I’ve searched and hunted, and ran afoul of myself in my entire life !


I am very pleased that I have been able to work that I have done up to now in summer. There are 2 weeks left and time has gone quickly as usual. There will be more time to be creative regarding the music and it will be a good time. I have a lot that I want to do and have many plans for the future. It is really interesting and exciting to think of what I should do in the future, but it’s actually wonderful to live in the here and now. I am always on the road somewhere. Have just had one of my food periods when I eat almost everything I see.  Feel heavy in the body but it does nothing. In about a week so I am going again with the workouts and more walking. You need to eat in order to be able to work out and be able to build muscle. I have an imbalance in my thyroid there might be some symptoms even though I eat my medicine. But now, it goes in the right direction again  🙂 

Despite some of the bad things now in the summer with both broken relationships and death and stress, so I think I have coped with me well. It is not possible to influence some things and I have learned many times now in life. Broken relationships and friendship is also something that I learned to deal with. Nothing is broken but that it makes something good out of it. I have recently regained contact with many of my old friends from childhood and many of my friendships have become even stronger. I am surrounded by the finest friends that are. The people who know me and know my whole journey but still is jealous of me and where I have come today are people that I will break off contact with. It is completely unreasonable for me to even have those people in my vicinity. The summer has been wonderful in many ways despite the difficulties, there have been incredibly a lot of love. It shows that life goes on whatever happens. 

I am the person who has changed for the better and I have fought to become who I am today. I’ve searched and hunted, and ran afoul of myself in my entire life. Today, I am proud to be me and I am proud of the person I have become. My journey has been more problematic than what many of you know about but the main thing is where and who I am today. So you either see me and respect me for who I am or you have no place in my friendshipcircle at all. I respect myself and it is the most important  but it is also important to surround yourself with people who respect you as you are. Today I have so many people around me who respect me for who I am and it is exactly as it should be. Love You All My Greatest Friends  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl  😛 17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_n



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Carl Edmond´s bok om hans Galna Liv/ Jag skrattade, jag grät. Glädjetårar! :)

Wow   😛  Carl Edmond alltså har ni hört talas om honom? Vilken grym bok som han har skrivit. Så inspirerande bok om hans galna liv. Helt otroligt vad han har varit med om i hans mycket spännande liv genom alla äventyr han varit på. Jag läser om sidorna flera gånger för det pirrar i hela kroppen.  😛  Funderar ärligt talat på om Carl Edmond är upptagen? Han är helt fantastisk och jag är oerhört tacksam över att få denna möjlighet att kunna läsa Carl Edmond´s bok.

Jag skrattade, jag grät. Glädjetårar! #CarlEdmondWasHere

2Q2A3696  Nu när jag har så härlig ny inspiration så ska jag fortsätta att göra det som jag gör 😛 

Ha det Bäst Mina Läsare

Puzz å Kramizar MinikeGirl 🙂 

Sponsrat av @carledmondofficial

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My Son Turned 9 Years Old Yesterday :)

Overjoyed Mother

My son turned 9 years old yesterday, which was celebrated with a day on a secret outing. We had it very cozy. I had chosen a good path so that my son could have something to watch during our little trip. It was so much fun he fell asleep after 5 minutes after we had begun to drive. It resulted after when we had eaten at the restaurant so he became more alert and more energetic. We ate chicken and then had coffee in a café. Went and talked about life and people and about ourselves. It was a lovely day 😛 .  I am  

My son has done so much in the summer and been on so many activities. He has been abroad many times in his life and got to do so much. It makes me so happy as a mother that I truly have been able to arrange everything so well for us that my son get to explore the world in this way. My son is my biggest motivation and he is the person who allowed me to do everything that I do today. It is he who makes me feel alive. We have a great relationship and we are a good team. We are  a family that has many deep discussions.

Gave my son a mobile when he was old enough and it is because he is good at technology and I think it is important that he must keep up with developments. I have told him how to deal with the internet and that I should always know what he is doing on the Net before he is older. But it is important that he gets to explore with regarding this for I see that he has good skills already. To let my son develop within the how to use a computer and how to use a mobile is very positive. My son has a lot of knowledge in this that I can’t.

He has me as a mother who has internet as my workplace, and I teach him from the beginning. I teach him that there are people who may not always write so nice things about me on the net. I teach him that I seen and heard a lot on the net. That he should always come to me if there is something he is wondering about. If someone says something about my music that he does not agree with. Someone may have comments about my blog and about me. I teach my son that people will always find a lot of different things on a lot.

The most important thing is that you know deep inside that it is good as it is. My son, when the strong in himself and he has very much empathy when it comes to other people. My son is very smart. It’s that I work with is to strengthen his comprehension when it comes to various limits. I know how it is to live with empathy and how some people have used my kindness through the years. Then how some people disappear and pulls away when they no longer can get things, ex money of you. Empathy is about so much more. Empathy is something else. It is when you have a lot of empathy and want to help other people who are there are the people who make use of your goodness. I promise you that once you stop giving things and money to clear the people of their own accord from your life. It is therefore important to set limits and that is what I teach my son.


I have not always made the smartest choices in my life but I knew that day that it is time to change a thing. Change for the better and it is not to be egoistic, but it is to focus on his own family. Focus and care about the people who care about me as a person. As the friends pay the note every other time and petrol money is sound when it comes to money. You give and take and helping each other in everyday life with everything what it can mean.

It’s not about the money and those who pulls away when you put the limits help only got me to really see where I want to put my energy in the future. In recent times I have helped other people in different everyday events that occurred. Then in the middle of everything, I get back lots of things that I need. It gives and takes in a healthy way, where everything goes around. I get back where I don’t even reflected over that I wanted to have it when I helped other people. It is what it is best to have the right people around you.

 dsc_0017-1386874588.jpgBought a couple of very nice curtains yesterday that I’ll fix that up in the right place. It will be as I have thought, so it will probably up a picture of the result. I’m not a star to put up curtains so haha I promise nothing. It is I who happen to snatch down a curtain rod and everything when I just should correct to an existing curtain that is in Place haha 😛 
In the meantime, now that I write this blog post, I get a message that the accessories for my son’s new mobile phone has arrived. He will be so happy tonight when he can start using his first mobile 😛 
Take Care Of Each Other
Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😛 


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Network Is Large :)

17884630_1228102760646137_6313495232815833993_nDespite a bit of sleep tonight because my body doesn’t do what I want really so it has been a very good day. I eat my Levaxin which is for my thyroid and I’m going to eat the whole of life. But sometimes it’s like it’s blocked in the body and I can be surprised with a few different symptoms each time it happens. Therefore, it is a bit hard to read when it is done. It happened in the night was the symptoms don’t usually be with at all when it gets this short. So last night, I was stressed and could not sleep.It really is not a good combination to become stressed when producing the various symptoms of imbalance in the body. It is easy to get stressed up and can’t sleep for it. It sets off lot of other signals in both my body and brain and it is not good. Adrenaline and a lot of other instincts can start and it will be me not alert of. But now since I’m stubborn, and has a good job, so I took me to work today. I will certainly sleep many hours now but it I need  😛   

Worked a lot with the blog now to get it to spread on the network. It is a job that I can work with in forever it feels like. Of the network is large. It helps, of course, that I think it is big fun. But how fun it is, so it takes time to all the time. It is time that I gladly devote so clear but I am very careful to also have days that I rest on. But after each blog post so I share it on different social media. For each new song I release, and I will do the same. It is so as I have always done late 2012 with my blog. It is so as I do with every new song I release. The more creative I am the more work I get to work late. It is so that I take a little more space on the web all the time and reach out to more and more people. It feels so wonderful and fun to see how my business continually grows. It is exactly here that I want to work my whole life. It fits me so well. I have a commonsense approach to working from home and I enjoy working from my computer. I love Internet  😛 

Because it was like it was night until today, it is time for me to rest now. I had planned to do today after my work will have to wait. I have decided that when it gets like this, so always go to recovery first, for it is there that I can live as I do. MinikeGirl

Take Care Of Each Other  😛 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Lifting Weights :)

Today I have had time to be a part of the sun, which has been wonderful. It does so much with the sunlight and the heat. It is handy that I can work from my mobile phone if I want to. But of course, it is wonderful to just lie down and take it easy in the sun. Now freezes, I a little as usual when it has been warm so now I’ve got me a warmer shirt. I really want to have it warm. 20170527_152325.jpgOften get darker arms than legs for I freezes often on the legs haha 😛 

Have received some questions about how it goes with my training. It is here that I have had so much else for me also it has been good for the body. But any workout on my machines, it has not been now for a while which I personally think is a shame. I do not like to have a break but like I said I have done things that have been good for my health anyway on the latest. Walking I do on an almost daily basis and I sing much which is a workout in itself. I sit even and wobbles when I type on the data so I are almost always in motion 😛 


Now I have really started to eat more food so it will be good when I start lifting weights again. But first, there will be some training heating and then, I mean that I started to calm so clear. It is easier to have the energy to carry things when you have a little bit of muscle that I had here Weeeeiiiiiii hihihihi 😛 

I like to be able to wear what I want to be with me and I am so stubborn. It should be handy and I like the muscles and to be strong. Small but strong in every way haha 😛 

Have the best my lovely listeners and readers.

Take Care Of Each Other.
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl
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I surround myself with loving people and Friends :)

Today, I have begun to get more into how I think regarding one of my rooms. Have a few things in the room to be away for me to be able to do what I want in there. But it may take a little bit at a time.  As usual, when I agree with something so it will all the time come out  new ideas 🙂  I also have the task to sort all of these papers that I have collected on me. Those who you thought you once would have. I have definitely not at all needed haha 🙂 !


Because I’m in a fresh pasta period so I did another pasta right today. With pesto as an accessory which was very good . The same kind of pasta that I ate the other day but now mixed I the varieties and use the pesto instead of creme fraiche. Used shrimp and marinated garlic cloves. Of course, I made so that I have tomorrow. It is just as good when you make the food, I think 😛 

I take this opportunity to celebrate my successes in life every day and I am so grateful that I have arrived where I have arrived today. My journey through this mortal life and my teachings about how it is to be medial. As I mentioned earlier, my soul is very old and has been living millions of different lives. This is one of them and it has been very instructive and interesting. In many other lives so I have been fighting in order to survive and in this life, it has been the same but more modernized. But it is the same survival instincts that gather in difficult times. I have also struggeled a lot with myself in this life and it has taught me a lot about myself. It has made me even stronger. In this life, it is so much and so many emotions that one can feel, but also during some periods of time so I have not felt anything. I was given the ability to be medial, but even on the good and evil to feel so much, and during some periods, the inability to feel anything. It is no wonder that it can do so in terrible pain, some times emotional and other times not feel it at all. I is perceived as a social and quite emotional person. But I am so much more that many people don’t know anything about. But I feel so good that I can for I know who I am and what I can do. Where my boundaries go.

I surround myself with loving people  and friends who love and respect me for who I am. I am happy but I am also very sad at the same time. I’m bothered much, but I’m bothered at the same time very little. I’m stubborn in a good way but also in a bad way at the same time. Everything that I feel strongly that is positive I also feel just as strongly when it is sad and sad. As strongly as I can feel love I can feel the hatred. As happy as I can feel me just as sad, I can feel me the same day at the same time. It does not need to be one or the other. In my case, it can be many emotions involved, and some days I feel barely any emotions at all if I don’t break the pattern. Therefore, I choose my life with care so that all the time I need to use my emotions in a good way in everyday life. Balance is also important here. I know a lot about how to feel because I have gone through a lot . I’m glad I know who I am today and what I’m capable of and where my limits go 🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 🙂 


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