


Have structured up my blog a bit with some minor adjustments. When I still keep trying to get on the blog more in depth. It’s funny now when I have this new theme to work in.

It is very due to the work needed to be done and it takes a long time. I may try to take some every day now. Must buy one to cover this I feel. But for new bloggers it is just to run. It’s just that I’ve been blogging since the year 2012.

I learn a lot on the way and therefore I try to be constantly in phase with it all the time. But it is moving forward and it feels wonderful.


Will soon send my next song away for it to be released. It is a song that I could not have chosen to release at a better time. It is a song that I really needed to get clear right now.

My next song is about what came to be one of my biggest breaks in life.

It is so symbolic and when I press that I’m going to drop it so I will get new forces.


I have fallen in importance is now last month when I was sick so it takes a while to get back my former strength. Think I eat everything I see and at the same time as my son, eat significantly more food now so go there for more food. This is, of course, inevitable, but equally interesting every time I open the fridge and the freezer. Thus, the acting must be considerably more  😀


Take Care Of Each Other


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 


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Mental illness


When you live with mental illness and have people around you in the closest relations that do not understand.  Then you never can get the best out of you. It kills me and it is eating away at my entire existence. All these years of incomprehension, and only belief in that if you work regularly on a job, you become healthy. I can no longer try to get those who do not understand to understand. That every time as soon as it gets a bit too much so it is just to go to the doctor and take a blood test that gets you healed and can work as all the other every day and be as good as every other is.  

All people have different abilities and work on the basis of what you can. Has the driver that I have, it is easy to push itself in the bottom. It happened more before, but now I have good balance in all that I do. It is just all this complaining all the time that I should and that everyone else is so good all the time. I can’t be bothered to take more energy to get people who don’t understand to understand anymore. 


They forget, in total, remove the whole trip that I made to be able to live the life I do today. I even live is a miracle in itself, but even it is forgotten. I don’t have time anymore for these violations. In the eyes where you are never any good and never good enough where I would no longer have the appreciation. This tug-of-war all the time ceases now there are people who will never be satisfied. They will constantly require more of you. 


On the shell, everything is so beautiful and from the outside, everything looks so good. But there is so much that people don’t know anything about. There is so much that I struggle with every day. You can’t see my personal success in that I have actually gone and studied and got top scores. You can’t see that despite adversity, I am here. You have no understanding of how tough my journey has been and that I am still here.

It is I who has vision problems and is half blind in both eyes. You ought to work more if you … the stress means that I have to delete the I am available to work. The stress makes me become passive. The stress makes me sick so don’t come here and do not humble me in all my attempts to keep a good balance. Then the man becomes sick physically and then it falls still. This will stop the never me I am so accustomed to this is, but the limit is reached now. Do you think seriously that I will sabotage my whole trip up here??


It will never happen and it doesn’t matter who stands in the way. It is just annoying that I with all my own fighter should have to fight against people who say that they want my best all the time. To want a thing but to go on the things that you do not have knowledge in that are experiencing this Mental Illness, so it is better to let it be. You have no idea what it triggers in people by being opinionated and unsympathetic. But if you have not the abilities to understand so do not intend to put more energy on trying to be understood. 


I will stop talking with people who don’t understand this because it harms more than it helps anyone. What I can do is to turn off the emotions. I have done it before and I have no problem doing it now either. If you have problems with this, so you have to have it. I know that who I am today and I where I’m going and therefore I do make additional changes for it to keep in the long run.


It is extremely important to focus on the people who understand you and not trigger you to incite yourself to it that you don’t have the energy. It may be a case that you never come out. With this text I want you living with Mental Illness should always know that you are good enough exactly as you are. There are unsympathetic people who do not have the skills to understand how you have it that can say things like, feels like, and is offensive. There are also those who are wicked to the for some reason is not doing so well themselves and need to push down someone else. 


It is we who must stick together when it is like this. All of us who understand and live with this all the time. With me, it is not the actual Mental Illness that is the problem for I love myself for who I am. I accept who I am and I never want to I’ll get rid of my flaws. But I don’t want to have a society of people who do not understand, it is something that is lacking, so it is when society does not understand.


It is something that is lacking it is when the related party does not understand. Understanding is equal to that mental illness is much easier to live with. Incomprehension, however, many people are not able to live longer because there will be too much. It is more rooted than that people don’t understand mental illness. These people have not had to work in the same way with themselves and maybe not learned something about themselves. But we who have been in hell and fought with the devil a hundreds of times. Do you really believe that we have the time to mess with you all the time in that you do not understand?

 Shame on you, you have no idea at all and it is terribly sad. You have a mental illness that you should take care of. We others are doing it and working with our problems. Unfortunately, you will be a of our everyday problems, for that you not working with your own problems.


Double Trouble in the circle is absolutely not healthy for anyone!


Take care of each other instead !


Many hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 


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Colors In The Darkness

IMG_3712Soon I can turn the chapter and leaves in my creativity. Now I have my new song at the time. I write very deep lyrics and I have many messages in my music. I have always been writing my music and I’m happy with it. It reflects who I am and what I have been through. There are many people who can relate to my music. Much is taken directly from the few times that when my life had crashed in total.

My next song is about the biggest the breakthrough for me to be able to change, and really get a solid point in life. Something that changed everything and the nothing became everything in such a life-changing way. I will never return for I have my future. Everything is clear now and that is what my next song is all about.


Yesterday, it was really a real lovely sunny day. It’s wonderful that it’s becoming warmer now here in Sweden. It gets so wacky when you do not get the sunlight despite the fact that I love the dark. But it is enough that I see all the energies of light when it is dark. There are many colors in the darkness that I see all the time of energy so therefore, it feels good. Can understand those who don’t see the colors that they may not like it when it is dark. The dark glitters I tend to think and it is so beautiful.


Will see if I dare to make some additional changes here on the blog today. We’ll see if the coffee settles to the right so I can have the right focus, otherwise I will ask my Webmaster for help. Of course, so I would sit and read a lot of things on how to do yesterday. There are some simple adjustments that I knew about before but was a bit reminded of yesterday.


It may take a little bit away from simply 😀 


Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 


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Something not many know about me

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H Made a new cover for one of my new songs. I was very pleased with it as I did. It is fun to try and it will be as you want it. Since I am not trained to do design and stuff like that it goes well  😀 …

 I want to be able to make the most for yourself when it comes to both my blog and my music. There are many threads to keep in but it goes better and better in everything that I do. I am learning all the time what works and what does not. But I’m free in my creation and it feels absolutely wonderful.

Everything gets a little better every month, and even though what I’m doing is going well so I am prepared to take away a part of it that can be made even better. Work on it so it will be better and that it will be as I want to. Be developed, then I also as a person. Didn’t think it would have the speed of this that it has been in that I would be able to create this foundation as I’ve been striving for.

I don’t have to wait on many things and it makes everything that floats on faster than I ever would have thought. I thought that it would definitely take a much longer time. What I have plan for my blog and my music about 3 years, I do now. It means that I finally have been able to recoup few years by the years that went by that I could do much at all music or blogging. I have got back my life again somehow it feels absolutely incredible.


I have my fixed point in life and it is my son. I have my blog and I have my music. Even though the world rages around me, or if I feel broken so I have my regular spots where I can be myself completely out. I also have 2 amazing jobs to go to when I can and when it is needed.


I have you my wonderful listeners and readers, you are amazing and wonderful in every way. It is a great delight for me that you follow me on my life journey, both within my music and here on my blog.


It will feel superb lovely when you get to hear my next song on which I made the cover for now. I am so excited and a little eager regarding getting out the song. You may have noticed that many of my songs are very heavy in the lyrics with a strong message. After each song I make so I process my part traumas and the things that happened in the past which means that I gradually become stronger and stronger.



I am very aware that I have all the time and the river up old wounds that have not healed by itself. They need a lot of help from my side. They need my help so much. They need to be ripped up and reworked time and time again by me. I work on them so hard that they finally leaving my soul. Some need it and I dont stop myself before they left me. I am spiritual and my soul has lived many lives and my soul is old.

My soul is on their last hundred thousand years now. My soul begins to finally feel the tranquility and peace, and I am so grateful for everything.


With this, I would also like to say that we all believe in different things but this is what I am. Don’t forget that I was born in a very spiritual country, and that I was born with  all this. It has permeated my senses, and who I am today. In the beginning when I didn’t know I had my gift and how you used it, it was really tough.


 I am my gift today and I have full control on what is real and not. I see and hear and I feel it is so wonderful. I have no plans to work as a medium, despite my medial forces and strengths. But it is the people regardless of which side they are on, who will come to me and need help or talk, so I am.


This is nothing to play with if you are above it opens up the channels and links that can be extremely difficult to turn off for those who do not know how to do. So think a little extra before you do all this on your own.


Many Hugs from MinikeGirl    😀 ..


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All The Force Of Music

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H I am now in a new music creates the period. It means that I will be blogging of course but not be able to operate at the speed that I have done in the past. It is impossible, but I look forward to devoting myself to the music now I have a bunch of songs at once. All the power I need to have to the music. 

So do not call me in the middle of the night and say that I have fallen off the various leaderboards and the like. I know all about this cause  I focus on the music more. I need to sleep also and it is easier to work with trackbacks/links and all right on the nights 😀 …..

My music is spread more and more and it’s really fun, I think. I need to land a bit just in my feelings in all things, both in terms of my blog and my music. It is precisely because it is my biggest interests. I need to catch up with myself and stay up a little bit. I know that I get stuck and just run in. It is so terribly funny. But it may not be unhealthy.

There is a reason why I do not go around and perform with my music. It may not be too much, and I am a person who wants to do lots of things, preferably all at once. I love running the blog and the music simultaneously, but now it is very in time with the music so then it simply becomes less wakeful nights when I am working with the blog.

I agree that the structure of lot of works pertaining to the SEO and to spread my blog. For I can’t be bothered to keep on with everything by myself anymore despite the fact that I think it is so interesting and fun. But I add at the same time would much rather the time in to blogging for the it is the reason I started blogging from the beginning. That I have written. Then it ended with that I was so damn interested in this with SEO.

I have to halt myself you have not how much energy to take of how much you want to. For me, everything in great waves. One day I can feel like a 25 year old and the next day as a 90 year old. So that is why I run when I have the energy, for I know it won’t last forever, but goes in waves all the time. Then it seems to many that you should take it easier when you have the strength but the waves will still, so it has no significance if I take it big quiet when I have the strength, so the strength to remain longer. It does not work so that I can affect my energy that way. Would be simple otherwise. But when the strength is, it becomes that rests more automatically can many believe but then you are even more tired so it is also difficult. I try to make the best of the situation all the time and accept that I work like this.

I am learning all the time new daytrix and I’m not afraid to test new daytrix. But there are those who have become a kind of base in how I handle everyday life. They are, I am very determined for it is they that have taken me this long and all I get and everything I do, I see as a real BONUS in life. I am Grateful.

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 😀 ….

See you all Iam so Gratful 😀 …….


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Pleased But Never Saturated

MinikeGirl singer songwriter

Youtube H A lasagna is in the oven and I sit and think about life as usual. In recent times, it has mostly happened, and hence it has triggered up many emotions within me. This is both good and bad right now but in the long run it will be most helpful in the end. 

I sit and work with the blog, and is complete with 2 pages of 14 in it as I do. It takes quite a long time but it is worth to make this work. Taught me a lot yesterday about this and was reminded how you can do. So I’ll grab this now when I’m starting to understand. I have also my Webmaster to talk to about this. That tour is. 

It is so interesting but it takes so much time. Now I have at least begun to understand and it is good only there. There is so much to keep track of. But I will develop my plans further in order to be able to do what I strive for. I want to be able to keep a good pace in all of this and I don’t want anything falling behind so clearly.

It has been so very much better than what I had ever been able to count on in a short period of time so I’m really happy. I feel that I start to be pleased in a good way. Pleased, but never saturated. It is important not to push yourself too much but to always keep all the good feelings of being able to be Creative today.

It will be a lot with my music now in the future which I look forward as usual. The music is a constant process, so it feels great that it works so well.

Have the Best My Lovely Listeners 😀

Many Hugs from MinikeGirl 😀 

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