know also how I function when the coffee does not help or when the effect disappears after a couple of hours in the day and I become extremely tired. But it doesn’t stop me from balancing on to do the most I can do. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth all of the time and keep that balance as I do with my energy. But I want to give all that I can and for me so it gets to live a little half do not squeeze out what goes of me.

Sometimes it becomes very good and it is about all the time to rest and stay up so that I keep good balance of everything. Right now, it is a lot for me but in a good way and in a good balance that is sustainable in the long run. The longer the time that I get things to work without having to stop my gears, the stronger becomes the whole of this ship. It is tough to live as I do, but it is at the same time liberating, and nothing is anything without the other.
Think about working out all these abilities that I have. I take the slow but sure even further forward in my quest against all of my future goals. It is gratifying that all the time to be so stubborn even when I encounter various adversities of life. It is gratifying that all the time I can collect myself after all the times that I shattered. Piece by piece I build myself all the time, stronger and I find all the time new ways to manage everyday Life.

 I know where I have put the time and effort. Spiritually and with compassion and love. But sometimes, when I need to think more on myself so I notice the people who accept my choice. I notice who stays and who pulls away. For me, there’s nothing in it for I know where I’m going and it is not possible to get caught up in other people’s decisions, but it is that I need to make my own decisions based on each situation that may arise. In some cases it has gone so far that I don’t even bother me anymore. It also appears other people who are better than me. I have known this for so long now that I draws me away from all these people to do. I need to take care of my energy. It takes extra hard when there are people like me in spite of all the people I know anyway, been me the closest. Then turns this faster than the wind but it is not I who made that decision. This just makes me stronger in myself and I respect other people choices. It would be absolutely crazy not to respect the choice of others. I accept other people choices. I also have the power to do what is best for me, and after a long period of that I have been thinking that I have made my decision on very well. One of them is obvious 😛 

 It feels so funny for I really have so many lovely friends and we have so much and many plans in the pipeline for It is all between the regular trips that are planned for the full and it is also a bit of business travel. I am really so happy of all my inspiring friends that you mean more than diamonds for me. I am very excited for everything we will do together now in the future. The funny thing is that I wonder how and what I should plan first. It will in all cases be an overseas trip with my son and with some other friends of mine who also has children. Because I and my son will travel with others who like to plan in good time in the future that I need to sit down and start planning all the fun haha 🙂 .  It feels great fun is everything and it is good to have things to look forward to while I’m doing other things hihi 😛 

Everything will be carefully planned and I have my work now in the summer. One thing at a time is a good idea to Think 🙂 
Take Care Of Each Other
 Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😛 
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Development Of This Technique

Especially good day my son and I had today this Saturday. A real mother and son day, it has really been. We often have a lot to talk about and we usually have deep conversations about life. We went to walk and was in a cosy restaurant. The day was also about to get my phone repaired so that I can give my son his first cellphone soon. Many think that it is far too early for a guy in my son’s age to get a mobile. For me it’s about what the actual cell phone used in for the purpose. I’m thinking that there are so many good games/apps where I can learn different things. But it is the most that I’ll be able to call to him and that he can call me. Different families have different purposes and I also think it is great that he gets to hang out with in the development of this technique. 

My son has always been very good on mobiles and to download the game and make different folders. This is such that he will have the benefit of in the future. He helped me with my mobile force to sort and put apps in different folders. What I have learned about computers and mobiles when I was younger has helped me a lot now when I’m older. I know the basics and it is something that I can’t so I am a bit of a problem solver, so I can often find a solution to it which is basic.

Today we bought a new cover glass to my mobile. My mobile is starting to become worn and the glass was about to come off as it is glued. But I am happy with my mobile phone and intend to keep it for a while. Already know what the next mobile that I will get is so I keep myself updated. It is really nice to be able to work with my mobile phone now again I have had another is now temporarily when the mine has been in repair vacation. Important to have good patience there and make sure that the end result will be good 😛 
Should take the opportunity now to get to work a little bit now with the cell phone for this wonderful day that has been 😛
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 screenshot_2017-05-20-22-16-45.jpg
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Bought one of those Spinners to my Son

It has been a lovely day and it has been very good things that have happened. A thing ordered other things that I needed to get organized. Bought one of those Spinners to my son who was really happy. 2017-06-14 20.05.10Haha 😛  it’s not just my son that thinks it is big fun. 

The idea today was that I would work with the computer, but since I arranged with a bunch of other things so it may be now. Because it is myself who decides how many hours I work with my things, so it is easy to adjust the time. But I like it when I have a good structure in it as I do for when I get more done. Now it was my mobile phone that needed to be fixed for the I work with on my own. Work with a mobile which I am not accustomed to take both time and effort so I decided to fix my mobile. It went really well as soon as everything is in order again 😛 Given that it is a new computer that I need so it was not planned, that the cell phone would break. But now I’ll correct everything and get properly with the backup on both my mobile and computer. It is a must that they should work.

Had a bit of a time constraint before, but now I feel it will go really well. This day corrected to much and it was my goal for the day. So I am so satisfied and happy as one can be. The days that it happens a lot, but to be this good is quite Amazing.
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😛 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n



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