There is so much love in me that my soul has begun to spread it out

I constantly strive to understand myself because it always takes me forward in life in a good way. I am thinking about it most of the time and analyze how I am and how I feel. It gives me great insights into myself and I get answers to many of my concerns. Feel so much humility on this life. I have lived with so much hatred and anxiety through my life which is now replaced with so much love. It still feels unreal that I actually feel as good as I do today. I’m really touched and grateful as I do not thought that this would happen. It makes me want to stop time and always be as confident in myself as I am. My soul is now whole and very powerful. My soul is filled with love. Let me stop time so that I always feel this way. There is so much love in me that my soul has begun to spread it out, the more powerful. It feels magical and natural at the same time. I always want to be here and I will always be there in one way or another. This is the result of a soul that has been healed. My brain don’t really understand this process, and it goes much in the past life experience  and its instincts. So I am and will probably act and be a little ambivalent in much. It’s hard to control how much I want. I am a problem solver so you understand that I have full up with myself. There is a lesson to even be able to see beyond it, which could be a problem for it is how I handle it that makes if I feel good about it or not. Right now it is very good and I am enjoying every second of it  🙂 

I have upgraded myself now and is on a step higher up, which feels absolutely amazing. It is very interesting and therefore, I stop the time for that I can. For that I am worthy to feel this way and I want to feel this way. Among the finest that can be given to me is time never forget it. I don’t know really so I know I will in time. This is what I have learned and that is the way I’m thinking. Therefore do I stop the time. Exciting to come to different insights that I all the time do. It is magical to walk on my way. 

Today I have a real light scattering day, and the day of rest. It makes good for the soul. Nice Weekend all my lovely listeners and readers  🙂 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Hormonal Bastards That Pops Up All The Time  :-P 

Breakfast time here now on this glorious Sunday. I drink tea for it has become so much coffee now on the latest. I love coffee and drink usually immense quantities. Sometimes I have these days that a bit of variety and then I drink like tea. I like both tea and coffee but tea will be the mostly because I can’t be bothered days otherwise. It is when I have a Sunday like today, then I’m not going to go anywhere and when I’ll be inside so it goes well with tea. 

It feels like I have strep throat but I know it’s just my hormones that are haunting and that this is temporary. I had tonsillitis 7 times very close to when I was younger so now I am probably immune to it. We girls have our periods every month and it interferes with all the time my medication of Levaxin. What I should is certainly to increase the dose a week before my period and maintain that increase during my period. For it will be off to eat a balanced dose when my hormones still can not be still. Then sounds reasonable to comply with in the turns. I have figured out this myself and I think it is a good idea. I’ll take it up with my doctor. It is always important to talk together with your doctor about stuff like this. What I mean is only a little increase I eat 75 mg Levaxin. What I believe, and I think this is always in conversation with my doctor. Important to never modify the dosage without having to always go after your doctor’s prescription. Another solution might be that I’m starting to eat a little more Levaxin daily to be more prepared against these hormonal bastards that pops up all the time  😛 . 

New symptoms every month and some who I recognize it is fantastic  😛  Hormonal BASTARDS !! 
As you may understand, so it is very hard for me to live with all these physical problems at the same time as I have my mental disorders. It is a big part of me that I can’t just take away. It is something that I have learned to live with. I therefore accept that it is a hassle but I think I am doing the big good otherwise. This may certainly not affect me negatively but it is something that is destroying me. It destroys what it destroys and there is nothing that I can do something about, but I accept the situation and adapt and do what I can.

Today, it is not a good idea to sing to me even though I want to so clear. I don’t dance or strength training. How will this go Haha  😛 

I have eaten a good breakfast and is happy and satisfied.

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 








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Maintain A Good life  :-) 

As you already know, I like to cook when I have the time. Cook when you just need to toss in something when you need to eat and not hungry is dull and boring, I think. When it is like this yesterday evening that I and my son to make food and then watch a movie so it is really cozy. When I have the time in a completely different way. It was a great night yesterday, we started watching an exciting cartoon funny movie  😀 

Went and shopped yesterday for just to be able to be now in the weekend without having to go somewhere. Then there will be more time for other things and the day is free. Hope you all have a lovely weekend. I’ll continue to work on this so that the evening becomes vacant.



I have all the time big much to do and sometimes I decide to have a couple of days when I am at home. When I’m at home so I work with the music and with my blog but I also keep our accommodation clean. It comes to find enough time to. Now I have decided that I will be at home for a few days to be able to maintain a good life  🙂 


Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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Magical Feelings Of My Existence

Lovely day with a lot of music creation. It is so much fun to work with my music. I didn’t sleep so many hours in the night, so I wondered a little how I would be able to. Noticed today when I sang that I don’t really have with me is my breathing. It means that it is more taxing for the whole body to sing. I burn more energy, but what I may do then is to rest a little more often just. 

I have planned how I will use my time to be able to be as efficient as possible. It works good and I get what I want done ready when I want it to be finished. I live and work so here I have my plans for the future. This is how I want to live. I am happy with my work. Two of my biggest interests in blogging and making music has become as 2 new jobs. This I have always dreamed of. Even my 3 work is something that I value very much. It really is so amazing. I have always expressed myself through writing and singing. I always want to do it here and it feels peaceful in my soul. I feel good and I constantly create stronger roads to go on. I have lived almost half of my life without found something that I am good at and that I am confident with. Now I know that it was worth all the waiting and the wondering for I have done what I thought was impossible. I have been quiet and peace in my soul. 
I work a lot with my past on a daily basis to constantly process the things which I have been involved with. Process memories from the life I lived before I started to feel good about myself. Process different events with people who have not been so good. This is possible because I live my life today as a completely different person. A person I always strived to be. The person that I am today. I continue to strive to constantly hold onto those magical feelings of my existence.
Take Care Of Each Other 
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 
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It warms my heart to see how far we have taken us through life

Have slept really well last night and right now, I hold on to wake up to. There is some paperwork that I need to get the order of which I will arrange today. Also need structure and work on the internet. But otherwise today so I will be working with my music. So it is to do all the time, and the more I work the better everything becomes. Therefore it is important to plan well the entire time and be able to think long-term. I would like to do everything I can myself. It’s a little bit scary, I think, to hire and to entrust the responsibility for my activities to other people and companies. I want to know what happens all the time in everything that I do. It is very important to me. I also know that it takes a little longer everything I plan when I do everything by myself but then it may take the extra time. I have the people I need around me in my work with the blog and the music that I need. They stand close to me and know how I operate. 

I sit and work a lot online and I try out what works and what does not. I think it is very interesting. It has taken me a big to a long time before I began to use Pinterest. I have actually not taken before how I like making music and that blogs would be able to utilize Pinterest in the best way. Every time that I tried to learn Pinterest, so it was not so great  😛 But now I’ve figured out how I’ll do there haha  😛 

Each extra kind of thing that I add will be an extra task for me to plan into my schedule. In a way, so I create a temporary more work for me but in the long term it will do more and more of itself. I think it is fun to do everything and it is very interesting. A lot of work requires that I have a neat and tidy everything is and that is where it is important that the healing time to work away the paperwork that occurs. The more I develop my blog and the more my music that I do is spread the more the work around. I try to blog and music should go hand in hand and join in the development that is taking place. But some moments I have more to do with the music and other moments so I have more to do with my blog. Still think I have a good balance of everything. It feels like I’m starting to get a better balance on the whole and that it is really worth to sit and work those extra hours to reach to my goals. 

Have had amazing conversations with many of my friends now in the recent times. We support each other and we are happy for other’s success. It warms my heart to see how far we have taken us through life. We live in our dreams and we are targeted. But what pleases me most is that despite the fact that we are many who have had it very tough in life, we have always taken us through everything. We are real fighters and I am so proud of my friends. I am so grateful to all my fellow human beings. What’s awesome is that I have had a really big tough now last year. There has been much around that I haven’t been able to do anything about. I have learned some new strategies in order to cope with these things that I can’t do anything about. Everything is a process of life and for me it is about all the time to work not to fall so deep when I fall. Sometimes it is difficult to prevent when it gets to be too much. My life strategies is now so strong that I can resist to actually end up in these depressions. What is all of this that I can’t do anything about will always be so. Therefore, I develop all the time new and stronger strategies to deal with everything in a good way. Last year as I have in all the turmoil got so many new people in my vicinity that I can trust. Good relationships have been even better. There is so much love and friendship that really has gotten stronger bond. You understand that whatever happens as it is always doing the best in even the most difficult situations.

I honor you all my friends who are by my side. I honor you all who have died. You are with me every day and I feel it in my heart and in my soul. Sit and be so grateful that I can actually be of things now-a-days is something that I haven’t even been able to imagine is magical. I never thought that I would get to experience the peace and quiet. I never thought that I would get to feel the inner peace here on earth. So I will continue to do what I love and I will continue to be grateful for everything. 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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I Feel Very Harmonious :)

After a long and lovely shower so I feel very harmonious. I started the day with to make sure that my son came to the school. Then, I started to make music. Ended up that I took a long hot shower. After a long and lovely shower so I feel very harmonious. When you have been with what I’ve been through, it’s so valuable to have these days. When I feel that I have got it back as I had not previously known me had under destructive conditions. My body is mine and only mine. When it has been the worst so has my body just felt like a shell and I have left it in difficult conditions. When I become beaten and underlying threats that if I don’t agree to have sex, so it becomes a very tough situation. When your partner is calmer if he gets what he wants.

It is thus that I have had it in the past for quite a few years, but today is as free from this as I can be. For today, especially when I showered I felt so free and that my body is my. I am reminded of how much it does for me to get to have these days. I dream nightmares about what has happened and it goes in periods. I may never forget that when this happened during the years, so I was not the one who I am today. I respect myself and who I have become. I love myself today. The problem when this happened was that I was that I thought I loved the person who had subjected me to this. How strange it may seem. I loved NOT myself and he made me not be able to do either because of the psychological abuse. Today people see life so differently and I have really struggled to get a more tolerable existence. It is days like today that feels so fantastic all the way into the soul.

My body is mine just mine………..

My soul is mine only mine…….

My psyche is Strong………

I surround myself only with strong men now-a-days. They know where the limits are. I can also have some close encounters with my male friends on a amicable plane. It is okay to stand close to me if you are a man and we know each other. For me it is useful and good for my process to be able to feel that it feels better and better. Almost all of my male friends is big-boned and has gigantic muscles. All my male friends helps me through it as I have been involved with. It is important for me to dare to take the chance to trust other people again, especially when I have had times when I hated myself. Today I love myself and I trust myself to never end up where I’ve been again. It feels amazing. 


Love you all my dear Friends both men and women so clearly  😛 

Take Care Of Each Other 

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl 

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